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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Forgotten Soul

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Everything posted by Forgotten Soul

  1. And even though forgotten I may may be, forgotten I shal not remain. Always the lonely wandering soul, Forgotten Soul believes he has now found a home. Now he can haunt the hals of the guild and remain, not quite, forgotten. Thank you for this review Wyvern, and hopefully soon my wandering will lead to many more writings in the future. Quietly, Forgotten soul leaves though the door, wishing to explore his new home.
  2. Finding himself in the middle of a comotion, he looks up in time to have several people hug him, and one give him a very painful steel toed boot OUCH! That one hurt. But at least it's the weekend. One more class to suffer through today, and then NOTHING for several days. And what's this about the COLD NORTH? I'd be more then welcome to a little of that right now, as I can still see the smoke from the fire's up here. Almost out at least. But anyway. IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! now, if only monday wouldn't come. continues wandering thought the halls, carefull to aviod the boots comming toward his shins
  3. Takes a long swig of his ale, preparing to regale a tale about life and truth, wondering if new truths that had never before occuerd to him will be shed this day. Taking a deep breath, He slowly rises to his feet. The one event that comes most freely to my mind that is due to a, as Salinye has put it, seemingly random external influence, would be a car accident I was involved in almost a year ago. In this accident, a gentalmen walked onto the road without looking. Unable to stop in time, I hit him. and killed him. This single event forced me to exam my entire life, and my entire self, to see the type of person I was. It is an action I am still undertaking. But now, as I would like to dwell on the first part of your question as little as possible, onto the second part of your question. How much do you feel in control of the course of your life? Well, as much as I do not know if anything could be done about this event, I do know that how I recoverd from it had everything to do with how much controle of my life I had. If I didn't take control of my own life, and force myself back to doing things: Going to college, Meeting friends, getting a new job, I would not have been able to go on. In response to your question then, I believe we have as much control over our lives as we ourselves are willing to exert. To this day, (and this is a belief that may haunt me to my dying day) I still believe that had I noticed something sooner, I could have changed the outcome of this event. However, I also realize that some random events are simply that. Random After this long and beleagerd discusion then, I finaly come to my point. While random events are a fact of life, and while not all events can be totaly contoled because of this random factor, How we deal with these random events shows how much control we exert over our own lives. I hope I have answerd this in a manor that befits the question. Finnished his tale, He raises his mug to Salinye, and carefully returns to his seat
  4. Thanks. I spent alot of time on this one actualy, trying to get the rythem and rhyme to work the way I wanted. I'm always experimenting with difrent styles of writing, and this is, in my opinion at least, one of my more creative styles.
  5. There are many times in peoples lives that they regret. Many ways exist to deal with these regrets, but unfortunately, not all of them are helpful. One that I personaly find very helpful though is to write about them in a poem. This was one such peom writen with that idea in mind. I now wish to perfect this peom, and wish it to be apreciated in the poetic sence. The Wish T’was a long and lonely night that came so long ago T’was a long and lonely night that came so it be so That night that came so long ago so long I know not when That night that came so long ago I’ll not do that again I wish that that night had not come that night so long ago I wish that that night had not come so I won’t have to go I do not wish to go away away so far or near I do not wish to go away except from death and fear But from the pain of it I leave going on my way But from the pain of it I leave although I wish to stay But staying here cannot be done because of fear and pain But staying here cannot be done or else I might be slain Slain form all the things that are and never will be changed Slain form all the things that are and never can be gained
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