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"Any Given Moment"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys. :) Sorry that I haven't been updating this thread much recently, I sort of figure that those who are interested and like to tune in already know about the show, and I don't want to distract people from more important threads. Add the fact that WRGWs AIM and computer have been down, and that disorganized equipment ruined my last show, and you have my full reasons for not keeping this thread up to date. ;-) Thanks very much once again to the Big Pointy One, Tamaranis, and Xradion for calling into my show a couple of weeks back, as well as to Joat for convincing people to call in at the last minute when the folks that were supposed to phone never showed up. It was a very fun show, despite a few technical difficulties and awkward moments here and there. Unfortunately, nobody recorded the show as an MP3. I do, however, have it on minidisc, and a friend of mine might be burning it to an online-accesible format. No promises, but we'll see...


I had no show last week due to Thanksgiving, and my show before that was an utter and complete disaster. ^_^ I was going to do a show on Molemen Inc. (which will be the theme for this week) but couldn't get any of the stations equipment working and ended up abandoning my theme entirely. Perhaps the most frustrating and embarassing moment of the evening was when Panik of the Molemen unexpectedly decided to call in for an interview, and I couldn't even hook him up over the air, let alone play his music. Anyway, the show definitely ranks up there in my most embarassing moments of all time, and was a castastrophe that's best left forgotten. ;-p


I decided to update the thread this week as I just wanted to note that this Friday will be my last show of the semester, and will be based around the Chicago super-production crew the Molemen. They're some of my favorite producers in the industry, and have collaborated with rappers ranging from the nerdiest of nerdy to the streetest of street. Panik mentioned that he might try to call in again, so tune in if you can!

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  • 1 month later...

A heads up to anyone who's interested: "Any Given Moment" will return for it's final semester on the air a week from today, on Thursday January 27th. The show has a new time of 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST, and will be broadcast every Thursday during those hours until May. There's a chance that the show will be slightly less Pen-oriented this semester since I'm going to be building with some music artists, but I'll still give shout outs to Pen members and always encourage pennites to call in. If anyone is available for recording the show as an MP3 at those times for Pen members who want to listen in but have scheduling conflicts, I'd be very grateful. Once again, the new information for the show is:


"Any Given Moment"

Thursdays, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST

Listen online at http://www.gwradio.com

Call in: (202) 994-9749

AIM: RGWradio


Update: my show on the 27th has actually been preempted for a football game, and while it might be on the air from 9:30 PM - 10:00 PM, there won't be much of a theme or anything. Check back next week for a more complete show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To those that are interested in listening: the first full-length show of "Any Given Moment"s last semester on the air will be aired tonight, from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST at http://www.gwradio.com. For the theme of the evening, I'm doing a wrap up of 2004 by playing a number of tracks from my favorite albums from last year, as well as some other exceptional music released in 2004. If anyone was intrigued by my descriptions of albums in Falcon's "Music" thread, this an opportunity to hear sample tracks from those albums. A special guest may also possibly be co-hosting the show, though nothing has been confirmed yet on that front... be sure to tune in if you can!

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I've caught parts of this before, and Wyvern plays a mix of Hip-Hop that even I like - and I'm an old Rock-n-Roller.


I highly recommend this for anyone who is curious. You won't find some of these tracks played anywhere else (I've tried calling in and requesting some of my favorite tracks off the Poetic Justice CD).


Note, some of the lyrics may contain offensive language (to keep them "Real"), but if you listen past that, Wyvern's selections always have a message to them.


-Peredhil's two cents

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  • 3 weeks later...

To give a brief update on the situation of "Any Given Moment": my last three shows, along with my show this week, have been preempted for basketball game coverage and won't be airing as usual. This will probably continue into next week as well, so I'll give this thread an update when my show scheduling goes back to normal. You can still catch me on the air from 9:30 PM - 10:00 PM US EST during this season of preemptions, but I actually wouldn't recommend it as I don't have much planned for the thirty minutes I'm on and usually just play things from the stations top ten. Sorry to anyone who's been trying to tune in.


