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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ayshela

  1. far too often, it's simply drifted away with those of us who've both been around long enough to remember the Pen as a family, and been swallowed whole by Real Life. =( Some of us keep coming back, though. Kinda like a boomerang, you can't throw me away.
  2. too tired for serious critique, but i couldn't pass this one by without saying "I LOVE this!" I could almost feel myself floating back in time, lying beside someone and watching them sleep, waiting until they awoke and being half-afraid that I would. There were several times I stopped and looked at how you'd phrased something and said "Oh, neat!" but I think this is my favourite - vulnerable with the need to pinch myself, and the fear that i will wake. nicely balanced, the fear and need. I LIKE this. Thank you for posting it!
  3. oh, wow. so, using the *races* of the books, but not the actual characters... following the *general* plotline of the books, but not the specific details... right? (i'm still undercaffienated and sleep-deprived for being sure i've got it ATM) this could be a lot of fun! =)
  4. many thanks for posting these, Yui! I've enjoyed reading them, though I still think my favourite is "An Offer Received In This Morning's Mail"... =)
  5. oooooooooooooh, "sweet vanilla winter" would be a lovely line on its own! nicely done! =)
  6. Ayshela


    I looked at the suggestion to strike "They say" from the first line of the third stanza, but i agree that it reads more smoothly and retains a more solid connection to what came before *with* than without it. comments on the way through - Damn the ubiquitous "They" you had me hooked here, i've cursed "they" and "them" loudly and fluently more than once. =) Well They say And They say perhaps i'm reading my experience into this, but i had to smile as i could almost feel the bitter sarcasm dripping off these lines. "They say" as if they know all - and how often They know nearly nothing. They say that I've gone away To boldly flee another day i LOVE this. The inherent contradiction in boldly fleeing brings swirling images ranging from schoolyard bullies to commanders calling a strategic retreat, and chattering comments from "he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day" to all-too-oft heard snide commentary on someone's supposed cowardice. You draw in a wide range with such neatly conflicting words, here, covering both the experience of one contemplating courses of action and the incessant sniping of detractors. To form my image in brittle clay having worked with clay, i can only look at this one and wish you luck. Well I think this time I'll decide to stay For just one more act in this endless play For just one more stroll down this forgotten way Beneath the moon, and the stars, and the trees This feels, to me, much like a deep sigh and decision to defy "them" and what "they say" even though there may be little to no pleasure in the doing ("one more act in this endless play" - one more dance with the detractors?). I confess to a slightly quizzical smile at "one more stroll down this forgotten way" as, if it's truly forgotten, how could you find it for your stroll? Forgotten by whom - you? "Them"? Anyone? Everyone? I really like the peaceful note you wrap this up with. A nice touch, as a final contradiction from your beginning point.
  7. RAH!!! Ayshela tacklehugged NightFae, rolling across the floor with her in a tangle of arms and legs before they came to a stop in a giggling heap. "Congratulations!" she said, giving NightFae an extra squeeze before getting up to go pounce Evangeline and Azuran. OOC: Congratulations! Well deserved, all three of you!
