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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Mighty Pen - Official Roll Call 17Jan03

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You are ushered in and shown to your seat by an Almost Draconic bus boy (OOC: :P). You look up on the Cabaret Stage and see Melba calling out -"Welcome one and all to the The Mighty Pen, please call out your Rank, and desired custom title, and the Elders will get onto making it so!"You open your mouth to call out....


If it is important to you, also call out how many posts you had at our old home and we can up your count here!


Ps. Welcome!, a big thanks to Hanna for helping us, and enjoy the complimentary (chemical free) cheese!

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I never realised how much I've become a change-hating old-man-attitude guy...


Damn, I mean damn!



now I have a signature so I don't need to do this anymore, but I still do, cause I have nothing better to do, so sue me, but preferably not with a good lawyer.

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Wyvern the almost dragonic Elder of Initiates jumps up gleefully from his seat, overwhelmed with the idea of gaining the privelege of becoming a bus boy... The position entitled semi-expensive cloths, using people's cars in the valet parking lot, and perhaps even occasionally giving back massages to beautifull women... Hissing sinisterly and getting a bloody nose as his thoughts run astray, the overgrown lizard loudly clears his throat, coughs up a few ashes, and then brashly exclaims:


I want my customized title to be: "Rich, handsome, powerfull, greedy, scaly, red, God-like Hater of Melba and Lizard!"


Melba rubs her forehead at the sound of Wyvern's voice, then grits her teeth and responds:


"Wyvern... not only is that a ridiculously long and irrelevent title, but you're also an Elder... you should be one of the people distributing titles, not asking for them!"


Upon hearing this, Wyvern stares at the ground mumbling something and quickly takes out a handbook for bus boys, reading up on the snippers about bus boy priveleges in gaining exclusive custom titles...

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Tzimfemme tips a salute with her flail. "We'll be coming along as you like," she says, and wanders onward with the altar for the silver flame balanced precariously atop her head. Behind her, their portion of the Pen Keep (half a tower and a chunk of the keep from underneath it) hovers uncertainly until Rydia, standing at her window with eyes shut and whip extended, tilts her thumbs forward. Trailing behind on a rope, Minta giggles as her hang glider picks up altitude once more. Rosemary appears at a lower window, looks down, and vanishes behind the draperies.


[Edit: Testing for invisible editing]

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Rune stumbles in after being trampled on from the mass of people leaving the somewhat skinny gate area of the old pen keep. "Oi, ooof" she says, rubbing her rump. She picks herself up, dusts off her clothes and wanders toward the stage. She notices several other people (and.. non people) she has had the pleasure of meeting in the past but realizes it would be useless to attempt to converse in the confusion. She raises her hand and attempts to shout her name and then suddenly realizes she has no rank and quietly lowers her hand. She leaves the area quickly with a nervous skip and meanders around the eastern side of the newly built keep and its courtyards.

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Peredhil wanders in, removes his sunglasses and carefully wipes the dust fastidiously from his shoes. Guido and Nuncio are nearly back-to-back, looking all ways as they remain 'ON' despite what their Boss has said. A string of Breselith's Floating Disks carrying baggage float like pearls on an invisible string behind them.


Elrohir has already slipped in and set up the series of room, while Elladan is still back at the old site doing something about which that the others aren't sure they want to know.


Peredhil here. Polite Ancient will do nicely. Posts? A bunch.


Thank you to Hanna for all the enormous work while juggling other pressures and stresses as well. A truly noble gift.


See Rune in the crowd and begins working his way through to give her a hug. Chaos ensues as the luggages writhes through after him. Nuncio begins to cry...

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Cerulean enters the chaos. She bears a more quizzical than usual expression and her tongue appears to be stuck firmly to the tip of her nose. Several lip contortions are executed in rapid succession, but her tongue remains glued in place.


Ith noh my thult she enunciates carefully Hath anywon theen an alnothst dwagon round here?


