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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

All Hail the Founder!


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Guido and Nuncio rush in and begin arranging tables and chair. Party hats are placed, those little-unrolly-tooter-thingies set out, colorful napkins arrayed.


Elladan runs in, eyes the room, and begins hanging streamers and banners.


Happy Birthday Ozymandias!

Founder and Loremaster!


After setting up a few tables and laying out the table cloths, he heads over to the bar.


Once at the bar, he opens a Portal and begins restocking it with drinks of a hundred worlds from a dozen universes.


Elladan wanders in and observes the activity for a while. Rummaging through his pockets, he pulls out a list and begins ticking off items.




They all stop and stare at him.


I forgot to order the cake.


With a shake of heads, they return to THEIR activities, confident that THEY won't be in trouble. Or even worse - disappoint Peredhil.


Just picturing the mournful expression and the quiet, "It's okay 'Dan, I understand. We'll just figure something out, right?" followed by the same brittle smile that he'd managed since Mom passed to the Halls just put Elladan's teeth on edge.


After looking around hopefully, he discovered nothing to kill.


With a sigh, he moved over to the long table and eyed its emptiness. Sorting through the compartments of his mind, he realized he had only death and destruction, binding and cohersion, memorized spells.


He'd have to do this the hard way...


Raising his hands in the Gesture of Invocation that begins a Great Spell, he began chanting extemporaneously...


Rapidly finishing their tasks, the other three fled the room, with Elrohir pausing only to cast hasty Barriers over the doors and windows. Barriers behind which Entities moved. Barriers that began weathering and crumbling in a way magical barriers should not crumble. He fled after the others.


Through out the Pen, those with Sensitivity shuddered at the forces being brought to bear in the Cabaret.


Deep within the Pen's bowels, the Dreamer's eyes shifted colors rapidly. THEY had found him! He delicately sent out the merest trickle streamers of powers... No! They weren't after him! He withdrew all but the smallest, most delicate probe and settled with grass green eyes to watch in amusement as they made a birthday cake. Repeatedly. To exacting standard.




Hissing twisting syllables shuddered reluctantly from Elladan's mouth as he was forced to call in favors garnered though a long long journey. At one point, the walls became jade and the floor a great emerald, at another time, only the bitter rivalry between Hastur and Cthulhu kept them from both turning on him. Sweat beaded his brow as he regretted momentarily not having drawn the Sigals first.


He hadn't spent milennia watching his father's back to have his Will falter now. Props were for weaker magi than he!


The Cake was done. Now for the Icing, writing, and a few candles.


His face widened in his most charismatic smile as one of the Entities snarled in humiliation and turned on him in protest. At seeing the smile, the Elder Gods took the opportunity to slip away. They didn't want to be around if Elladan slipped his self-imposed bounds of Politeness.


Oh yes... you want to PLAY?




Peredhil paused before the Cabaret, and frowned at the Barrier. How could all the party guests enter if there was a barrier? From the sounds of activity in their rooms as he passed, Elrohir and the Guinea Pigs were getting dressed. Which meant that Elladan must be inside, putting the finishing touches on the Founder's party.




Elladan sensed his father's presence outside and Banished one of his 'Helpers.' Most of the others gratefully lined up to be Banished too, careful to avoid the eye-twisting greasy spot off to the left.




This would never do. With an airy wave, Peredhil twisted his thumbs just So, and stepped through the doorway.




Everyone stopped and looked at Peredhil. A brief spasm of frustration at being caught flickered over Elladan's face (the Beings stepped back a step,) before he wrestled it under control as he turned.


Hi Dad. Just a few last minute touchs. I was just telling some of our old friends that there just wasn't room for them at the Birthday Party. Nice of them to come out, wasn't it?


Peredhil smiled happily and began greeting the gathered beings. Looking at his watch, he apologized profusely and promised to try to write more. With their willing compliance, it was the work of a moment for him to Banish them all.


He moved over to look at the spot on the floor, then looked up at Elladan.


It always was a bit Rude. I'm surprised you invited It. Do you think you can clean this up 'Dan? Party starts in 10 minutes. Beautiful cake! I'm proud of you! Ozymandias will be so pleased!


Peredhil headed back into the kitchen area to mix the punch. Elladan looked at the spot on the floor, considered covering it with a rug, and began Chanting instead.


Ten minutes later, the Pen is Mightier than the Sword's Cabaret Room was ready for it's Founder's Birthday.

