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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Stops time, kicks Vincent Sillver in the shins with stell toed boots (them having spikes in the toes, also), then unfreezes time.


I am no villain. And I have sai's to use, so put away the sword, o' friend.


Runs off with Ayshela to Steel Toed Boot Land, where they both start kicking random people. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

With a weary sigh, Ayshela sinks deeply into an overstuffed chair and absolutely refuses to move


as comes the end of another long and weary week, my congratulations to us all for having survived once again.. and a thankful "welcome" to the weekend!'



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  • 2 weeks later...

There is something to be said for endurance. It's those weeks when you think you're on empty, and yet rise to the occasion that show you your boundaries are wider than you'd thought. (Not to be confused with being happy with it all, but self-knowledge is too hard won a gift to reject because of the taste.)


Happy Friday...

I've noticed a pattern in my life - when things become challenging enough that I might consider them a disaster, nearly all my emotional support structures(ESS (family and friends)) have a period of time filled with challenges as well.

Rather than lead to competition (my life is worse than yours), or cruelty (snarling and lashing out of inner pain), I've found it's worth it to try to help the ESS and allow them to help me (as much as we can for each other, and then the challenge is not to drain them like a sponge, or to resent that they don't have more to give, or get hung up on little flaws in how they gave or...).

It's a lesson and a challenge in rising up beyond the glum, exhausted, or bitter feelings of the moment, feelings trying to suck me down so deeply inside myself that it's difficult to even push words out (and you thought I'd never shut up), feeling contrary to the choice of being a good friend. It's a challenge to chose how to act, what to say, to stay sensitive to others when interiorly numb or hyper-sensitive and vulnerable. But in the long run, it has proven to be worth it.

I feel a rebuttal snarling up within - is it hypocracy to act in the loving manner of a friend, instead of displaying the honest angry cruel feeling of the moment?


I'll leave that for another Friday.


This Ramble prolly should've been expressed Under the Oak Tree, but I didn't want to waste energy clicking that many times... :P


Peredhil draws himself up, and heading into his third day of insomnia, decides to be productive and run errands.

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especially when the only right thing you can possibly say is nothing.

which.. is most of the time.

and yet, how often is that same nothing equally wrong?



*shutting up and going away, maybe thing will make sense after i've finally slept*

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I've found that problem, as well, Peredhil... generally speaking, if I'm doing poorly, all of my closest friends are as well. And if they're doing poorly and I'm not... well... pretty soon I find myself so thoroughly involved in their situations, trying to help them out of it, that I'm doing poorly as well.


So many people can't get up with a mere hand up... they need someone to push them up from underneath...


And there are some levels that I just can't sink to.




*Stops rambling*


Happy Friday to All. :)

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I'm so glad this week is over! Most ofyou know I'm a fairly (fairly? *grins*) upbeat person! But this week was HORRIBLE! TERRIBLE! I'm so glad I get to leave it in the past and start a new week!


It's the weekend it has to get better, right? I mean how many bad things can get packed into one week? YEESH!




~Salinye :butterfly:

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don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to, right?


more bad things than you would EVER believe can be packed into any one day, and a week is just seven of them end to end.

how about we flush this one along with the rest of the crap?

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Finding himself in the middle of a comotion, he looks up in time to have several people hug him, and one give him a very painful steel toed boot


OUCH! That one hurt. But at least it's the weekend. One more class to suffer through today, and then NOTHING for several days.


And what's this about the COLD NORTH? I'd be more then welcome to a little of that right now, as I can still see the smoke from the fire's up here. Almost out at least.


But anyway. IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


now, if only monday wouldn't come.


continues wandering thought the halls, carefull to aviod the boots comming toward his shins

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Yeah, this week was pretty bad. only way I could keep from snapping was to listen to Denis Leary (No Cure for Cancer) and play Madness (very fun). Then again, I think everyone hated this week, but as sad as it is, it will be weeks before this weeks horrors are gone. Lousy dances. I hate the week of the Homecoming football game and dance.

*kicks nearest male member of the Pen*

Ah, that feels good.

*accepts hugs from females, and money from guys trying to bribe to not have shins kicked*

Thank you all.

*steals ayshela one last time*


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