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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

"Any Given Moment"


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*laughs* and i was chained to the kitchen with teenagers who decided that one dinner wasn't enough, the food had to keep coming, and coming, and coming..

funny, i vaguely remember being a teenager like that, long long ago. ;)


i should actually be on the right coast, not the left, since later would work better for me. O_o


will give it a shot again next week. i'm sorry to have missed this one.

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Thanks to all of the people who tuned into the first episode, as well as everyone for their comments. As others have noted, it ended up only being broadcast for one hour rather than the regular two due to some Realplayer difficulties, though I still ended up D.Jing the other hour due to the music still playing throughout the building I was in. Overall, it was a very tense and overwhelming experience and I was a nervous wreck throughout it. ;p Since I've had practice with all of the equipment now in an actual session, I should be much less nervous in future shows...


Over the hour that Realplayer was working and I was on the air, I mentioned that I represent the crew known as the Mighty Pen and dedicated a track to the Big Pointy One and the Seven ("Time to Unravel" by Atoms Family and Greenhouse Effect). I was planning to also dedicate tracks to Quincunx and Valdar and Astralis, but there wasn't much of a point in doing so when Realplayer stopped working. Ah well... perhaps in a future session. ;-)


A special thanks goes out to Vlad for AIMing RGWradio while I was up in the studio and chatting with me. That was very thoughtful of you and it calmed my nerves quite a bit. Much respect due!


Next weeks show is subtitled "Mushy Music," and is going to be a documentary on the wildly experimental hip hop/electronica/pop label Mush Records. Those who can't stand hip hop vocals should note that at least half of the music that will be played in this upcoming session will be non-vocal, instrumental hip hop that borders more on IDM than anything else. Plus, there'll probably be more shout-outs, so be sure to tune in!

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Arrgh I missed you debuting? I feel so mad at myself! I really hate Realplayer but I will try and get it to catch you this week. I'm not working saturday so I am sure I can stay up for 3-5am slot you are in here hehe. Good luck with your shows Wyvie! :)

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You dedicated a song to me and my rag-tag little group? And I missed it? Awwww..... that was still really awesome! Thanks for the shout-out! I'm really sorry I missed the show, but work... sucks... I'm gonna make sure I don't miss it this week though!


hehehe, I feel all silly now, anyways, peace out and such ^.^



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So... the second episode of my show aired this evening, and I felt that this one went extremely well. :) I felt completely in my element over the course of the show, as I wasn't nervous at all and really enjoyed myself for the two hours that I was on the air.


A big thank you goes out to everyone that tuned into the show, and particularly to those who managed to tune in for the full two hours of it's duration. As usual, I noted that I represent the Mighty Pen crew worldwide over the air, and gave general shout outs to Signe and Sorciere for their birthdays as well as to Vlad upon Gwaihir's request. In addition, I dedicated tracks to Gyrfalcon (The Opus "Whirlwind-Guardian"), Aardvark (Curse ov Dialect "Wolf Moon"), Xradion (Aesop Rock "Big Bang") and sent a very special dedication out to Peredhil (Listener "Train Song," a melancholy story about spirituality and finding God). There were very few technical difficulties this time around, and it aired smoothly for the full two hours.


A note to everyone who refuses to touch Realplayer: I'm pleased to announce that WRGW now has an MP3 method of streaming the radio, which has better sound quality and requires no downloads.


A thank you goes out to Degenero Angelus, who tried to record the show but unfortunatly didn't quite manage to do so. Hopefully, next week, we'll be able to get MP3 recording of it thanks to him.


I'm curious as to what people thought of this weeks program, how many pen members tuned in, and what people thought of the music since I played some IDM and independent rock music released by Mush in addition to their extremely experimental brand of hip hop.


Stay tuned for information about the episode airing next Friday, which will be decided upon and posted in the near future. Thanks once again to everyone who supports the show and tunes in, I promise I won't let you guys down! (I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here-record here-record here...)

