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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Deserved Promotion


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Gyrfalcon stepped into the middle of the Cabaret Room and looked around. As always, it was busy with both members of the Pen and those newly come to seek admittance, honored guests sat at tables with Pages and Quill-bearers. Gyrfalcon smiled slightly as he saw Nyyark in the corner, his crow perched on his shoulder.


Behind him, Daryl coughed slightly. "Yes Daryl, I know. I was just assessing the mood of the room."


the currently human werefox smiled "Don't take too long, pointy-ears, let's get on with it so the party can start!"


Gyrfalcon made a face over his shoulder at his werefox companion, then slid his sheathed katana over his shoulder and hammered the metal cap at the end of the sheath against the floor three times. The slow, measured cracks of metal against stone stilling the conversation throughout the Cabaret Room.


Gyrfalcon slung his sheathed katana over his shoulder again and looked around, clearing his throat before speaking into the silence.


"My apologies for the somewhat abnormal means of gaining attention, but I wished to gain everyone's attention for a short while. There are two matters to be discussed. First, there will be a party in the main courtyard starting ten minutes from now and going until the booze runs out or the last guest staggers off. And since Wyvern is helpfully providing the Endless Decanter of Booze, running out of booze is not an option." The half-elf smiled at the few brief chuckles before continuing.


"Now, as to the reason for the party. Several months ago, a group of Quill-bearers was assigned their Quill Quest. They were given the option to choose among three different quests. One of these quests was to provide truly constructive and useful criticism for a piece that he or she liked. Almost two weeks ago, one of those Quill-bearers completed this quill quest and reported the results to me. After due deliberation with the other Elders, it has been decided that this member is worthy of promotion."


"The piece that was analyzed was reverie's 'Sand' in the Writer's Workshop. The Quill-bearer was Nyyark."


"Nyyark, congratulations, you have completed your Quill Quest and you may now claim a rank about Quill Bearer as your reward! In addition, you are the guest of honor at the party about to start in five minutes. We'll see you out there- or else Daryl will come and drag you before an adoring crowd!" Gyrfalcon grins and winks at Nyyark before looking around.


"Please, extend your congratulations to Nyyark for his hard work and effort in completing his Quill Quest!"


Gyrfalcon begins to applaud, Daryl meanwhile clapping a party hat on the half-elf's head before shouting "PARRRRRRTY!"

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Nyyark stands and blinks in disbeleif. All around him he hears the clapping and cheering of his many friends. Slowly the shock fades to a grin. He shakes his head once then throws it back in loud laughter. When he notices that applause has died down he creases his laughter. Seeing the confusion on the faces in the tavern, he grins even more"


"Oh this is great! I'm thrilled to be a voting member now, but a party..."


Nyyark pauses to see if anyone is catching on. As dead silence greets him he continues.


"Lets just make sure that everyone knows they can attend this time."


As odd as his "joke" is, his face lights into such a delightful smile many cannot help but laugh. Cawing a sigh, Crow comes and leads Nyyark back to his seat. Just before he sits down he shouts out as an afterthough


"Oh yeah, I want to be a Poet!"


(Thanks everyone for sharing my experences here, its really cool to finally be a member :lol: )

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