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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Werewolf Vol.I: Back To Romania

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(OOC: Welcome to the werewolf thread! With this post, the game begins. When you post here you are in character. Type OOC for when you wish to make yourself clear for voting. Here's our cast...



Damon Inferel

Lady Celes Crusader

Degenero Angelus








Spder's Soul


Let the hunt begin!)


It was a cold nigh in January. The village of Pruskansta lay in it's chilly vally, waiting for the warmth of spring that was so far off. However, all was not quiet in the village.


Good farmer Brown had decided to go out to the root cellar to gather some grains for mash in the morn. But as he emerged from the cellar...


The next morning Frmer brown was not seen by the other villagers. One of the town guard, Venturi had a look around. Soon it was reported back that Brown was dead. Very soon it was made clear, Brown was attacked by two werewolves!


With food so scarce, there was no doubt. A werewolf would have had to be someone who lived in the valley... posed no doubt as one of your own!


Venturi has gathered all the villagers in the village into the town hall.


"It seems that we are plauged once again by the wolves... But now is where we strike back! Today, I'm afraid... one of us must die!"


You all murmur until Venturi calls for order.


"I'm afraid with the roads blocked off, there is no choice but to find who killed frmer Brown ourselves, but no normal prison here could hold a werewolf. We moust vote on who was the killer. We will hang the one who is chosen... and hopefully we can sleep peacefully again."


Venturi goes silent. He awaits the crowd's decision.


(OOC: It's day phase! All players must vote for another player to die! Whoever has the most votes when either, a) All votes are in or B) when Tuesday rolls around, will be dead and cannot Speak in the thread. Let's face it, nobody here speaks dead. Good luck all!)

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(OOC: I figured we should all introduce our characters for the sake of having something to base the first vote on.)


Mira, a farmer who lives alone outside of town and generally keeps to himself, stands up in the back of the hall. "I've no time for this insanity", he shouts. "There's work back at my farm that I'd much rather be seeing too then sitting here listening to this lunacy."

Edited by Mira
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this may be forward in the accusations but it must start somewhere and I believe whoever starts it looks bad for being accusation happy. so knowing tha you other villagers have had it out for the stream going through my property I will start accusing from the choices of the village influential elders

Gwaihir, Damon Inferel, Lady Celes Crusader, Degenero Angelus, X-Sabre, Eyremon, Tanuchan, Merelas, Mira, Nave, Vahktang, and Spder's Soul


my choice for lynching is Vahktang. he seemed awfully paranoid about the village meeting today.

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Eyremon we've been neighbors for years, but I've been neighbors with Vahktang for longer. Sorry but if you cross him, you cross me!


I say this noose should fit nicely around Eyremon's neck!




OOC Gotta vote for someone :) Nothin personal ;)

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A woman who has been sitting on a bench at the side of the hall raises her voice "Pff, I myself am rather suspicious of that M guy in the back who didn't even want to come to the meeting. Maybe because he has something to hide, neh?"

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Tanny, the no-nosense barmaid of the local tavern, raises her voice amid the murmur.


"Stop all this noise! How can you even listen to each other in the middle of this tumult?"


The villagers stop for a while, looking at her. Some of them remember quite painfully how she uses to stop barroom brawls, so immediately shut up.


"Listen, we should gather our wits and start thinking. If we start flinging out accusations just because our neighbor didn't greet us last morning, we'll just finish ourselves off! No brawling here, right?" *surveys the now silent room* "Good. So, now we need to sort out who has been behaving strangely lately... who has shown an abnormal secrecy, or the like. I, for my part..."


Tanny becomes silent, her eyes holding and weighing each one of them. Most have been her friends for a long time, all of them dropping by the tavern at least twice a week, looking for talk and fun. She shakes her head sorrowfully.



OOC: I'm witholding my accusation for now... will post again shortly, after more people have chance to present themselves :)



Edit: tavern=inn?

Edited by Tanuchan
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*A young woman in the back slowly stood up adjusting the black bandages over blind eyes with her deep brown staff in one hand that looked like angry dogs chewed upon she cleared her throat and spoke in a soft tone, yet loud enough for all to hear:* "The tavern wench, is right, but I have to say... *Before she fully spoke her siteless gaze wandered over to Mira a smile came to her lips* "Good sir, tell me why you think this is instanity? we are trying to make this place safer for...all of us... you know the dead dont need farms... *She said in that cool tone of hers a matching smile upon lips the color of dried blood. she then took her seat to listen to the others*

Edited by Spiders Soul
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"It's insanity simply because I have better things to do then to bicker over some attack by a pack of wild dogs!" Mira shouted in response to the deformed woman's question. ""It's insanity because I don't think there are any wolves or other such nonsence." "And as for me being some fairytale creature, bah, you'd have to be more crazy then a young buck in rut to think up something as loony as that."

