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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Werewolf Vol.I: Back To Romania

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Mira has watched the events of the day with little comment. The scene at Gwaihir's was enough to unsettle even the most steadfast man's stomach. It was that grizzly scene that probably had the villagers flinging accusations faster then jackrabbits and someone had to help these people get a grip. He knew it wasn't going to be him. Being an outsider these frightened little hovel dwellers weren't likely to listen to anything he had to say, even if it could save their lives.

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OOC: O.K., The votes (as far as I can tell) stand as follows...


Lady Celes Crusader- 1

Degenero Angelus- 1


Mira- 1

Vahktang- 1


This leaves me at a sticky wicket. I want to wrap up the day phase soon. From this post (10:43 EST), you have about 3 Hours to make a decision, or two will die. A scorecard will follow the lynching.



IC: The day is spent going over the villager's spotless homes. Von Muncie is not in attendance. Damon is furius.


"Tell me," says he "where is our mighty hunter as we do all his work."


"He told me that it wasn't his work to track false leads." Nave responds, checking his blade nervously.




Soon evening approaches. As the search party leaves X-Sabre's hovel, they see Von Muncie in a small woodlot.


"Hey!" shouts Damon "Why are you trifling with that woodlot?"


"Because it's where the wolves have transformed before..." states Von Muncie. He reveals claw marks intermingled with human. "You see, they learn. They want no attention to be paid to thier human persona. They will not change in thier houses if they can help it. Should we board up the citizens of this fair burg as they settle for slumber. Who will do that? You Damon? The most trustworthy of us?"


"No," Damon says "None of us can be that trustworthy."


"So here we have it. A smart wolf. Cunning and deadly. Able to parade amongst our kin and tear through most defenses. I'm afraid it will have to be a process of elimination, one way or another..."


Damon looks on in horror as Von Muncie turns to the town hall for the villager's votes.

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OOC: I said what I said and I meant it... at least the tie is finally broken. Sorry all.)



The townsfolk silently sit an write on papers. The papers are all put into Venturi's hat. He shakes them a little and Mira, the outsider, is asked to do the counting.


"One for Damon Inferel...

One for Lady Celes...

One for Myself...

One for Vahktang...

Two for... No I won't do it!"


"What do you mean?" says Venturi "We all agreed to this."


"Well I'm prone to agree under protest is all. It seems we are meant to string up, Degenero."


Several members gasp. Murmurs are heard.


"Well," Pipes up Degenero "I guess it's my turn to sample our good Eyremon's handicraft."


With that, Mirelas and Nave take Degenero by the srms and haul him to the gallows. As the rope is affixed around his neck, he says what is believed to be his last words.


"And soon, you all will join me."


The lever is pulled, Degenero dangles at the end of his rope... but a moment later he struggles! He doubles in size, ripping his clothes. Soon he has razor sharp claws to cut himself free! Several citizens scatter.


Nave holds his ground. Degenero's lupine visage leers at him hungerly, and strikes! Nave raises his sharpened poles... the wolf plunges into them!


But the beast keeps moving like a being possesed. Venturi comes to the rescue, sword drawn, but he is knocked away with a mangy paw! Degenero breaks off what he can from the pike, twisting it from Nave's hands wioth his mighty strength.


The beast resumes his bear down on Nave, who just brings up his hands.


"You may get me," he states "but I'll be sure to take a nice chunk of you with me..."


"NAVE! GET DOWN!" shouts Damon as X-Sabre pushes a barrel down the lane. As it reaches the werewolf, a shot rings out from a pistol. The wolf is ablaze, along with a barrel of Lady Celes' apple scrumble. Nave hurries away while the wolf howls in pain. It's howl is cut off when a crossbow quarrel shoots through the beast's throat. With the intense heat, the quarrel melts onto Degenero, who slups over in a heap.


As Von Muncie lowers his crossbow, he looks over at the outsider, Mira.