  8. *laughs* that's true, i think the last time you popped in here was after i phoned to make sure Katrina hadn't eaten you or spat you back out. Glad to see you around, whatever the cause. Kind of funny, actually, seeing you post this. I'd been thinking very similar things, though from a totally different approach point, earlier this evening. *looks* Yeah, about the time you were posting this. How's that for strange? I've noticed many times over the years that a good share of those with both "something to say" and a driving urge to say it are those most easily classified as the walking wounded. Not always, but very often. Peace, tranquility, smooth operations of the gears of life do not prick and poke and jab uncomfortably so as to spur one out of placidly experiencing life and into commentary ON life in the same ways that discomfort, distress, disturbance, dissatisfaction, and a whole host of other "dis"es do. Given safe space in which to express themselves, and secured time to write in, and the "walking wounded" - bleeding, healing or healed - can and do produce remarkable work. It's rarer to find someone producing much of anything out of a tranquil heart and serene life. Incredible work when it happens, generally, but rarer by far. Now... if getting you back here takes me phoning you, does that make me the necessary thorn in your side? *huggles*
  9. well written. i'm sorry you had to. *hugs*
  10. Why fly in face of fear when fear alone can't hold the beating heart or restless limbs of one who's less than bold? Why fly when fear appears in breathless blustery rage? Calm the wildly beating heart, let warmth your fears assuage. New line: beginnings and endings
  11. Holding the cold hand of your abandoned chrysalis, you struggled so to let it go i wish i could see you fly. new topic: hairdryer
  12. I wish i'd had a few minutes to be here yesterday, so i could have been on time for a change. Happy Birthday, Mira! Hope your birthday was nice to you, and the upcoming year continues to be so! *happy birthday hugs*
  13. a rather belated, but no less heartfelt Happy Birthday! *tacklehugs*
  14. a rather belated but no less heartfelt Happy Birthday, dear! =) *huggles*
  15. one reason i always look for your posts - you put so much of your heart in your words i can't *not* feel what you write. *rueful smile* "So the pain won't hurt so much when you can't stay." - i know this one all too well. *hugs* always glad to see you here again, even as i wish for better for you.
  16. *hisses to Mynx* nope, not a cult, it's "just" a wonderful idea which is greatly appreciated. besides, it's fun! *huggles Mynx and Crypt*
  17. *tacklehugs rev* happy birthday, dude!
  18. Ayshela and Kaitlyn made their way down the hall toward Gryphon's room just in time to see him make his frantic escape - at least, it *looked* sort of like Gryphon, though he wasn't normally so... blinding... Ayshela blessed the confines of the hall as she whirled her cloak off and up before Gryphon, capturing him gently as he fled. Kaitlyn looked a bit worried as Ayshela picked Gryphon up, bundled softly in the folds of her cloak (and, incidentally, thoroughly hidden). She interrupted Ayshela's soothing murmurs to ask, "Is he gonna be okay?" Ayshela smiled and reassured both, "Of course he will be. This won't take long to take care of, and he'll be fine." They returned to Ayshela's room and carefully closed and locked the bathroom door before setting the Gryphon bundle down and unwrapping him. Kaitlyn started the water running as Ayshela looked at Gryphon and laughed ruefully. "Well, this WASN'T what I was planning for your birthday, but it looks like the best i could do for you now is a bath. You're going to need some help getting all that off." Gryphon looked in the mirror and winced, then just sighed. LOL Oh dear, CheerMynx is such wonderfully deadly fun!!! LOL Happy Birthday, Gryph! Hope it's splendiferously fun and involves not one hint of white-out! *tacklehugs*
  19. *laughs* glad to know i'm not the only one who's staunchly resisted the Harry Potter craze. I've got the whole SET sitting here, hardback even, waiting for me to make time to read them - bought as a gift for me by someone who loves them - and they've been there since before my birthday last fall. O_o I suppose i really should break down and read them, eh?
  20. i like this, though i can't really pinpoint anything in rhythm or phrasing in it. You had me caught with the first two lines, though, and the mental image of strings of people fading back through time - each reaching up to their idol before them - held through the end. If that was what you intended - marvelous! =) And if it wasn't - well, that's where i went with it, and i liked it anyway. =P =)
  21. *hugs* always glad to see you here, and see you writing, even if sometimes it does leave my heart aching. *hugs*
  22. *nods* narrowed to a singular, it's much more personal and easier to make associations. i've always liked this one, and appreciate seeing the changes as you go through it.
  23. thought provoking. i know several people who could easily describe themselves so, and have often wondered if they even knew the truth about themselves any more. small comfort, but i suppose one must *know* the truth to choose to lie? *hugs* thought provoking. i've nothing more solid than that for feedback atm, but something which makes me stop and think is always appreciated.
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