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"'tis always the 'disbelievers' who have the blood upon their hands, now whose to say they are not real? People have been dragged from their homes in the night. how do explain that, sir?...other creatures would leave a trail of blood yet these creatures have braids they are smart how do you think they have eluded us for all this while? and the longer we ignore it the more murders there will be, and you could be next sir, so I suggest you curb your tounge and open your mind *Still while she spoke she would always keep that same level of calmness a smile upon her lips*

Edited by Spiders Soul
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this may be forward in the accusations but it must start somewhere and I believe whoever starts it looks bad for being accusation happy. so knowing tha you other villagers have had it out for the stream going through my property I will start accusing from the choices of the village influential elders

Gwaihir, Damon Inferel, Lady Celes Crusader, Degenero Angelus, X-Sabre, Eyremon, Tanuchan, Merelas, Mira, Nave, Vahktang, and Spder's Soul


my choice for lynching is Vahktang. he seemed awfully paranoid about the village meeting today.

my choice for lynching is Vahktang.  he seemed awfully paranoid about the village meeting today.

I haven't even spoken yet, and I'm already paranoid?

You are just jealous of my sucessful weaving business.

And the fact I won't buy wool from your decrepid sheep!

Eyremon we've been neighbors for years, but I've been neighbors with Vahktang for longer. Sorry but if you cross him, you cross me!


I say this noose should fit nicely around Eyremon's neck!

I agree with my neighbor.

Eyremon is a loudmouth anyway, and the village would be better off without him - even if he isn't a wolf!

[i bite my thumb at him]


More later,



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i would agree go ahead lynch me if it helps you find out who the werewolf is. but it would do no go to lynch an innocent person. if these are the lengths that are gone to free a farm have fun. i change my vote to myself, i am not afraid to be lynched :wolf: . as always the first people to speak are the ones being lynched.

Edited by Eyremon
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Sabre, the town drunkard and overall loudmouth stumbles into the "meeting"


*hiccup* " I think you all be guilty! Ev'ry last one of ya! I know it wasn't me, *hiccup* I'm too dwunk to do anything. But if I had to guess, it's probably that Merelas guy. He's always got the shifty eyes."


Falling into a seat nearby, he slunches back and glares at all the townspeople, holding his bottle close at hand.

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A woman is standing next to Vahktang was a bit upset by the whole chaos.


- Calm down, please! I've seen lots of people in my inn but I'm must say that I'm unsure about that Mira stranger myself. Something about him is suspicious but I cannot say what.


*Celes, the innowner, is proudly placing her apron and blouse back in place.*


Edit OOC: Have to correct some things. ;)

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*Slaming down his pint of ale, Nave stands and faces the crowd*


"Well I feel better! Eyremon wants us to help him commit suicide. He said he wishes for us to lynch him so let us all obliege. Even if he's not the wolf we'll be following his wishes.


Now then, Tanny lass, my lips are getting parched... How about another pint of that fine ale?"

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Ok, ok, Nave... here it goes but please, don't follow the example of Sabre. *refills*

But, please... stop, you three! *glares also at Eyremon and Vahk* You've been friends, so why starting all this round of accusations? Eyremon, don't you go on telling me you really want these people to believe you are an evil shapechanger!


[Goes to Sabre, trying to rouse him]

Sabre? C'mon, it's me, Tanny! Who gave you that bottle? Sabre?



[No result whatsoever... she sighs]


Everybody here seems to have lost his sense... Mira, tell me... why this resistance of yours to cooperate? Can't you see that we have to stay together now?? You...

*narrow her eyes, a sudden thought crossing her mind*

Mira, you live isolated... you surely is one to see the need for cooperation... unless you have no reason to be afraid. Is it possible... that you have become one of them? How else you could be so sure all this is nonsense? Your attitude is starting to make me think...


OOC: a vote for Mira


OOC2: Sorry for the time... had connection problems... :(

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"Well, well, you all really do believe in this foolery." "You know, I didn't always use to be a farmer in some little backwater town. I've seen my fair share of the world, and talked to my fair share of people who have seen the horrors of the night. From what I understand if we did have a pair of werewolves on our hands we'd all be dead already, that is, unless their trying to make their food supply last." "The way I see it *the one who casts the first stone and all* if I had to pick one of you fools out as a wolf I'd have to say Eyremon."


(OOC: Eyremon)

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The hall goes silent. All eyes finally fall to Eyremon. He calmly stands up and walks outside. Curious, the townsfolk pile outside to see what he's up to.


With hammer and nails in hand, Eyremon assults a pile of timbers. As it gets to be dusk, he had assembled a gallows.