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Loved the show! Appy, Vlad and myself sat in #thepen listening avidly for the whole duration. To be honest I thought I would maybe like the odd song but not relate to most of it because hip hop is not really my favourite type of music. I was pleasantly surprised and found myself enjoying them all! I really loved the Listener song and I am still trying to get it hehe. I will be sure and tune in at every opporunity. Great Show Wyvie :D

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The next showing of "Any. Given. Moment." will be Friday the 6th, and is subtitled "Industrealization." The theme of the show will be centered around the hip hop music industry, and how everything works on the business side of things. It should be very interesting... very insightful lyrics, lots of funny skits, some spoken word, and I may even throw in a side order of Tom Waits. Be sure to tune in if you can.... remember, Realplayer is no longer a requirement! :)


On a side note: no special guests as of yet, but I'm working on it... ;-)

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I really gotta stop working Fridays, because, I really want to listen to your show Wyvie ^.^" It sounds really good, and I just got this computer, so it'd (literally) sound really good, and dangit, I really gotta stop working fridays.


Yay for run-on sentences! I like grammar! Yay!



(sorry, I'm addicted to junk posts)



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A heads up to people who are planning to tune in this week: due to a couple of unexpected developements, "Any. Given. Moment." will be broadcast from 11:00 P.M to 12:00 A.M this evening, which is an hour later than the usual times it airs and an hour shorter in duration. For this reason, the "Industrealization" episode of "Any. Given. Moment." will be rescheduled to next week, Friday the 13th (ha!). This evening's episode will instead be subtitled "Every Day Music," and will be a documentary on the highly respectable hip hop label Day by Day Entertainment. Day by Day released one of last years sleeper hit albums, Jon Doe's "Meet Jon Doe," so it'll definitely be worth tuning in!


Apologies for the short notice, the station just informed me about this this morning. (as you can tell, they keep me so well-informed ;-p)


Wyvern bows to all, mumbling something about the unluckiness of certain holidays seeping into the weeks preceding them before exiting stage left...

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I wish it wasn't so early my time. :0(


7 to 9pm on Friday is very hard! I'm so bummed!


I'm glad to hear it's going so well, Wyvie. I have the live cam and live stream on right now. I hope to catch you on soon!


~Salinye :fairy:

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Thanks to everyone who tuned into this week's episode, it went fairly well. There was some confusion at the beginning of the show due to the D.J before me not cleaning up after himself, but after that was fixed up things ran quite smoothly for the rest of the hour I was on. I managed to give shout outs to lumpenproletariat, Celes Crusador, and Zool for tuning in, and also dedicated a keep-your-spirits-up track to Salinye (Lightheaded "Pure Thoughts"), a brilliantly mysterious and atmospheric track to Yui-chan (Declaime "Death Becomes You"), and a track to the entire Mighty Pen (Cadence's "The Mighty Pen," which sums up why the pen is mightier then the sword very nicely).


Tune in next week, Friday the 13th, from 10:00 P.M to 12:00 A.M U.S EST for the next episode of "Any. Given. Moment." This one is subtitled "Industrealization," and will be based around the business elements of hip hop, as well as music in general... Quite appropriate that the topic will be dealt with on the unluckiest day of the year!


Thanks for your support! :)

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I've been away to long, it seems. I've missed a significant amount around here, not the least being Wyvern's radio broadcasts. I will make amends, though. This evening I'll be tuned in, supporting our favorite Wyvern as he works his radio mojo. Knock 'em dead, Wyv.


The tired traveler leans his pallid bulk against the cool walls of the Pen. Shadows embrace him and the familiar whisperings of the keep soothes him. Brute has come home once more.

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*nods* definitely more relaxed toward the end of the show, and it really comes across. Neat, neat show, i really enjoyed what i heard around getting dragged away to the phone.


dumb question - did they tell you, when they trained you for the show, to pretend the mike is your best friend and you're discussing your topic *with your friend* - ignoring the possibility of a large audience? (Or am i showing my age here? LOL)

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Thank you to everyone who tuned into this week's episode, and a special thanks to both Zool and Degeneros Angelus for recording the episode in MP3 format. :) Anyone who didn't manage to see the episode but are interested in checking it out might want to contact one of them about it... Zool's is missing ten minutes at one point in it, and Degenero's is the full version.


I think "Industrealization" went very well overall, though Celes Crusador is quite correct that I get too nervous at times. Listening to myself announce things over the air in MP3 format is interesting to say the least... my radio voice is nothing like what I expected! I'll have to work on calming down a bit more so I won't fumble with sentences as much... Still, apart from one mess up on a Sole track and a few awkward moments of silence, I thought things ran quite smoothly.