On another note: due to class credit issues and some rather poor counseling, there's a high chance that I'll be hosting "Any Given Moment" for one more semester than anticipated (cue repeated mantra: "it'sonlyacouplemoremonths.") I apologize for the "last semester" false alarm earlier, and will keep this thread updated as new details develope.

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Just to give a heads up: "Any Given Moment" should be airing at its regular time this week, which is Thursday (3/3/05) from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST at http://www.gwradio.com There's a chance that part of the show may be cut off at around 9:00 PM for a news report, but for the most part it should be running smoothly. Pen heads might be interested in catching this show as I've chosen "Science Fiction and Fantasy Hop" as the weekly theme, and will be devoting around an hour to sci-fi songs and about an hour to medieval fantasy raps. Amongst other things, expect many obscure Pen story references/shout outs... ;-) Thanks for listening!


Edit: due to news reporting that's going to be happening, the show will only be running from 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM US EST rather than the regular two hours this Thursday. I'll still be covering this theme, but will probably only have time to do a science fiction segment... perhaps I'll cover fantasy at some other date.

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erm....I might not be able to make it then, I kind of have class at 9 am. :unsure:


Sorry Wyvern, but I will still try to listen a different time.


Btw, I have asked that guy and he said that he would have to know more about your computer to be able to say how to record, and that this way he had no idea.


Since I am an absolute zero in this sort of stuff, I didn't ask further. I do hope that it will work out though , because it would be so cool to be able to listen at least once.




- Sweetcherrie

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Update: Thursday's show on Science Fiction and Fantasy Hop went very well, though during the second hour I was cut off twice for two 20 minute news interviews. A big thanks goes out to Pillow and Happybuddha for calling into the show and chatting over the air, and a huge thank you goes to Akallabeth for recording it. :) A bunch of science fiction and fantasy tracks were covered, and Jonathan Wolfe, Aardvark, and Quincunx were shouted out for "Utopias Twilight," "Colonisation," and "In the City" respectively. A couple of tracks were also dedicated to folks... If anyone would be willing to host Akallabeth's recording of the show, an audio link to it could be provided in this thread. Contact him about it if interested.


Next Thursday, I'm going to be covering music from a Seattle's forefront hip hop crew, Oldominion. They've put out about twenty projects over the years yet are still relatively unknown, though they seem to be making larger moves than usual this year. There's a chance that some Oldominion folks might call in for interviews and I'll be repping the Mighty Crew as usual, so check it out if possible. ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new update for this thread: my last show on Oldominion went along smoothly, and it was great to see Grayskul live in concert with Atmosphere a week after I had highlighted them over the air.


"Any Given Moment" is back again this week with the thematic subtitle "Weightless Girls Need Love Too." The show will be based around the Columbus Ohio crew Weightless, which is headed by two of my favorite M.Cs: Blueprint and Illogic. You might recall these two names from a number of my concert reviews, including one concert I described where they improvised with slam poetry when their equipment malfunctioned. Amongst other things, I'll be playing tracks from Blueprint's upcoming album "1988", which WRGW got an advance copy of and which is a very nice piece of music. The Pen will also be big upped as usual, of course, and I'm sure I'll squeeze in a few member shouts. ^_^ Airs 3/24/05, same time and place as usual. Peace!

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Update: My show on Weightless' catalogue last week went well, and I was actually surprised to find how much material I have from them when compiling my playlist (around eleven CDs worth, not counting guest appearences on compilations). Blueprint and Fess, two of Weightless' head artists, actually tuned into the show and gave me props for it afterwards, which is always nice. :-) The show was highlighted by a sub-set I decided to do on Weightless tracks revolving around women, and plenty of Pen gals got shout outs (Salinye, Wrenwind, Mynx, and Cerulean to name only a few.)