"Well," he begins "if I am to die, I will do it with my own hands. I will not have myself suffer needlessly."


Several guards soon take thier places as Father Novak gives the last rites... Then the trapdoor falls.


All is quiet in the square, until a gentle clapping is heard towards the back of the crowd.


"Well, well..." begins the stranger "It seems that your friend was not the night stalker you thought." There is a lean man in a well worn duster. A large brimmed hat covers what looks to be long hair. Spectacles are seen on the man's lean face. A dusty rucksack is slung on his back.


"So what?" begins Vahktang "We have no evidance he isn't the wolf. Job done I say."


"No," says the stranger "A werewolf will revert to it's lupine nature if you've killed it properly..." and with that said the man's hands quickly produce a crossbow from under his duster, he aims at the body and fires... nothing.


"Yes... Innocent." the man says "The job isn't done. I can only suggest you lock your doors tightly. I hope the inn has good, thick doors."


"Now just see here!" Damon says "What gives you such authority."


The look the stranger gives could kill weaker willed people.


"Me? I'm Dr. Sigfied von Muncie."


There is nothing to say. The doctor is a well known hunter of werewolves. He heads to the inn in silence, knowing that this village's fate could be sealed...



(OOC: Eyremon was innocent! This happens to the poor guy every time. It's night phase! I need PM's from the wolves, wolfbaner, and seer please!)

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Merelas stepped out of his house, and quietly looked about.


Quickly, he darted into the shadows, and stayed close to the wall. Melding into the shadows, his black attire hid him efficiently from anyone who might have been looking to see him.


Creeping slowly along the stone wall of the village, he finally came to the clearing he was looking for. Under the light of the full moon, he drew the sword sheathed at his back. Swiftly, he began to practice, swinging the sword in a full arc, then bringing it around again. Back and forth he ran, quickly as possible.


The town meeting had made him uneasy. He always hated accusing people-- and he knew that was what would have happened that day... even after what he knew happened last night, he couldn't bear to see someone lynched.


But time was running out... perhaps he would have to speak tomorrow.

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Tanny shakes her head sadly, slowly going back into the inn.


"Eyremon, Eyremon... what foolishness. What the need to go to such extreme if innocent? Non-sense! :( *sighs deeply* On the other hand, maybe he did have some reason to gave up life. Who can say? No one just hangs himself because the breeze came from the wrong direction, as my grandma used to say."


Taps the thick wooden door affectionately.


"Yes, we do have good doors in here. Hope it will be a bright, clear moning with good news, after all. Nothing like a good night's rest to ease one's heart." :)

Edited by Tanuchan
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Vahktang watches the sacrifice.

"Well. Innocent. (sniff). Still an S.O.B. (He wipes at his eye and sniffs again).

I have to get back to work."

(He runs back to his business, locking himself away in his room. Soft sobs can be heard if one would listen at the door. And...)

"I'm a businessman. A good one. This sort of thing isn't supposed to happen. Not here. Not now. Not ever. And it's not going to stop until we're all dead."


More later,



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Damon slinks into the tavern during the brief mourning of Eyremon and shakes his head. "Personally, I see no reason as to why we need to weed out the werewolf, if such a thing exists. I believe this is a manipulative illusion in effort for our own village to destroy itself."


"We must look tomorrow for the evidence of Mr. Brown's whereabouts, because we have no conclusion to come to without determining whether or not his body has been ripped to pieces or not. we do not know if he simply decided to leave the village. We have no certainty of a wolf in our village, and as such we should all rest easy. Killing ourselves will bring nothing, and if worse comes to worse, we could simply jump the gun and burn the whole village down and move elsewhere... right?"


Damon, being the logical one of the village, has his doubts, and after slamming down a few shots of whiskey to express his moderate mourning for the suicidal man who hung himself earlier, he retires to his home... locking his doors, just in case.

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Tanny observes Damon leaving, having served him his drinks and listened to him.

"This is our Damon... logical as always."


She shakes her head, saying to no one in special while she serves the last customers...

"The only thing he hasn't noticed in all his rambling is that if we move, we take the wolf with us... he's among us, not among the houses of the village, if you get my meaning."




"C'mon people, it's almost time to go. Better stay home and close and bar your doors just to be sure. Tomorrow we'll have a better day. Sabre, it's enough drinking for today! Nave, don't you dare go on making him drink more!"

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Mira watched the lynching with a feeling of absolute horror. If people who had been neighbors their entire lives could do this to each other, then real or not he had better start taking all this talk of wolves seriously. He shivered when he thought of how close he had been to being up there on the platform in Eyremon's place.

Being late and with the recent snow fall Mira decided to rent a bed in the attic of the tavern, and, despite his doubts about all of this wolf business, he couldn't help but sleep with his long bladed hunting knife in hand.

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