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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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The moment Gwai rolled out of bed that morning his cloak of leaves floated over to him and began scolding him. "You told us you'd promote him yesterday!" "Yeah," another leaf complained "he really deserves it too!" "We would never have let you shut us into a closet if we'd known you'd go and fall asleep without keeping your promise!"


"ohhhh" Gwaihir said as memory slapped in the face like a wet blanket "well, umm I've been a bit under the weather lat..."


The leaves weren't taking any excuses "Do you know how danged hard it was to slide out from under a closet door? I'll tell you it took us 45 minutes, but every single leaf of us agreed that we weren't about to let you roll on our your window to the cabbages and forget us and your duties." "No putting us in the closet again!" a big leaf ordered severly.


Gwaihir sighed. "I knew this neatness thing would never work. Weell, where is he? Let's go down to the Cabaret room and tell him what an awesome person he is." Silly elf-naturally Gryphon wasn't there. When would a hard working mage ever want to work in the Cabaret room?


However, here began a new problem, because it quickly became apparent that another thing that a hard-working mage doesn't do is answer the door. After quite a bit of banging Gryphon finally called out 'I'm just too far behind. This is taking too long. The other two have already finished my quest and I can't break now." Gwaihir snorted but his leaves reasonably reminded him that if someone's concentrating it's really hard to stop and walk over open the door etc.


"Well!" exclaimed Gwaihir "I am going to promote him! A man won't take a break to recieve praise clearly deserves it."


One of his leaves blinked eyelessly. "Uuum, he only has one door and it's locked--you can't really promote him in absentia."


It took about an hour to solve the problem, but they certainly did surprise Gryphon. Whether or not he thought about the person who banged on his door, he certainly didn't expect them to arrive in by his third floor window! He probably would have thought it even less likely if he had known that his caller was the clutzy elf Gwaihir. But stubbornness does amazing things and his cloak of leaves gave impressively good advice.


That elf was proud of himself when he stepped through the window. Gwaihir beamed at the stunned Gryphon. The mage had just taken a breath to smile at a completed part and then what happens but a danged elf comes in at the window!


"Congratulations to our newest..."


Gryphon held up a hand "But I haven't completed my quest! You can't promote me yet?"


Gwaihir shrugged "It's an impressively big job you took on and we want to recognize your progress. You're too down on yourself lately. Don't worry, if it makes you feel better, your promotion will be dependent on your continuing to work on that quest."


He walked over to the door to let in the doubtlessly cheering hordes. "Congratulations to our newest Herald!"


OOC: If you do decide which title you want and it isn't Herald then tell me and I'll change it. Congrats, you do deserve it. And btw, I was told that he wouldn't let me promote him if I didn't include that caveat--that's why it's there--I know he'll finish.

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Mynx was the first to leap through the door, hitting Gryphon with a full blown tacklehug.

"Yay! I told you you'd get there, Ashke!"

Hugging Gryphon happily, Mynx proceeded to nuzzle him into oblivion...


OOC: Well done babe!

Toldya so!


...So when do I get to play with the feather dye? :D

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Gryphon looks around, bemused by the sudden influx of people into his room.


"But I've got to..." He trails off half gesturing at what appears to be a square of canvas lying on his workbench glittering strangely in the light before being bowled over by several enthusiastic tacklehugs.




Sometime later as Gryphon emerges from the first round of congratulations he comments quietly to himself "Oh well, I hope Elrohir probably wont mind waiting a little longer, I don't think I'm going to get too much more done on his gift today." Then he turns back to the party to mingle and thank people for their help and support in his Quest so far.




The Quest continues... :)

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A Raven lands on Gryphon's head. dances around a bit, looks at his friend in the wonderfully strange and upside down way that only a mad Raven perched on your head can do, and in a very loud voice, yells.......




"Congrats my friend, well deserved, very well deserved."



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