Noting that the spoken word is possibly not the best medium in this instance, she scratches a brilliant blue quill diligently over a scrap of parchment. When the message is finished, she holds it up for view:


My name is Cerulean, Mistress of the Desert. I'm a Quill-Bearer. It's nice to be back. :)


From the sidelines a voice interjects...


No you're not, you're a Weenie Awardee


Cerulean blinks, blushes, blinks again for good measure - then smiling as winningly as she is able with a half-open mouth and protruding tongue, sidles off quickly...

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Harpy meets Cerulean's embarrassed exit with a grin. Well, grin in the sense of sharp teeth sliding over greased lips.


She struts to the centre of the assembly, holds up a weenie in one hand and a quail in the other. It is not until one of her minions whispers something into her ear, that she dips her hand back into her pouch of Random But Handy Items and replaces the quail with a quill.


Still contemplating a suitable title for herself, Harpy strides off to antagonise Cerulean a little more.

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As usual, the Huntress walks the halls quietly, learning, observing, absorbing this new place and all the people in it. The usual moving pains vibrate through the walls, but there are smiles and good cheer, so all is well.


In time, she finds her way to where the Elders have gathered, taking and passing and scanning sheets of paper on which are scrawled titles and descriptions that probably do not begin to fully describe any of the members who have chosen them. There is only the slightest motion beneath the Ebon Cloak as she shrugs and makes her way towards the gaggle.


Gyrfalcon hears the soft footfall in the heartbeat before her voice reaches him, "It would not do to haunt empty halls, I suppose, so I'm here, too."


He turns to meet a slight, wry grin beneath the shadows of her cowl and offers his own in response. "It's good to see that I don't have to go back and Yui-nap you, then, milady." The ranger's good humor earns him a soft laugh and a mischevious look.


"Perhaps I should go back and let you try, magus." The challenge hangs in the air a moment before popping like a soap bubble before the light of her smile.


While smirking at her humor, the half-elf reflects on the fact that Temae Yui's ego might be getting a bit inflated. He ponders whether he should step in and help the situation in the near future... In the meantime, he turns to business. "Have you got your rank and title for us?"


Again, the young lady shrugs. "I don't really know what title I had, nor do I have any expectations. You magnanimous leaders may assign whatever you wish. The only thing I know is that I'd like to be labeled as the Pen's Shadow, if you would please. It suits me, I think, and my presence recently."


Ever the polite one, Gyrfalcon bows gracefully. "As you wish, Yui-sama."


His courtesy earns him a bow in return and another ghostly smile. "Domo arigatoo gozaimasu, Gyrfalcon-sama. Mata asita, neh?*"


And with that, Yui-chan steps back, allowing another clamoring Pennite to slip into her place and steal the Elder's attention. He never sees her disappear into the shadow in the far corner of the room.


{* Translated from the Japanese: "Thank you very much, Lord Gyrfalcon. Later, then..."}

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Hmm, I can't do anything storywise like Yui or clever like Cerulian....

I don't want to make this just short and faded (in a good way) like reverie's...


Well, I guess I'll just state I was hoping I could use this move to catch up to various people in terms of posts... I know it's insignificant, but I've always been jealous of Zool or Pered or Wyvern about their post count...

Oh well... I had 157 there and counting this post I have 5 here, so just put me at 162...


Title? They're insignificant... Actually Bloodsucker sounds kinda nice! No... Blooddrinker. Drinker of Blood? No... Bloodsucker. First hunches are usually best.

I trust you elders to get it right...

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Crowgirl1126 here. I come over as an initiate. This means, I was initiated and I reside in the lowest rank. (However I am really confused now b/c I see some people posted as in the poet group- perhaps that is the next rank... I don't know, maybe peredhil can figure out this all, heh, on my confusion that is) Sorry for my lack of understanding and compliance, as you can tell, I am confused...a lot in fact....so maybe that fits as a title?

Perhaps I could be identified for my custom title as " The confused one"

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