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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Life Question # 4


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Okay, here is Life Question # 4. This is an easy one for me to answer. :0) (Which I will do later)





IF you had to name your single worst fear, what would it be?



FYI: Losing connection to the Internet is NOT a viable answer! Ppp


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Well, I'm claustrophobic in water which means that when I'm in a pool, id rather be along with respectuous people or, even better, alone with my boyfriend. Also, I hate to be splashed at a point that I'll turn agressive. And if you are one of those pool prankster, just don't think about dragging me underwater by surprise or you in for a fight... and I can be nasty when I'm mad.

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Hydrophobia, while technically meaning 'fear of water' is commonly used for the disease Rabies.


What is my greatest fear? Good one. think think think I tend to attack my fears when I identify them - my sister has this neat sign over her desk:

"What is fear holding you back from achieving today?"


I suppose it would be failure to fulfil my responsibilities...

I take that sort of thing pretty seriously.

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I guess for me the greatest fear would be the loss of my entire family, parents and brothers, in some fraek accident or something like that. I hate leaving them, but heym, independence has its pros and cons i guess. Directy quoted from futurama, "You gotta do what you gotta do."

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Okay, although I have to agree that the being alone concepts, and the Losing love concept, or losing my husband or children concept is BY FAR TERRIBLE and horrible and almost unbearable to think about and probably a worse fear than the one I'm going to mention. However, if I had to mention a WORST fear, meaning the one I think about or worry about the most often. The fear that haunts me daily because I must have some phobia, then it would have to be man. I fear being attacked or raped or something along those lines. I think of this fear every time I have to walk from a store to my car. Anytime I get seperated from a group in a crowded place. You'll never find me going to the movies by myself, for this very reason.


Now it's not like I'm a paranoid psycho who can't leave the house, or who can never relax because she's always looking over her shoulder, it's just that it's always there, in the back of my mind. I'm always aware of it. I have had, at three different times in my life someone try to break into my house while i was home alone. Also, when I was a teenager, someone broke into our house, stole nothing, but ransacked my room. Then there is the time I WAS attacked by a drunken tenant when my husband and I used to manage apartments together for some extra money. THANK THE HEAVENS he was just around the corner that night! Nothing extremely terrible came of any of the events, but it was enough to make me scared. Enough that I never think, "Oh, it won't happen to me." Enough that we have a hand gun in the house. /sigh Scary to live in such a world where violence and crime is so rampant.


Now, even though this fear is so prominant in me, I would hands down rather face an attacker than lose one of my husband or children. So I guess I just decided to share the fear that haunts me the most as opposed to the one that would leave me the most devestated.


These questions are neat, I love reading the small peices of your lives that you share with us through them. Thank you for humoring me. *smile*

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Hmm... lessee... I've lost my family and my wife (and my home, the whole kit and kaboodle), so that's not it. Stolen by a two legged animal, so I know what you mean there. But, been there done that...


Been bitten by spiders, nearly drowned in the sea, beaten senseless, stepped on rattlesnakes, fell out of a high tree, spent months alone, had the skin scalded off my face, faced the unknown...


Loss of love, injury, threat, constant fear, isolation... eh, if it doesn't kill you, you get used to it.


I guess there's really nothing to fear but fear itself, as the old saying goes. :)

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Hrm, if I was to give the simple answer, I'd say death... but I'll expand. It all goes into the whole concept of time. This all depends on personal beliefs, and well, I don't really believe in much until I experience it. Anyways, basically when I start thinking or talking about supernatural things, I get on to the topic of time/infinite, eventually. I think about how our mere existence is a paradox; there is no beginning or end to time. One could say time starts at a certain point, but what about before that? The same thing with the future. Our world, our sun, our galaxy, it could all die out, but the universe itself will always live on. Even if it's reduced to an empty void, time will still pass. The scary part comes down to what you believe happens after you die. Again, I follow no specific spiritual path, so I'm not sure what to believe. Unfortunately, when I think about it, all I can imagine is having some sort of after-death consciousness, one that would last forever. Just the thought of existing forever frightens me. I don't know why, but it does. It's kind of ironic really, if you think about it. So in short, infinite existence = scary. Some times I kind of hope when it happens, that'd be the end of it all, just blackness without consciousness. Alas, I don't think that's the way it works though. Just the thought of not being alive in the mind doesn't seem to 'work'. I have this distinct feeling that no matter what path one follows (I respect all those that walk the path that their heart desires... so long as it isn't truly evil... like being a crazy murderer or something...) that something happens after you die.


The only thing to do is wait.

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ok going to keep it short...2 things bother me more or less equally...for different reasons.


1st. The idea that when I die..*poof* and I will no longer exist at all. The idea not learning, experiencing, just being...that scares me.


2nd. To die alone with no one that cares for me and with nothing left behind. To die without leaving the world a better place, or a lasting legacy.


the first scares me because of the idea of having no true knowledge of what shall happen, untill it happens. The second bothers me because I do believe that is how I shall die. 80 years old, with like 4 dogs and no one knows it for a week.

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I don't know if it really qualifies as a fear but I guess I'd really hate it if I didn't find something I like and that suits me (career-wise).


That's the best answer I could find after I saw that losing my internet connection wasn't allowed. Because I just moved in my dorm room and I have no connection until Sept 1st, which really sucks. Luckily I'm home for the weekend and September begins Monday. :D

Edited by Tyrion
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My worst fear isn't so much of dying as of not dying... I'd rather be dead than trapped in an unbearable situation.


And the idea of oblivion has never really worried me, because I figure that if you do simply disappear when you die, then you won't be around to worry about it. And there's no point in worrying about something that's going to happen in the future no matter what. I figure I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

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This is an excellent question... I'll have to be watching for more of these.


I am in a unique situation. I believe that God has shown me my path throughout life (more or less), and that I will face certain situations. I know my career, what I will do, and what is expected of me.


My greatest fear is that I am not strong enough to accomplish it... that I am too weak to carry out His task.


Of course, this makes me a hypocrite, because I should simply take comfort in the thought that, with Him, all things are possible. Contrarily, it's easier said than done.


So there's that roundabout thingamajig for you.

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