This Thursday (i.e today, 3/31/05) I'm going to do a show based around the streets, the ghetto, and poverty. The show should be interesting as the tracks I'll be playing expand a wide range of items in my catalogue, some of which I only give spins on rare occasions. If anyone has a poem that they've written about inner-city class struggles, or would like to speak about their impressions or experiences with the ghetto, my line is always open for guest Pen callers. :-)


On a similar note: I'm going to be doing another show on "Happy Hip Hop" some time in the near future, and would like to try and round up as many Pen callers as I can get for it. The theme of this show is "having fun," and people are encouraged to call in and give Pen shout outs/play silly games with me over the air. This will be the second time I've taken a shot at this theme, and I feel its worth revisiting since I had a great time with the first one (Big Pointy One and Tamaranis both called in). I'll be adding a bunch of new positive and upbeat tracks into the mix, and this show will also hopefully be recorded and archived as an MP3 (I've found pennites capable and interested in doing this: Akallabeth and Cyril Darkcloud respectively). My aim for this one is five Pen callers, and to increase interest I'll be giving away little CD sampler prizes to the first few callers, which I will send to the callers along with (get this) random scrap pages with doodles from some of my old notebooks! Yep, I have no shame.... No date has been set yet for this show, but it will likely either be next Thursday (April 7th) or the Thursday after that (April 14th). If there are any people who are already interested in calling in, feel free to PM me and give me a heads up. ;-)


Thanks for reading!

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Update: my show last week based around the streets and poverty was definitely one of my less exciting shows, so nobody really missed much in not tuning in. The theme was flipped correctly and different cities were also touched upon, but the music was somber and depressing to the point where the show kind of dragged on after a while. Ah well, can't win'em all... The Mighty Pen crew and reverie were still shouted out, of course.


This Thursday (4/7/05), I'll be doing a show on a highly innovative Chicago hip hop crew known as Galapagos4, who are seriously underrated and have released a number of excellent albums. Offwhyte, one of Galapagos4's top M.Cs, is going to be calling in from his day job for an on-air interview, which should be funny. I love Galapagos4's stuff and would definitely recommend checking it out. ^_^


Next Thursday (4/14/05) is marked as the date for my super positive upbeat hip hop show, which I'd really like to involve the Pen in as callers and participants. For starters, Zariah will be guesting in-studio as a co-host for the entire show, so callers will have a chance to chat with the two of us. My offer of leftover sampler CDs/notebook pages also remains, and the show will hopefully be recorded and archived as an MP3. Mark the date on your calender and PM me if you're interested in calling in at any point from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST on April 14th! The number, once again, is (202) 994-9749.

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Whee! I've called in to Wyvern's show, and I have to say that I didn't even die of nervousness. ^_^;;; It's a ton of fun to say 'hi' on the show and chat it up with the old Wyv-ster (and guest co-host. Yay!), so I'd encourage anyone to give 'em a ring. Once again, again, that number is (202) 994-9749. :D


Or, if you're the shy and silent type, you can always just send them supportive AIM messages at the screenname RGWradio. And don't forget that, no matter where you are, you can stream the show by going to http://www.gwradio.com/ and clicking on ol' Georgie Washington's head.


If you have the means to record it, by the way, we'd love to keep a copy of the show for posterity. I mean, the Pen should have a recording of "Pen Positive", right? :) PM Wyvern if you'd be so kind as to help make sure it doesn't get missed.


Thanks for thinking of us, Wyvie!



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Hi all,


First of all, I apologize for not posting at the Pen much this week. I had an enormous work load which has now just about cleared up, and I should be back to my regularly scheduled Pen posting shortly.


Let's see... My show last week on Galapagos4 did not go well due to technical difficulties with station equipment, but I'm hoping to more than make up for it with my show tonight. ^_^ I really want to extend my thanks to both Yui and Zariah for their generous advertisements and news announcements, they're definitely much appreciated. :-) Hopefully some of you pennites will tune in and perhaps even drop Zariah and myself a line over the phone... I promise I won't overcharge your phone bill too much. ;-p


Pen Positive... it's the soundtrack of Silly the Elder Dwarf waitering Mexican jumping beans to Happybuddha. It's that sound you hear when Ozymandias opens the Cabaret Room doors with a creak, and you just know you have a promotion coming. It's the antithesis of the Racouolettes, that long happy laugh from musicevangelist after cryptomancer explains the effects of neon pixystix on Minta Rose. T-minus 3 hours and 7 minutes, and counting... ;-)


"Any Given Moment"

Thursdays, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM US EST

Listen online at http://www.gwradio.com

Call-in: (202) 994-9749

AIM: RGWradio

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