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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Life Question # 2


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If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone who is currently alive, who would you select?


Bonus Question:


If the parameters changed to include anyone in history would your choice change, and if so who would it change to?


There you go! Let us see a bit of YOU, because YOU are GREAT! :


~Salinye :butterfly:

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heh, let's see. If I could spend the evening alone with anyone alive it would be with John Gray, the author of such amazing (note the sarcasm) books such as Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. I would like to actually sit down with the man and ask him what makes him think that he's such an expert on relationships? Considering that he's been divorced like what, seven times, I think that he'd be best at breaking up relationships instead of making them work. Naaa...he's just one of the pet peeves that I have.


flutters her wings and pushes a curl behind her ear


For real though, if I could spend the evening with anyone, it would be with my friend Dave. Just to let him know that though I'm not around too much, I still cherish our friendship.




If I could spend the time with anyone that's dead, I would have to say Jesus. That was an easy one for me. I would like to spend time with someone and know some peace. If anyone could help me with that, I think that it would be him.


wanders out to her tree, butterflies dancing crazily around her head

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Seeing as this would be a unique opportunity to experience time with someone you couldn't otherwise, I think I would choose Piers Anthony as my companion for an evening. I have great respect for the man as both a thinker and a writer, and I would love to talk to him about his experiences as an author and maybe get his advice and critique of my own work. I aspire to being a writer of his calibre, not only with my words but with the depth of thought and insight that goes behind them. I want to ask him how I can write books that make people stop and think and reflect and wonder why they hadn't thought of things like that before.


So... um... yeah. Definitely Piers Anthony. :)



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i would definitely love to spend an evening with Piers Anthony. it would be nice to carry on a conversation without snail mail lag time. :-\ But... i think if i were given the choice i would still choose my best friend, as there's so much to talk about and so little time - one night wouldn't even touch all there is to say, but would be one night closer than we are now. :)


Someone dead... my father.

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I would probably spend the time talking with either Paul Simon or Bob Dylan. Both of them are fantastic song writers as well as excelent acoustic guitarists and I would just like to ask them how they do it.


If I could choose anyone from history I would choose Judas Iscariot, just so I could get his side of the story.

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Oooh, toughie, I'm not quite sure if there's a good answer I can give to this one. There are a lot of people I'd like to hang out with for one night. I mean, not to take them for granted, but I *can* spend pretty much any night I want with my friends, so I don't think they'd mind missing out on one night. So that leaves someone I don't see very much, or haven't seen in a while or someone I don't know. I think this one's a three-way tie. For people I don't know, I'd have to say either Christina Ricci or Allyson Hannigan. Rrawr. Someone who'd I'd really like to see in person though, for even just a fraction of a night, is the lady of many names (from the old AMBBs...) and my former internet-girl-friend (bleh) by the name of Pamela. I'd *really* like to know what her deal was. *muttering*


Bonus Answer: For those of us not with us now, I'd have to say my grandpa on my dad's side, since I never met the guy (he died when I was about 2). Of course, I wouldn't mind meeting Billy the Kid, since he seems like the party kinda dude (ala Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) or King Arthur, if he isn't a fictional character... which I'm pretty sure he isn't (fuzzy memory, early morning)

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I would pick myself. I've always wanted to see what I'm really like from a third person perspective. I've asked many a person, their answers are wide and varied.


And for the bonus points, I'd go George Bernard Shaw. Just to see how many times I have to quote him before he loses it and tries to deck me

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Since everyone else is meeting Christ I'll have to not plick him...I guess I'll just get the reports here anyhow ;)


Living: Hmm, for this one I want to pick someone that I know I'd like to meet, but who's very hard to meet I don't know any writers well enough to know if I'd like to chat with them and I'd pick a publisher or agent if I knew of any who I was sure I could interest. However since neither of those more practical dreams would work, I think I'd meet a couple internet people. *looks around at some Pen people who probably know who they are :)*

Unreallistic: Gandalf with my grandfather as a very close second

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Well to answer my own question....


The obvious answer would be my husband, even though I live with him and see him every day. A rare 24 hours with no children, just he and I? HECK YAH! BUT if I weren't allowed to choose the obvious choice because that's too easy, well then I'd say........Hmmm....Then I think I would want to spend the day with a mom in a third world country. I would want to do everything she does, experience her life. I would choose this in hopes that I would walk away with a greater appreciation for my life and compassion for those around me. Also, it would be nice to have a renewed desire to actually follow the old cheesy saying..."I want to help make the world a better place."