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Yui-chan wandered the hall, studiously ignoring the metallic tang in her mouth and the gentle ringing in her ears. Despite the slight discomfort his magical display caused, she couldn't be anything less than impressed with Elladan this afternoon after seeing the beings he'd called and commanded. True, it probably pushed the boundaries of the Polite to have glanced through the shadows while the younger elfling was working, but the lady thought that perhaps Prudence could forgive the lapse in Manners. After all, she'd seen the barriers around the room, but it was always hard for her to tell the caster of a ward. It wouldn't do to leave a friend in trouble, so it was only practical to peek. Right?


"... a logical, if worthless, excuse..." she muttered to herself, knowing that it had been Rude. In the end, try as she might, she could not quite achieve Peredhil's perfection of Politeness. The Huntress greeted the revelation with a slight shrug and sigh. The challenge was in trying without expecting to succeed.


Ah, but those were thoughts for a more somber time, and now she approached the Cabaret room with a light step and the swish of silver-white satin. One could never overdress for the Founder's birthday, after all. Besides, though she'd never admit it, she had decided that it felt rather nice to wear finer clothes once in a while.


"Ah, Aegon would have a field day with that thought if he knew about it... "


"Which thought would that be, hmmm?" Yui-chan jumped, spinning to come face-to-face with a smiling apparition. Her shock turned into chagrin.


"It was a private thought, you sneaking spook," she laughed, fixing her love's illusion with an attempt at a stern scowl. The effect was ruined by her smile.


"Eh, I'll get it out of you later, then." His cocky grin only made her roll her eyes.


"I take it you couldn't get away?" Yui changed the subject, turning back towards the party.


Aegon's image shook its head. "No, I couldn't. But I wanted to go with you to at least give Ozymandius a 'happy birthday'."


"Well, I'm glad that you could come in spirit, if not in person, love..." The young woman stepped through the doors to the Cabaret room, the wafting spell slipping in after her, and made her way over to where Peredhil and his sons stood chatting. It looked like it would be a pleasant afternoon...


Thus, a ghost and a shadow gladly joined the celebration.

Edited by Yui-chan
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I MET a traveller from an antique land

Who said:—Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown

And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,

The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"

Nothing beside remains: round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away.


-P.B. Shelley


On behalf of the Orders of the Legion of the White Rose, I greet you and bid you happy day on this, the anniversary of your birth, m'lord.

Edited by Kendricke
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Thunder cracked and lightning flashed. The wind howled as the sky darkened, darker, darker, darker.


Then it came, rattling off the Keep's shale roof and pinging like a million falling marbles in the open courtyards. Everyone, and everything, ran for cover.


"Someone ordered hail?" said Zool proudly as he entered the room. He stopped in his tracks to utter silence as the decorations and tall cake caught his attention. "Oops..." The moment hung like a fifty pound gouda, strobed by flashes of lightning and waves of icy marbles from the sky. Zool finally thought to shut it off, but not before a volkswagon sized chunk of ice landed outside with a wacking CRUNCH.


"Heh, sorry Ozy... Hey! You da Pharaoh!" :D

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Kasmandre rushes in from outside.


"You'll never believe the hail I just saw!"


Then he looks around and sees everyone looking at Zool


"I guess you would..."


He scoops up some hail from the floor, sticks it in a little paper cone and hands it to Ozy.


"Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your snocone."

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Underneath the gigantic chunk of ice lies the mangled form of the thing that went "CRUNCH," its almost-dragonic tail sticking out slightly on the ground next to where the glacial object rests. In an immense amount of pain but still capable of mumbling a few words, the figure underneath the hail chunk attempts to cast a heat spell in the hopes of thawing some ice, but accidently mutters the incantation to "Summon Jack Frost" instead. Upon arriving on the scene, the legendary bringer of cold is discouraged to see that not much can be done to make things any more freezing around where the glacier rests, and decides to head into the party to order some drinks on the rocks...


As Jack Frost enters into the halls of the Cabaret Room, Courteousy the Elder Dwarf arrives at the site of the ice chunk and decides that the only polite thing to do would be to chisel the overgrown lizard out of it. After spending a few hours working feverishly at the giant chunk of hail, the Polite Elder Dwarf finally succeeds at removing Wyvern from its depths.


Thanking Courteousy for his help and intensely shivering while chattering his teeth for a good ten minutes, the reptilian Elder slowly regains his composure. The greedy lizard sports a casual T-shirt on which there is written "Party Crasher" with a picture of a certain Conservatory in ruins underneath it... Upon catching a glimpse of Gyrfalcon in the Cabaret Room, however, Wyv quickly tosses on a "Gyrfalcon the Movie" sweatshirt over it in the hopes of not reminding anyone of any withstanding debts...


Entering into the party and practically tripping over the remains of a magic barrier in the process, Wyvern whips out the Decanter of Endless Booze and exclaims:


"Happy birthday Ozymandias! Ice cold Bruteweiser™ for all of the Pen!"