Once again, I crammed the show with numerous pen references. I mentioned that I represent the Mighty Pen crew, and gave shout outs to Dakeyras, Silvertip (Falcon2001's official music alias ;)), and Yui-chan's story "Duality" amongst other things. I also dedicated tracks to Degenero Angelus (Non-Prophets "Mainstream 307"), Quincunx (Cunninlynguists and Masta Ace, "Seasons"... different seasons for different personas), and all of those who remember "The Chronicles of Terra" mix CD (Blackalicious "Deception"). All tracks stuck to the theme of the music industry the whole way through.


Next week I'll be hosting a belated Valentine's Day show, subtitled "Literally Romantic." It'll deal with the themes of love and romance, and will be dedicated to the ladies of the Mighty Pen and Washington D.C. Those of you who enjoy listening to me make a fool of myself out of my announcements should definitely look into tuning into this one, as this will be hopeless romanticism at it's finest. ;-p I'll also be giving away a Valentine's Day gift to the first girl that calls into the show(after I make the announcement in the show, that is) and hope to chat with them over the air. For any of you who might be interested in this, the station number is once again (202) 994-9749.


Thanks once again for the support, everyone! :) It seems like a few more people tune in every show...


[Edit: to answer your question Ayshela, they didn't teach us to befriend the microphone... though they did warn us not to attack it by standing to close it it. ;-)]

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While Wyvern continues to run the show... the people continue to rave


<Dak_idle> RGWradio: already called you out ;p

<Dak_idle> RGWradio: Deg s actually the next track, so that convenes nicely

<HappyDeg-> Haha

<HappyDeg-> Cool!

<Wrenny> tell him I'm actually listening

<Dak_idle> k

<Wrenny> thanks

<Dak_idle> RGWradio: questioin: is it sounding O.K? Too soft?

<Wrenny> sounds good to me

<Sorciere> could be a tad harder but not a bad sound by any means

<HappyDeg-> It's a teensy bit soft maybe, but it sounds okay

<Sorciere> imo ;oD

<Dak_idle> ok, relayed it

<Sorciere> ohh it just got clearere

<Sorciere> think he moved a button :D

<HappyDeg-> YES!

<Dak_idle> he turned it up

<HappyDeg-> These guys ROCK!

<Wrenny> :)

<HappyDeg-> And he got the name right =]

<HappyDeg-> lol

<Wrenny> woot

<HappyDeg-> This is the only hip hop CD I own.

<Dak_idle> hehe

<Dak_idle> hmmm... for hip hop it's not bad :P

<Tyrion> Simpsons!

* Celes_C has joined #thepen

<HappyDeg-> Yup.

<Tyrion> Futurama!

<HappyDeg-> Hey Celes.

* HappyDeg- sets mode: +oo Celes_C Dak_idle

<Dak_idle> hi

<Wrenny> well i wouldn't pay to listen to this stuff

<Wrenny> but it is ok

<Dak_idle> ya..

* Dak_idle wonders if there's a song without expletives ;)

* Wrenny doubts it

<Dreadlock> how are you all listening?

<HappyDeg-> If he played anything else by Non-Prophets.

<HappyDeg-> gwradio.com

<HappyDeg-> Dread

<Sorciere> usuing realplayer here

<HappyDeg-> That's the only Non-Prophets song with swearing, I thik

<Wrenny> this starts nice

* Looking up Celes_C user info...

<Dak_idle> yah

<Wrenny> then they have to start talking LOL

<Squirrel_> hey Celes Crusader

<Squirrel_> why is deggie so happy?

* Sorciere waves and hugs Celes :O)

<Celes_C> Hey Squirrel

* Celes_C hugs Sorcière back

<Celes_C> I'm using I-tunes ;)

<Squirrel_> you don't know who i am

<Dak_idle> heh, you prefer that accent Sorc?

* Wrenny is now known as Wren|Nix

* Thinas has quit IRC (Quit (Claim unsinkability, and thou shalt sink.))

<Dreadlock> ack...this stream is actually lagging me on irc

<HappyDeg-> Me too.

