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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

a little bit of wisdom


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Here is a quote I got the other day. I've been thinking about it since then. And since I take a theory of knowledge class, I dunno it just was like I'm here for you. I'm rambling now here you go.


"But what makes these 'experts' preach their opinion and call it truth?" asked the inquirer. "Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?"


"Apart from consciousness," answered the Buddha, "no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts and dogmas."


-Majjhima Nikaya

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Scarlett stands frozen. Her head is cocked slightly, lips pursed in weighty contemplation. The only evidence that she is in fact, still alive, is evidenced by a throbbing neck-vein and occasional rapid blinking.


She must be imagining a life stripped of theorizing and dogmas... :P

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>"But what makes these 'experts' preach their opinion and call it truth?" asked the inquirer. "Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?"<


Maybe, maybe not... for what is 'Truth'?


>"Apart from consciousness," answered the Buddha, "no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts and dogmas.":unsure:



Just my thoughts. Please do not attach any theories, lusts or dogmas thereto.

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Indeed they are! :D


After commenting briefly, Harpy turns her mind to more intellectual pursuits, and busies herself retrieving a stick for Cerulean. Having watched Scarlett's three inept attempts at either locating, capturing, or returning said stick, Cerulean furrows her brow - doubting she'll ever teach this old dogma new tricks. *groan*


Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry lol! He started it! *points wildly*

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I Sit and Wait

by Max Ehrmann


I sit and wait upon my soul to-night,

And watch the sea and sky,

The silent moon's far-reaching light

That glorifies the night.


Now would some keen, hard-headed son of trade

Laugh loud at me, and say,

"Tell me of what stuff a soul is made.

The thing's no good in trade."


And proud philosophers would hard contend

To tell me all they knew,

Forgetting that the lights of heaven blend

And shine, while they contend.


So each one to his wish, and as for me,

I sit to-night and wait

To find the answers to my soul in me,

And in the beauty of the sky and sea.




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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my favorite quotes:


"The truth you speak has no past and no future.

It is, and that's all it needs to be."


~Richard Bach, "Illusions"




I must admit i do like the original quote. It's encouraging to see *someone* pointing out the desperate need many people seem to have, to believe that they are right and anyone who dares think or believe differently is wrong and will come to a bad end. Why can't we all, in our differing beliefs, be possessed of a portion of the Truth? Rather like slices of an apple - that you and i have different slices does not mean one of us has something other than apple.


Or perhaps the meandering thoughts make sense only in the recesses of my own mind. :)

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" ... there must be some 'Absolute Truths' somewhere - else why would any of us even bother looking. "


The very fact that we can percieve an existance must mean that there is ultimate truth. For anything to exist there must be something of substance to sustain it. and so, as definitions for these things must exist, even though we may not be able to use language to define it, the idea of them is definition enough, and so it is the truth.


So, yes, Bud my man, there is truth. The problem with this anti-realism which you preach is that there is an ultimate truth, you are just chosing to ignore it because you can't understand it, you cannot see. The mistake is in believing that just because you can't see it, that doesn't mean it is not affecting you. (Listen up you anti-realists: Truth is relevant simply because at the end of the day everything is either true or false, right or wrong. it is not just subjective, it just happens that the subjectove is all we can be sure of in ourselves)



But then again the scholars suffer from the same problem. In fact, that I attest this to be truth also faces the same problem.

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I walked a mile with Pleasure

She chattered all the way

But there was nothing I could learn

From all she had to say

I walked a mile with Sorrow

And never a word said she

But, oh, all the things I learned

When Sorrow walked with me.

- Anon.


"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."

- Oscar Wilde


"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

- Oscar Wilde


"Don't base your life on quotes."

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i don't dispute there being a level of fundamental truth, IF you accept the basis that existence is a fundamental truth. By that i mean existence of the universe and all within it, not just human existence.


i do, however, question the statement that the idea of the definition is definition enough, because ideas about a part of a fundamental truth, accepted as the whole of the fundamental truth, have often been the basis of bloody disagreements.


i think we all seek after fundamental truths. i don't think we grasp all of any truth we find a portion of. what i personally see in the original quote is an acceptance of consciousness, being, as fundamental truth - and rejection of humanities penchant for seizing a small portion of the truth and believing that is all there is, that anyone who finds a different portion of truth is wrong.


i may be completely misreading this, of course, but for myself i don't see what's so objectionable about this. i'm not an anti-realist, though i doubt whether we ever fully grasp the reality which surrounds us. I agree that there are many things which we cannot see which affect us, but i disagree that things are black and white, right or wrong, good or bad. I believe that just as there are many portions of the truth which have been perceived, that in many situations lesser than "fundamental truths" people can be and are partly right, partly wrong. Situations and things and people can be and are partly good, partly bad, if you want to use those judgements. Subjective is really the only way we can judge anything, but our subjective judgements are somewhat perilous because they are based only on the portion of truth we perceive and our interpretation, our understanding of a situation which may be based on a different portion of the truth.


and again, my thoughts only, which may make sense only within the chambers of my mind. :)

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