Now if the parameters changed, and it could be anyone from history, well then I have LOTS of people I'd want 24 hours with. Like Maybe Jesus. Love to hear what he has to say about life today! Or maybe Hitler. Perhaps I could understand his insanity, or maybe soften him. You never know. Perhaps I would even choose my late grandmother...You can't imagine how much I would cherish 24 hours with her again! Or perhaps I'd spend it with a police cheif in the late 60's and take him up in a building near the mossy gnoll (spelling) early into a particular parade so we could all finally KNOW who would want to shoot president Kennedy. Who knows, these are just thoughts that came to me when I was actually pondering the question. :0)

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... this is a good question, though the first, most immediate answer that comes to me for those that are alive would be... Well, my girlfriend, duh. I don't get to see her too often, so every second I'm with her is bliss. On a second note, I'd maybe like to be with her parents during friendlier terms... I don't know anything about them, and I hope one day I can be friends at least.


Now, if you say dead... I have to disagree with Mr. Jesus. The only thing i'd ask him is how he walked on water, but he'd probably tell me god did it. Acceptable nswer, but if I know what he's going to say, no point, right? Hn... Dead folks...


Well, if I could go with my psychotic half of me, I'd say... Jack the Ripper or Charles Manson. I don't know if the latter is dead or not, but I just love psychotic people! No motives, just killing for the fun of it. (I'm not going to hurt any of you, I swear. It comes with being a pacifist.) But, I'd most like to meet... what was his name? He died in the eighties... OH, wait! Never mind him! I want to meet John Lennon! Yay! The Beatles are so cool!

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Hum... good questions.


Alive: I think I would like to spend the night with crazy artists like Jean Leloup or Daniel Bélanger juste for a fun party.


Dead: Well, it could be interesting to have tea with Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Both fascinates me and I'm intrigued to know how they lived back then. Also, I would like to have a reunion with my deceased grand-parents.


(BTW Damon, Charles Manson is still alive)

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Well, speaking in reference to the Hitler bit...


The man tried to dictate the affairs of an empire that he hoped would take over the world, yet he could not spell his own name properly to save his life. I'd say, myself, that one like that is probably not right in the head.


But that's just my opinion.


Anyways, if I could spend one night with any living person, it'd have to be a tossup between David Eddings and Piers Anthony.


Dead... and given that we'd be able to communicate regardless of language issues... I'd probably opt for Homer. The guy who wrote the Iliad in Dactyllic Hexameter deserves respect, after all.

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Oh, I just thought of some people I'd love to meet. Toshiro Mifune and Akira Kurosawa. I'm sad to say I don't know if they're living or not, but I think they'd be some interesting people to meet. (For those who don't know, Toshiro Mifune has played the role of a samurai in many movies directed by Akira Kurosawa. All of which that I have seen have been good so far ^.^ )

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  • 2 months later...

I would love to spend time with my childhood nanny, Kathy.

She was the one who raised me while my parents were at work.

From the age of 6 months, I was alone with Kathy every weekday while my parents went to work.

Despite my lack of excellence in the memory department, I do remember things concerning my early childhood when they included myself and Kathy.


She was an African American mother with children of her own who were grown with families of their own, but she was a widow and lived alone.


Through her, I learned a lot about the value of family and how money is not important in the long run.


I had invited her this past May to my graduation, and I was going to see her after 10+ years, but she was hospitalized. She was sad and called me to appologize. A few weeks ago she sent me a beautiful necklace and bracelet, and I feel guilty for not seeing her.


So if I could, I would spend my evening with her. We would catch up on our past and present, and be the best friends we used to be.



If I could go back in history, I would spend an evening with my Uncle Tom.

I was too young to get to know him really really well, but he was my second father. I was really close to him, and my mom was super close with him. He was what tied our family together. He battled cancer and after 5 years of Kemo and Radiation, lost. Things have never been the same since. I would want to get to know who he was, because I am a young adult now, and could form a real friendship with him.


*wipes the tears from her cheeks*


If only things were different.....


(sorry, this was really a hard thing to share.)

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My living choice would have to be Steven Hawking. Spending time with family and friends I can make a reality with a little effort.


My dead choice would either be King Menes or Galileo Galilei. I would choose King Menes simply because he was the first king of the 1st Egyptian Dynasty. Imagine how different things much have been back then! Galileo would have to be my second choice if I had one. First of all I would like to be the one to tell him his heliocentric theory was right, and talking to him would be absolutely amazing!

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