"Good man," Van Muncie begins "but we still have one wolf to deal with. Twilight is upon us. Get to your homes as quickly as possable. I willtake Venturi and Nave over to Nave's homestead for treatment, and to protect his family while he is wounded. Lock yourselves down! If you feel your doors inadequate, I've paid Lady Celes thirty pieces of silver for your accomodation. One room each."


He loks over the lot. "Get going! A good plan by Damon, but we're out of scrumble, now move!"


(OOC: Degenero was the wolf! I need a PM from the remaining wolf and the Wolfbaner please. Feel free to RP at the Inn if you wish."

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Tanny gazes over the people at the inn. There's shock in her eyes, as in all others' after seeing a werewolf die.


Oh, well... guess everybody can make good use of a drink. Here it goes... only for this once, Sabre, I'll give you a double. You helped us getting the wolf. *smiles briefly at him*


*to herself*

I have to keep believing tomorrow will be a better day. The other wolf will make a mistake. We are together, and we will survive!

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***Stumbles into the inn using his remaining spear as a walking stick***


***Yelling back the way he came***


I'm fine Muncie! Leave me be!


***Looks around the inn***


One of you was working with Deg. He attacked me. That doesn't make me happy!


***He gazes at each of you for the same amount of time, lingering too long on no one***


I have my suspicions now though.


I'm letting you know, wolf, I'm coming for you. I may have lost one spear but this ones for you!


Now lets all get to bed. Sooner we do that sooner I can stick the culprit!


But first how about a drink of that Apple Scrumble. Here's to Deg! May he burn eternally!

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"Deg... Well, I now shun all of my skepticism, and I truly believe that we must weed out this foe." Damon shoots down another swig of whiskey in brief mourning for the most recently hung. "Werewolf or not, he was still one of our neighbors."


"In any case, we have to assume that whoever the wolf is, they are going to act differently through this encounter. Where others panic, he... or she... may remain calm. We also know now that this wolf does have a spot to transform itself, and perhaps others, so it does not need the solitude of his or her house. Now... I suppose I should make my own deduction before I retire, in the event I do not make it through the night."


"I must apologize, but one has been so adamant as to destroy other's opinions as of late, and seems to be attempting to defend themselves against others. As it turns out that I must regretfully pit a vote against those of whom I have lived with for so long, I cast my vote for Sir Vahktang. I do it with regret however, but under my own deduction, his adamant defences are too protective. If I may be taken by his vote, then so be it, I should hold no grudges to him."


(OOC:Forgive me for casting a vote before we even know who is going to die, but I'm not certain how long...)

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Thae dawn comes... but not peacefully. Nightmares plauge the populace. Yesterday's display only proved what had been feared all along, one of your own neighbors is a killer. But who, but who.


At the Inn several of the men of the village begin talk of a stratagy. Over a hearty breakfast, they pour over a map of the town and a list of motives made up by Venturi.


"It's funny," says Nave "Vahktang should be up and about by now. It's 10:00 by the clock and no sight of his burly self yet."


The eyes around the table look at each other. Wordlessly, everyone seated rose and rushed over to the Tanner's...


But the scene is most horrid. Blood covers all of the workroom. Soon the remains of Vahktang are found. He is skinned and a message is punched (def-pressing into leather) directly onto the soft tanned hide.


"As will all my prey fall..."


This time Venturi rushes out to heave.


"My god," says Merelas "coulden't we do anything?"


"We keep ourselves safe." Nave says "But our time to find the culprit is now."


"Agreed, agreed" says Von Muncie "Let us gather all to the town hall at eve. We'll finish our business there. But for now, let us bury our dead."

* * *


The graves are dug and filled quickly. Father Novak says thier rites as the mourners give thier final farewells, and thoughts on how to best avenge them...