<HappyDeg-> From 0.03 seconds to 0.08 seconds :(

<Dreadlock> 1 to 16 seconds

<Dreadlock> oh, hush :P

<Squirrel_> hey swearing

<Squirrel_> why is wyvern playing swearing songs

<Dreadlock> no idea

<Dreadlock> but if it keeps up too long, I'm gonna stop listening

<Sorciere> yes i prefer the accent, that's the proper way to say Sorcière lol

<Dreadlock> I put up with enough from the rap (yuck) my roomie booms<Squirrel_> poor dready :)

<Dak_idle> because you'd probably have to look through 10k songs to find 10 without swears ;)

<Squirrel_> let your roomate hear it Dread

<Dak_idle> ok, good to know that

<Dreadlock> I'm home alone

<HappyDeg-> Actually Wyvy's usic doesn't swear a lot usually.

<HappyDeg-> Which is why this is kinda weird.

<Squirrel_> f*ck the industry

<Dak_idle> oh... Dread at home alone. sounds like movie ;)

* Squirrel_ wear a creepy mask with a long black cloak and start strolling silently with knife in hand

<Dreadlock> ahhhhh! *slaps his hands to his cheeks*

<Squirrel_> is that wyvern's voice?

<Dreadlock> [22:50:12] [Dreadlock PING reply]: 44secs

<Dreadlock> [22:50:22] [Dreadlock PING]

<Dreadlock> [22:50:23] [Dreadlock PING reply]: 1sec

<Dreadlock> ick

<Celes_C> Unless you speak French, you have no idea how much the f-word sounds innofensive :P

<Celes_C> For me at least

<Dak_idle> lol

<Squirrel_> wow wyvern's voice sounds damn different from what i imagine

* Dreadlock kills the stream

<Squirrel_> i imagine wyvern to have a whiny voice

<Dak_idle> if you pronounce it French it sounds funny ;)

<Dreadlock> this is too much for me

<Celes_C> Well, seal in french is pronouce exactly like the f-word :P

<Dak_idle> lol, didn't know that

<Sorciere> lol yup

* Sorciere remembers the first time she heard the beau dommage song

<Celes_C> *lol*

<Celes_C> I can imagine that

<Squirrel_> ...

* Wren|Nix finds most of the music so far sounds very Misogynistic

<Squirrel_> it's hip hop wreny

<Squirrel_> that's just like saying Rock is basically a lot of screaming and miserable yelling

<Squirrel_> Courtney Love new CD... ewwwwwwww

<Dak_idle> well, yell about rock but don't touch good old school heavy metal ;)<Squirrel_> wyvern's voice... geez

<Dak_idle> heh

<Celes_C> I was surprise as well, especially when I recall his picture from SteelDragon's site

<Squirrel_> it's disturbing to finally hear Wyvern's voice.. he sounds a bit cocky.. but solid cocky

<Celes_C> *lol*

<Squirrel_> the radio voice that actually is distinctive.. and have flavours

<Celes_C> You must write this down in the forum. It's so hilarious

<Squirrel_> no thanks

<Celes_C> :P

<Squirrel_> i'll rather perserve my perspective of the goofy whinny wyvern in my memories

<Celes_C> *lol*

<Squirrel_> he snickers too many times man

<Squirrel_> he makes this *snick* sound after almost all his sentence

<Squirrel_> and his voice is a bit monotone

<Squirrel_> he's not loose.. he's gotta be a bit more loose.. like the music he plays

<Dak_idle> hehe, shall I relay that to him? :P

<Squirrel_> nah

<Squirrel_> as long as he doesn't presue a career as a radio announcer it's fine

<Dak_idle> hehe

<Celes_C> :P

<Squirrel_> i don't want to directly comment on other ppl unless i'm either better then them at that task.. or unless they're gonna be told that later anyways

<Squirrel_> and i know i can't do radoi

* Alzorath has quit IRC (Quit ())

<Dak_idle> well, I think he'll be thankful for constructive criticism

<Squirrel_> nah

<Squirrel_> i think i'll just be laffing to myself about wyvern's radio program instead

<Dak_idle> :P

<Gwai> how helpful of you

<Squirrel_> why di i want to be helpful?

<Squirrel_> i never plan to be helpful

* Aegon is now known as Ae|Food

<Squirrel_> see he did that *snick* thing again

<Squirrel_> 40 cents lol

<Celes_C> If it unnerves you that much, why don't you either mentionning it or turn it off?

<Squirrel_> it doesn't unnerve me :)<Squirrel_> i just want to share my opinion :)

<Squirrel_> don't get me wrong, i'm not dissing him

<Squirrel_> he's already doing better then some of the amature radio guys

* Wren|Nix is switching computers

* WrenWind has joined #thepen

<Celes_C> You are perfectly entitled of your opinion, but if you want him to improve, why not sharing your thoughts with him?

