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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ayshela

  1. (*sssssnicker* "Puppy" - oh, that's too perfect!!! *falls out laughing*)
  2. cool. my day kind of ran away from me, so I've not gotten a chance to yet, but will get that up tonight.
  3. Giles - Linador can bring your pack horse in, but I won't have time for a post until later this afternoon. If you'd rather I not, just let me know.
  4. agreed! i'll probably have to be here at some point for WW, but i'm rather vainly hoping to have part of the day OFF. 'course, as many of my kids as are around here off and on, maybe they'll see this, eh? LOL "Mother's Day - when Mom gets to sleep late!" heh
  5. Kaitlyn and Ayshela had just put the finishing touches on Ozymandias' seven layer raspberry filled fudge frosted double chocolate cake when they heard the commotion of Stoomp's arrival. They hurried to see what was going on, and found a bemused Oz breathing semi-normally and trying to detach a metal sheet without losing too much of himself in the process. Kaitlyn threw herself at Oz, gleefully huggling him around the knees before running off to find out who the unknown dwarf was and showing him around the Keep. (Stoomp - beware! *g*) Ayshela helped Oz remove the metal plate and wrap the very sticky candy before handing him a couple extra napkins from the party preparations. "Happy Birthday! Would you like a chance to clean up, catch your breath, and have some coffee before anything - or anyone - else hits you?" she asked, with a broad smile. OOC: Happy Birthday! Hope it's splendiferous! *huge hugs*
  6. mmm. could be. hadn't thought to log out and check which ones were available...(though I don't think they *are* available unless logges in...) just cycled through them to see which one she might have gotten switched to which *didn't* have the graphic. Of the two which should be available, it's *there* so something must be blocking it on her system. Probably have to start with the standard "clear cookies/clear cache" and go from there. :-S
  7. leaf (dang, everything seems to come back to apple, lately! LOL)
  8. If you select the IPB 2.1 Default it's there in blue. If you select the IPB Default or the Mighty Pen Tan (Mighty Tan Pen?) It's there in brown in both. IF you select the Pre 2.0 skins, you have the Invision logo and no Pen sword. At least, as I just checked the available skins, that's what shows on my system. Which skin do you have selected?
  9. Linador, back to back with Mattias, was facing the animals' supposedly safe grazing grounds. Seeing Seothen beseiged by wargs, he took down those beasts as were in clear vision, taking care to keep Seothen's movements well clear of the line of fire. Keeping the wargs from Mattias' back *and* as clear as possible from Seothen would not have been a stretch did not he have to ensure that no one leapt unseeing in front of a speeding arrow. Turning quickly to down a warg which had slipped the other side of the horses, Linador had a brief second to wonder how many directions he could watch at once. Dismissing the thought, he returned full attention to the battle and the hope that they would run out of wargs before arrows.
  10. niiiice! Junior High grammar was a loooong time ago, so the brush up is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Yui!
  11. nifty! thanks, that's lots more than I remembered!
  12. Linador heard the soft approach, stealthy and curiously unwolflike despite the clear shapes and glinting eyes which soon surrounded them. Biting back futile curses, he took his place in as clear a space as was reachable then, arrows flying nearly as quickly as he could nock and loose them. He spun in horror at Mattias' muffled curse, but there was no time to reach him before the already springing warg did. Mattias' skill and reflexes kept him as safe as any of them were, and Linador followed him as he sprang free and caught up his bow again. "We'll need to gather what arrows we may in the morning. But for now, best we guard each other's backs," Linador said as he nocked another arrow and sent it into the warg which had approached, and completely obscured, Jin.
  13. *giggles* *psst - you're welcome! now... RUN!*
  14. Linador continued on, navigating both thought and trail apparently unseeingly. The news of the slain pack mule had been shocking and disturbing enough, both for needless slaughter and simple logistics. "At least it was a quick and painless death. Poor beast," he muttered. "Now that leaves us all shouldering part of her burden, and just when we need to be moving swiftly and surely." He walked on in silent thought, hearing fragments of conversation and murmured thoughts around him. Suddenly he stopped and looked further up the pass. "The weather is worsening, and quickly. Mule or no mule, we may not be able to make it through," he said. Yet thoughts ran on - "Whoever killed the poor mule must be in league with those who would stop us. What of Yeager? He'd proven he could move without being either seen or heard. It could be him. It might be him. Yet could not elf or ranger do the same? I don't know. I don't know. But I'll have to find out." OOC: haven't a clue, but the dice say Venefyxatu/Neriam
  15. LOL *sends a fleeting deer to distract the wolf pack and give Tanny time to escape*
  16. still working on a post, but won't likely get a chance to actually *post* it until tomorrow afternoon - should be within the deadline by a couple hours.
  17. wow. She whispers sweet nothings in his ear, but all he understand is pain. I know too many people this fits too well. the red rose on the stone in a bloody rave. this line is a bit obscure. You'll probably lose several readers there. She wishes he was back to render her speechless. But if he did come back...What wouldn't she say? nice. it'll take me a bit to untangle the thoughts on this one, but - nice... nicely done. always a sad topic, but gracefully handled.
  18. ... ... fries going with third word on this one...
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