Gwaihir- SEER- First victim of the wolves

Eyremon- First Lynching

Vahktang- Dead

Degenero- Dead


Damon Inferel

Lady Celes Crusader






Spider's Soul


(OOC: Day phase! At the gravesite, most of the speculation takes place. The votes will be closed around midnight EST, probably... Happy Hunting!)

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*The day when before was a nightmare for Celes. Not only she had discovered Gwaihir's mangled body but she had been accused to be a werewolf by Deg, who turns out to be one of the culprits. Now, with Vakhtang grisly death, she knows that time was the essence. She is quietly standing by the new victim's grave, whipping tears from her cheeks. It takes all of her energy to fathom with this senseless insanity. After a moment, she speaks in a soft but shaky tone.*


- With Degenero's death, we all learn how crucial our voting is. When I voted against him, it was in spite of his insidious remarks. Little I knew that I actually pinpointed one of those insidious beasts. Three innocent people had already died and I'm not sure against whom I shall cast my vote.


*Celes takes a deep breath, wipes her eyes and nose in a tissue before continuing.*


- I don't want another innocent victim killed by our will.

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At Vahktang's grave, crumbling a handful of earth over it - a scene repeated too frequently these last days


*talking softly, almost to herself*

He was a good neighbor in spite of his outward gruffness. He spoke his mind with no fear of consequences, for the sake of what he thought was the truth. When I lost my papa he told me, "Go on with life, lass. Remember your papa and do what would make him proud. He will know." May he rest in peace and may these words keep his memory and lighten our sorrow.


*brushes some tears away, turning then her attention to the others gathered there*

The third innocent... for just one wolf caught. And Degenero could have gotten away easily, the way we're attacking each other. He must have counted on our small grudges doing half his work. *stops for a second, refusing to let more tears coming* Oh, let's please put some sense in all this... I don't want to condemn another innocent either, but what choice do we have?


*surveys her friends*

Those of you who are refusing to vote... you're helping the other one...

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Well, since I'm dead, this is all OOC.


He was a good neighbor in spite of his outward gruffness. He spoke his mind with no fear of consequences, for the sake of what he thought was the truth.

Thank you.

That was what I was going for.

This is a good board, y'all should be proud.



But who will take care of my six kids?

They have no mother at the moment, I am (was) between wives.

Sure, two of them are over 20, but still, they're children.


Glad I was killed and not hung.


More later,



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But who will take care of my six kids?

They have no mother at the moment, I am (was) between wives.

Sure, two of them are over 20, but still, they're children.


Tanny looks at Lady Celes...

M'lady Celes, what about Vahktang's children? Some of them are small, and those two older ones will still need someone till they settle in life. Maybe we could find somebody to help them?



OOC: This should put your soul at rest, Vahk ;) Glad you liked my small speech :) and hope to see you again in other games.

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*Celes looks back at Tanu.*


- His poor kids, it was fortunate that we saved them the sight of their father's desmise. I think the doctor's the only one we can trust and that he should shelter them until we find the other werewolf. Remember that we are housing most of the villagers in the Inn and we could inavertly host the other murderer.


(OOC: It was fun playing with you Vahktang. ;) )

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*Celes frowns and sights at the lack of participation.*


- I really hate doing this. In the past, Gwaihir mentioned that a mister M might be the culprit. At first, I do thought that it was Mira but I think that it might be Marelas.


(OOC: One vote for Marelas.)

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Marelas is who I believe is our culprit as well.



I am going with this soley because Saber has been voting against him the entire time and Saber is the only one I know is innocent. That's right. He was the swing vote. If he hadn't voted for Deg, we'd still have two wolves. There are scenarios where that would be a prudent move, but I don't think that is the case here.



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Tanny listens to the voices starting to rise, thinking.


Merelas? *frown* He has been absent from votings... and I don't remember seeing him much around. M'lady Celes was Gwaihir's friend... and what Nave says is true, Sabre kept repeating he didn't like Merelas... shifting eyes, I think I remember hearing him say.


