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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Life Question # 4


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Interesting that so many people are talking about death. I have to say, I don't personally fear death, as in what happens after death. I'm pretty secure in my beliefs in that area. However, I do have to admit that the part of death that involves dying is scary. There are a lot of miserable ways to die!!!


But, that is quite the morbid topic! LOL But, a legitimate fear none the less!!


~Salinye :butterfly:

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My worst fear(s) is/are:


I will die and realize that because I haven't figured out my true belief system (secure in being Christian, just very insecure about what exactly I do believe in within that field), and go to Hell.




That the belief system I have had all my life was worthless becuse I was really supposed to be another faith (Buddmist, Hindhu, Wiccan...others that I don;t mean ANY offense to) and I will go to Hell




That I sin all my life and never get a chance to ask forgiveness of others or God and then I die and go to Hell.



So it's really a fear of eternal damnation, but in several different circumstances that bother me the most.



I mean NO offense to anyone. I am merely expressing my fear of not chosing the correct path and I think all religions and faiths are equally great for that individual. So PLEASE don;t be offended. If I still did offend someone, please PM me, and I will address a personal appology.

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*hugs Zariah*

breathe.. breathe.. i think we all pretty well know that when people speak of their personal belief systems that they're speaking only for themselves and what *they* believe.

i've never seen you casting stones at anyone else for believing differently. you're fine.



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You know...


For myself, I don't see that a Christian has to worry about it that much... Standard Christian belief is that God is Loving and Kind.


I don't know about you... but I can't really imagine a Loving, Kind person telling me "Ok... you did the best you could... you lived the best life you could... but you took the wrong number of sacraments/ate your entree with your salad fork/some such. You did what you could, and I recognize that. But... To hell with you."


I'm not saying that you shouldn't try... I'm just saying that if God is as good and forgiving as they say, he can forgive us if the best we're capable of is still imperfect.


Now... if it turns out that, for example, the Hindus have the right of it... or some other religion completely unrelated to Christianity... then if they even have a Hell, it's a different concept. So that's a whole different issue.


But those are just my thoughts on it.

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Well, you see

I was raised in Catholic schools my whole life until I switched my junior year to public school. Now I am a freshman in college.

I am a RECOVERING Catholic... and still have a Catholic conscience.

So while I belive that God is loving, I don't think there is Purgatory and I don't think that God will forgive me if I make mistakes and forget to appologize and ammend for them.

So I fear that I won't make the most of my potential, walk in the way a Christian should, and therefore be deemed unworthy of Heaven.


But, I also have a really bad self-esteem issue, so that could be a contributing factor.

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Hmmm....let's see...Death doesn't scare me 'cause I've stared it straight in the face and I'm still here. I don't fear snakes, spiders or drowning, I just don't like the idea of any of them. My main fear is: not being loved. I hate the thought of not being loved by anyone. Wierd, I know, but true. :unsure:

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As much as some of the things here are terrifying when you thing of them...


Heights. I'm terrified of heights. There's not reason or logic behind it, even if I know I'm in no danger of falling... As soon as I'm a little ways off the ground the only thing I want to do is get back to it... the slow way.


That and I've recently had some dreams I found very frightening where I fall asleep while I'm driving.

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Yes, I know what you mean! I have had dreams where I fall from buildings. It's odd, I think in my sleep I sit up, because as I wake up from my nightmare, I fall onto my bed. However, it feels like I fell many stories, yet in reality it's only me laying back..... odd.


I would also like to say that I have a HUGE fear of spiders. I like bugs...some of them...and I feel sorry for spiders because they are actually better for our environment than others, but something about their many eyes and creepy crawly legs, and their wicked bites, just scare me into becoming a pertrified rock, when they are near. I think I am actually arachnaphobic. Oddly enough, I wouldn't mind holding a traranchula in my hand, but a wolf-spider? Oh-no. I'd RATHER go sky-diving or bungee jumping.... (and I'd rather do alomst anything else to avoid THAT).

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  • 1 year later...

Ooooh! Topic revival. :)


This is actually a really tricky question because fear is such a very strong word...


I dont really fear much as fear is typically defined.


Sometimes I fear pain... not just the normal little "owch that hurt" pain, that doesn't really bother me. I fear the heart/soul/body wrenching pain that falls under the general heading of agonizing.


It doesn't matter if it's physical or mental anguish - I find myself shying from it - even acting timid if my mind conjures up the possibility that that much pain might be on the cards for iminent experience.

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Hmm... Bleeding to death always seemed like a kind of nifty way to die. Though, admittedly, not as nifty as falling into a vat of molten plastic. I'm hoping to be beaten to death by the people who come to my funeral and find out that I'm not actually dead, but I just aimed for about a week early to see who would come. ;)


Honestly, one of the things that horrifies me is the idea of being one of those Overly Romantic (Read: CoDependent) Saps who defines their existence in terms of someone else, and hates it when said person is not around. Second would have to be finding anyone who defined their existence in terms of me.


After that comes the experience of being lost. After that comes losing my sense of control over my perspective and identity. Took me a while to take back the ability to decide for myself whether I like something or not. I'm not giving it away again. :P

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My greatest fear?

The thing I fear above all is simply having no one to love me.

I could have all the money in the world, but if I had no one who loved me, I would already be dead inside.

Money doesn't equal happiness.

What I fear is losing that which truly makes me happy.

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