* Wren|Nix has quit IRC (Quit (Dream naughty!!!))

* Squirrel_ sets mode: +o WrenWind

<Squirrel_> i don't want him to improve

<Dak_idle> now that's really nice :P

<Celes_C> You've brought up good points about his animation and I thought it would be great to share it. :/

<Squirrel_> if you want him to learn... tell him to tape and then listen to his own show

<Dak_idle> but as with writing you overlook some of your own mistakes, imo

* Tralla has joined #thepen

* Q sets mode: +o Tralla

<Squirrel_> if you can't pick yourself up...

<Celes_C> I agree with Dak

<Tralla> halloooo

<Celes_C> Sometimes having another person's opinion helps

<Celes_C> Hi Tralla

<WrenWind> can someone give me the link for the show again

<HappyDeg-> gwradio.com

<WrenWind> i changed comps

<WrenWind> thanks

<Squirrel_> http://www.gwradio.com/index.gw/Site_ID/5112/Page_ID/11694/

<Squirrel_> that was semi bad

<Squirrel_> if he got announcements.. he should write it down.. or at least be prepare to what he have to announce first

<Squirrel_> the Uhm... Um.... tsk tsk tsk

<Dak_idle> I think the um um is kinda planned* Q sets mode: +o X-Sabre

<WrenWind> éme jump huggles X

* X-Sabre catches Wrenny in his arms

<X-Sabre> Hi hon :)

<WrenWind> hi baby

* WrenWind is listening to hiphop lol

<X-Sabre> Oh yeah.. that radio show

<Squirrel_> any given moment

<WrenWind> yup

<_Zen_> hi tralla

* X-Sabre goes back to drinking and idles

<Tralla> hi, zen

<_Zen_> havent seen u ina while. hows it going

<Sorciere> hrrm have to be up in 3.5 hours, am i gonna make it through rest of show

<X-Sabre> I say just go to sleep.

<Squirrel_> nahs sorciere

<Squirrel_> just go to sleep

<X-Sabre> I doubt it could be that entertaining.

<WrenWind> sleep well hon

* Squirrel_ hand Sorciere a frozen orb

<_Zen_> yes just sleep

<HappyDeg-> I got it all recorded.

<Sorciere> i enjoy the music

<HappyDeg-> And it's only gonna be around 20 megs

* Squirrel_ hand Sorciere some hydras too

<Sorciere> think i will just leave it on and go sleep listening


<_Zen_> good compromise sorc

<WrenWind> nn

<Sorciere> nite nite all

<_Zen_> sleep well

* Sorciere is now known as SorcSleep

<X-Sabre> Sleep well Sorcy.

<Dak_idle> nite Sorc

<X-Sabre> I promise I won't break in tonite.

<Dak_idle> seems I'm the last crazy European now, eh?<WrenWind> ooh i sorta like this one

<X-Sabre> It's a really great program.. Surprisingly not a scam like most of them.

<X-Sabre> I have to talk to the CEO of Business Makers weekly.. so I know :D

<Celes_C> Is it me or Wyvern is more relax as the show ends?

<WrenWind> definately

<WrenWind> who was that dedicated to?

<X-Sabre> What song is he playing?

<Celes_C> I don,t know

<WrenWind> cunnilinguist?

<Celes_C> *lol*

<Dreadlock> O_o

<Celes_C> I have a bit of a hard time to follow some of the songs

<Dreadlock> and where did that come from, Wren?

<WrenWind> so do i

<HappyDeg-> You're not the only one, Celes.

* Celes_C is glad to not be along

<X-Sabre> !

<X-Sabre> That would be me Wren

<Celes_C> *alone

<X-Sabre> I am quite the cunning linguist.

<WrenWind> lol

<Celes_C> *lol*

* X-Sabre winks at Wren

<Celes_C> That was quick thinking

<X-Sabre> quick thinking?

<X-Sabre> Never.

<Celes_C> :P

* X-Sabre prays his deal goes through monday

<WrenWind> i'll keep my fingers crossed for you

<X-Sabre> All I gotta say.. If I end up pulling off this deal..