On the other hand... Mira has been here, has listened to us... and even so he didn't say a word in the voting where Degenero was exposed. What do I do? Who am I to trust here?


*wrings her hands, closing her eyes*

Vahk, you said to do what would make my papa proud... and he said to trust my sense... I don't know where Merelas is but I do know that Mira is suspicious...



OOC: keeping vote for Mira

OOC Edit: Applying the color as I wanted ;) thanks again for the tip (below) Nave

Edited by Tanuchan
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Damon steps out of the bar, almost half-drunken. "I... I don't." He collapses to the dirt beneath him. He had not attended the burying of Vahktang, but was rather attempting to get stone drunk after seeing the blood-ridden corpse. It didn't work too well after he had been cut off after five or so shots.


"I voted against him, and he... he's dead now. I condemned him even before knowing if he would live to see another day. I... have shamed myself. I should cast no more wonton votes because of shallow evidence. He had... children. He had family. He... died, and my last words to him were a vote to string him up?! I might as well have pulled a trigger on him..." He staggered to his feet, trying to compose himself after realizing he had nearly been shouting.


"But... no. No more, this wolf has to go. This... thing, this evil thing that has killed... five of us. Whether one of those five was a wolf or not, we had still lived beside him. I say that tonight... we all stay at the inn in our own seperate rooms. That way, we'll all be next to each other... and whoever leaves their room during the night... we can hear them. As for Vahktang's children, and all the others... tonight... Tonight, we'll have to ask the eldest of them to try to keep a watch over them." he coughed. "If one of us is the wolf and not the children... Then they should be safe. There's no reason not to do it unless you've got something to hide."


"I'm... I'm not voting for anyone until this night is done. What do you all say to this? Will it work for you?"

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The code is a little different here then at KC


To get your code to work (like color) hit the "Close all Tags"

OOC Thanks Nave :) I was editing trying to make it work I never noticed the "close all tags" line... doh... guess I was pretty sleepy... :P
OOC No prob :D
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Tanny approaches Damon with a pitiful look in her eyes, and speaks softly to him


Damon? Damon, please... come to your senses, huh? I've never seen you so drunk! We are all jumping at shadows here, I think all of us may well be commiting mistakes together... but we have no other way out. If we vote, we are risking sending an innocent to death... if we won't vote, we're giving the wolf chance to kill innocents. Don't punish yourself so harshly on Vahk's death... had he survived, maybe we would be voting against him right now.


Vahk's children are safe with the doctor, most of us are already lodged at the inn. *a bit more sternly* Do you think I'm happy having to point out a neighbor? Or Lady Celes, or Nave? We've been good neighbors and friends for years. We do what we must. This is common sense, Damon. Use your logic. And.Stop.Drinking.


She takes the tankard from his hands, not ungently.

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*Celes helps Tany dealing with Damon, who keeps mumboing about how guilty he felt about voting against Vahktang.*


- I do understand your pain, I do understand how unpleasing it is but think about it. Degenero was one of our neighboors for years and somehow he became one of these foul beast and kills us one by one. Since that Gwaihir's dead, we are left to our own when it comes to find who's who. The only thing I wish is that today's execution will be the last one. Now let's take a walk.


*Celes let Damon to stand on his feet and helps him to walk toward the Inn.*

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OOC: O.K., the voting as stands is as follows


Merelas- 2

Mira- 1


I'm not going to night phase until I get at least five votes total. Midnight on Monday, however, is last call! Merelas dies if there are no votes until then.


And now back to your sceduled RPing

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*Sabre comes stumbling in the tavern again, after being on a vacation for a few days* Wow, *hic* what's this? I got one of the werewolvess. I told you all! *grumbles to himself* I'm telling ya, it's gotta be that Merelas guy. He's too busy runnin' skeered to even talk to anyone else. Not very neighborly I might add. Now if ya'll excuse me, I be going back to the bottwe.


*stumbles away looking for more booze*

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