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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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  • 4 weeks later...

I will offer thanks after my final exam is done.


Ah, what the hey... I'll offer them now, on condition that you all realize I don't really mean it for another 5 hours.


PS. I think you meant them to be eyes, but they make good elephant ears too: >.,.

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I didn't mean them to be anything, really. I was doing that thing where you indicate a variable word or phrase by putting it in those odd shaped brackets, as I have often seen done, the comma was in there because I was only doing that to be silly and the sentence seemed to benefit from a comma if you read it as:


"It's FRIDAY, it's FRIDAY indeed."


The >, < was just kinda there, and I noticed it afterwards.


C'mon, get your head in the game here, Katz. I wouldn't say it was an accident if I'd done it on purpose. My brain isn't even shaped right to do that sort of thing on purpose.


(Though it may benefit from removing the space, I'm not sure. Probably depends on the font type.)

Edited by Tamaranis
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Ok, question....


I work weekends, so sunday is my friday, monday is in fact my saturday, but as I have to work this monday, it is in fact my friday, being the fifth consecutive day that I have worked, making tuesday my saturday, that I am working, so wed, being my next day off is really my saturday too, and tuesday is therefore my friday, thursday is my monday, making friday tuesday, but I actually have saturday off this week so friday is in fact my friday, and saturday is in fact my saturday, making sunday my monday because I have to work, meaning saturday is in fact my sunday as well. so my question is......


When can I post in this thread?



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I live in a city with both a west and an east coast, and apart from a few scattered tropical islands, and the wilderness south of the bombay hills, (the southern extreme of the city,) we get the sun first on the new day.


So ... Right coasters and wrong coasters are still in the same day most of the time, I have enjoyed saturday dinner, and await sunday morning, to start work, on what is normally my friday, but as we have heard, is thursday this week because I do not have monday off, meaning that today is wednesday, and I should not be posting for another 48 hours.



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Tam: Obviously.


Who really needs to get their head in the game then?


If it was accidental, you did not mean it.


But if it's an emoticon, you meant it afterward.


So you probably meant the > and :pinch: So early in the morning and my brain already hurts...

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I work weekends, so sunday is my friday, monday is in fact my saturday, but as I have to work this monday, it is in fact my friday, being the fifth consecutive day that I have worked, making tuesday my saturday, that I am working, so wed, being my next day off is really my saturday too, and tuesday is therefore my friday, thursday is my monday, making friday tuesday, but I actually have saturday off this week so friday is in fact my friday, and saturday is in fact my saturday, making sunday my monday because I have to work, meaning saturday is in fact my sunday as well.



That made perfect sense.


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i know, creepy isn't it?



i find the oddest things make perfect sense, and i never even think about them until someone else questions them.. LOL


*sudden memory of overhearing a kid say "i'm too awake to go tired" and dying laughing when someone else questions it, and i realized i never had*

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Ya know, it's FRIDAY again!


*Runs away with Ayshela to steel-toed boot land, yet again., but this time with a block of velveeta cheese.*


(And for the "too awake to go sleep" thing, I hate that. It's why I'm still up at this godawful tiem of the day known as morning.)

Edited by Xaious, Master of Time
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*A raven lands a table*


*Starts dancing*


*Starts singing*


*Ok, OK, OK, ..... Starts 'ATTEMPTING' to sing*




" I got a real friday, I got a real friday, Hey, I got a real friday....... *


*skips around the top of the table*




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