<X-Sabre> There WILL be a Pen Meeting

<X-Sabre> Fully furnished by me

<X-Sabre> plane tickets and all

<X-Sabre> So, I will keep you all updated as to the status.

<WrenWind> cool<X-Sabre> Hmm.. how odd would that be?

<X-Sabre> The person that claims to "hate" the pen.. going to pay for all the pen members to meet IRL.. if they want.

<WrenWind> hehehe

<X-Sabre> BTW Wren.. This summer, I will DEFINITELY be able to come visit :)

<X-Sabre> Hopefully, I should have bought my new truck by then.. If that's the case, I won't need to crash on your couch :)

<WrenWind> :)

<WrenWind> cool

<WrenWind> but you are welcome to it

<Celes_C> *lol*

<X-Sabre> I know.. I just had an odd occurence the last time i stayed on someone's couch

<X-Sabre> I was visiting the only person from AM I ever met IRL.. was sleeping on her couch

<X-Sabre> and her children came home in the morning from their dad's house.. Came in and tapped me.. saying Hi mommy

<X-Sabre> when I pulled the covers off my face, they ran screaming up the stairs

* X-Sabre chuckles

<WrenWind> lol

<X-Sabre> Sweet kids.. but total brats.. lol

* Tyrion is now known as NoTyrIsOn

<X-Sabre> Bye Tyrion.

<NoTyrIsOn> bye X

<X-Sabre> Sleep well, or whatever you plan on doing. Enjoy it.

<NoTyrIsOn> sleeping, yea

<Celes_C> *lol*

<Celes_C> Good night Tyrion

<NoTyrIsOn> night Celes

<Celes_C> My turn to go to bed or otherwise I'll start to write non-sense in here

<Celes_C> night all

<WrenWind> nn

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*Reads the whole topic.*


I didn't wanted to relay Squirrel's opinion as I felt it would had been ankward. He did have some good points but, for his very own reasons, doesn't one to share them with Wyvvie.


Edit: However, by the looks of it, the gesture is a bit clumsy.

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Just want to drop a reminder that the "Any. Given. Moment." episode "Literally Romantic" will be aired this evening from 10:00 P.M to 12:00 A.M U.S EST at www.gwradio.com. I have a bag of Valentine's Brand Hershey's Kisses that I'll be giving away to the first girl that calls in, and the caller will also be able to chat with me over the air a bit. The station number is once again (202) 994-9749, if anyone here is interested. If you choose to call in, be patient in doing so as I might not be able to pick up the phone immediatly... just let it ring and I'll get to it as soon as possible.


Note that even after the prize has been won or even if you aren't a gal, I still encourage folks to call in and drop their thoughts. Just remember to keep it clean (i.e no swearing) if you do so, otherwise I'll have to disconnect you.


Thanks again for the support!


Note: the show will start 15 minutes later than usual due to an interview in the show right before mine, just to give you guys a heads up (sorry for the late notice).

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Thank you very much for trying to call in, Wrenwind! :) I'm sorry that I couldn't answer your call and get you onto the air... There were a huge number of people calling in at once from Maryland, and I probably missed your call while answering to others. I actually apologized to you over the air for not being able to connect near the end of the show, for what it's worth...


Note that just because the contest is over doesn't mean that people can't call in in future shows simply to comment on things and chat! I'd love to get the Pen more involved in the radio show somehow... I mean, shoutouts are fine and all, but I'm sure there's a lot more that could be done to really make it a thing that the Pen community can benefit from. I'll be looking into some potential options...


For those who didn't get to tune into last week's show and are interested: "Literally Romantic" went quite well. There were lots of girls calling in from Maryland in search of candy since my sister spread word of it to all of her friends, and the contest element ran smoothly after I figured out how to connect with the telephone hybrid of the station (long, difficult process... but I have it down now for any future callers). Props to Maryland's own Shannon for winning the chocolate that was offered. The evening was purely devoted to romantic songs, and I got in plenty of shouts for the ladies of the Mighty Pen...


This week's show is subtitled "Definitively Literate," and will be based on one of the most popular and well known independent labels in hip hop, Def Jux. Many argue that Def Jux has one of the most solid rosters of artists in hip hop, so it should be well worth tuning in. I'll be spinning plenty of RJD2, Aesop Rock, Cannibal Ox, Mr. Lif, Murs, etc... it's great stuff that should be well worth two hours of your listening time.

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