With that, the lizard strikes a corny John Travolta-esque "Saturday Night Fever" pose... only to find that his limbs are now stuck in that position due to their still being slightly frozen.


"... argh... this is causing one hellova cramp... someone unstick me, please...?"

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-Merry runs in slightly late and much chagrined, for she had been assigned to a job and was tardy! She looks nice but slightly rumpled as she hurries to a table in the depths of a temporary kitchen-tripping over her skirt three times in the effort to get there. This accomplished, the amateur writer/animator/shapeshifter grabs a tray of hors'd'oveurs ((Sp?)) and weaves among the crowd, offering them in order to do her part at the founder's party as a junior-ish member of the pen. Seeing Wyvern with a glance of pity, she trots over and offers a spicy-sausagey-mustardy thing-

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Ayshela wanders in just behind Merry, a bit late as it had been so long since she'd worn formal clothes she'd had a horrible time buttoning up the back of her dress. Seeing that Merry could use a bit of help, Ayshela picks up another tray and weaves through the crowd on the other side of the room.


/ooc - Happy Happy Birthday Ozymandias! May the year to come be happy and fulfilling, followed by many more just as pleasant!

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All hail the Flounder?? I don't understand....


*Several of Psimon's companions proceed to give him a sound ear-bashing*


Ouch! ouch! Ow! Hey, cut that out! OWWW! No pulling those hairs please!! OK, Ok...ok... I get it now. A simple reading error on my part. I apologise, ok? Good grief!


*Addresses The Great One*


Ozymandias.. The Well-Spring of all that is The Pen...

Many, many happy returns on this wonderful day!

The world was blessed indeed on the day you arrived and it is well that this day is celebrated in magnificent fashion!

May the Sun, Moon and stars declare this day joyous

as you take pause to dwell on your birth, and...OW!


*turns to Rhylae, who has just planted a five-inch stilletto heel in his foot*


What was that for???


"You were beginning to dribble..." her wry smile turns to The Founder. Bowing, she adds her best wishes to those already voiced.

"Happy Birthday, Ozymandias"

Rhylae turns to Psimon.

"See. It's really quite simple. No need for this verbose waffling"


*Psimon looks crest-fallen*


Happy Birthday from all our 'crew' :D

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Looking utterly lost for words while grinning like an idiot, Ozymandias bows deeply to the room.


"Thank you all. Definitely the best present I received."


Someone ushers him into a chair (was it that very kind and efficient young lady with the hors d'oevures? Not sure, she's moving too fast.), and The Founder sits, soaking it all in in blissful confusion.

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A bottle of scotch, wrapped with a blue ribbon, floats gently down to Ozy; born on a makeshift napkin-parachute. Attached is a small white card, with three simple lines legiblely scribbled in black ink.


Who is our Founder?

Who gets a line to himself?



Looking up at the balcony, one could see a little blue man in a faux-fur lined jacket receding into the throng of party-goers, eerily reminiscent of the attire he wore to the last birthday party he had attended.



A belated happy-birthday to you, oh One Who’s Works Include a Vast Wasteland.

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"Don't you think we should defrost Wyvern?" Rydia frets. "He's been frozen there for days!"


The quincunx's other heads bob up like meerkats, stare, then return to playing with and/or drinking the chocolate topping meant to be poured ONCE over a frozen dessert, then eaten. The lifesize statue of the Grim Squeaker is shaping up quite nicely, although we have Tzimfemme to blame for it being hollow.

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Vlad walks into the Cabaret room, realizing something important is going on, and as such quickly rushes to the local Vampiric 7-11 (open all night long), and buys a fine keg of blo... er, wine...


Upon returning to the celebration, he sets it down on the nearest table, not taking into accout the quality of said table. Watching the keg collapse through, break open and promptly flood the room, the vampire sheepishly walks up to the founder. "Umm... Happy Birthday?"

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Celes arrived at the Cabaret totally confused. She'd been away for days and takes the time to look around, looking the source of the activity. Realizing that it is the Ozy's birthday, she suddenly panicked


Oh no! I didn't knew it was his birthday now! Oh... shoot, I'll have to think of something quick


In a frantic panic, ches closes her eyelids so hard that she almost get an headache but she found a solution. She rushes over her Café's wine cellars and grabs her best Cabernet-Sauvigon bottles and rushes back to the Cabaret. She asks Peredhil's servant to open the bottles and give to everyone a glasse of it. She then heads over Ozy and gives him a glasse of wine


Happy birthday Ozy! I propose a toast for you and for the success of the Pen.

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