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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ayshela

  1. poor NightFae.. i should have waited until she wasn't half-asleep sick. may have to just read it to her.
  2. Accursed, wretched little girl - the gift of words once given her to soothe the hearts and ease the minds of all those she would gather. Twisted, tarnished gift she wields - soothing words donned barbs and blades to wound the hearts and flame the tempers thus turning love to hate. Accursed, wretched little girl - blessed by gods with silver speech; by gods who weep - now tainted gift lets devils laugh and dance in glee.
  3. oooooooooh, Zariah, that's eeeeeeeeebil! insert one story into another... mwahahahahahahahahaahahahahaaaa!!! i love it!
  4. oh gods, Yui, that's wonderful! must must must drag NightFae in to see, this is SO up her alley! brilliant, and so completely in tune with current moods...
  5. no words of wisdom for you, hon. just lots of *hugs* and a reminder that you're always welcome in my inbox, or any other way you can get hold of me.
  6. 0. [Female] - Mynx 1. [Verb, past tense] - pounced 2. [Adjective] - shiny 3. [Adjective] - slippery 4. [Noun] - tuna salad sandwich 5. [Noun] - Orlan's left sock 6. [Noun] - Minta's last pixie stick 7. [body Part] - right earlobe 8. [Verb, past tense] - scurried 8.5 [Male] - Zool 9. [Car part] - rocker arm cover 10. [Adjective] - squirmy 11. [Verb, past tense] - slithered 12. [Noun] - leftover beef jerky 13. [Adjective] - perfect
  7. Ayshela

    Read Me

    While it seems absurd to "bump" a sticky, it occurs to me that we've had a whole bunch of new people come in since this issue was brought up and resolved, and recognizing that stickies are often the least-read messages in ANY forum I thought it was time to bump this one back up. =)
  8. kittenfight!!!!! *giggles* hummmmmmm.. I wonder.... *laughs* "grins and hits Ayshela with a flying tacklehug" becomes "Grimassen and Ayshela completely burn by tacklehug a flight" rah, I've invented a word which doesn't translate - tacklehug.
  9. When day is done and darkness falls turns, after translation back and forth a few times, into If the day is given to the form and the density it falls I think this translator has a thing about density. (seems darkness turns to density on the translation to/from German. hrmmmm) EDIT: rah! got one that remained somewhat close to original intent... Coffee is the stuff of life. becomes The coffee is the substance of the duration. heck, I can live with that. Now, where'd I put my coffeecup?
  10. "Then you wouldn't have to wrestle for it." and what fun would that be???
  11. oooooooooooooh! a bathtub full of coffee?? now THAT sounds wonderful!
  12. Ayshela swerves back around midstride. coming within range of the seething Mynx, she launches herself in a flying tacklehug, pouncing Mynx mid-seethe. Purring softly, she snuggles and hugs Mynx into blissful semi-consciousness as tension fades, then drops a soft kiss on her forehead and scampers away softly so the next "squeeeee" won't disturb her.
  13. A sudden strange sound is heard, indescribable and high pitched. It appears to be connected to the person rapidly approaching... "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" And a giddy, hyperactive Ayshela dances through the room at full tilt on her way to destinations unknown - and probably better not asked, it's quieter that way.
  14. coffee brake - that last minute maneuver when you see a coffee shop you haven't tried yet.
  15. A slightly disheveled Ayshela strode through the door with an apologetic look for reverie and Zariah. "I'm sorry I'm late, it's been a bit hectic lately. I know I'm signed up for the open mike, should I go on after Vlad or is there someone else ready then?" Zariah quietly assured Ayshela that her going on next would be fine, so they watched the crowd gathering while listening to Vlad. Ayshela took the moment to quickly smooth her hair and brush her clothing back into proper order so that when she took the stage she was prepared. Taking the mike she smiled briefly at the audience and said ,"Before I begin, I assure you this is nothing related to any of you." Scanning the crowd once more, she took a breath and nearly spat the words... Pride Backbiting, badmouthing, backstabbing bitch you claim that you love her then try to destroy what little remains, not just of your friendship but those she has led you to, sharing the wealth of warm hearts, companionship, friends in dark hours knowing you needed them, shoring you up - she gave you everything and watched it all sour as you turned them against her to make them all yours. Backbiting, badmouthing, backstabbing bitch it's only in forms of betrayal, you're rich. With a wry smile for the stunned silence, Ayshela returned the mike to its stand and made her way to the judges' table. Warily looking at the remaining seat which Vlad had carefully left for her next to Wyvern, Ayshela muttered to herself "I think I might need a drink for this." and went in search of a purveyor of scotch before taking her seat.
  16. 1. a Pen member - Finnius 2. animal - panther 3. Verb that signifies moving - swinging 4. a Pen member - Yui-chan 5. animal (plural) - kittens 6. verb - row 7. place - the Wiggly Cabbage patch 8. an event - the completion of the trans-continental railroad 9. verb - stalk 10. verb - pounce 11. noun - a pickle 12. verb - bubble 13. adjective - slippery 14. noun - seaweed EDIT: corrected per Sweetcherrie's correction =)
  17. and a very merry birthday to you! 22, eh? someone bring the fire extinguisher for all the candles?
  18. *laughs madly* wonderful, Wyv!
  19. Happy birthday, though i somehow doubt you're the age listed.
  20. oh God yes! Three weeks long, at least! *puts on steel toed boots and KICKS the week away* I am sooooooo ready for the weekend!
  21. 1) Sweetcherrie 2) platypus 3) swinging 4) Loki Wyrd 5) splendiferous 6) white fake fur vest 7) waterski the upper left corner of Orlan's closet 9) Minta's bag of Pixie Stix 10) silver-plated 11) decrepit computers 12) silencing 13) nun 14) navy grog 15) Tzimfemme 16) micro mini skirt 17) handheld mirror 18) lavender blue 19) left big toe 20) clown wig
  22. rah! *belated tacklehugs and complimentary removal of stray bits of kitten fur*
  23. *belated congratulatory tacklehugs as is only appropriate*
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