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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

People and Personality of The Pen


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You know, it's strange...I've been a Pen Member for a bit over two years now. I've known everyone for quite a while (some longer than the two years due to Archmage) and I suppose I've probably established quite a name for myself here...but I can't help feeling like I'm just a halfling among giants.


I mean, the names and people I talk to on a daily basis are almost legendary to me - Yui-Chan, Peredhil, Gyrfalcon, Wyvern...these are all names that I look up to and men and women who's great works I try so hard to emulate. Am I the only one? Are there people out there that would place little old me on that list of names in their head? It feels so strange to think about, but truly, this is home.


I've met so many great writers and artists in my stay here, it's quite possibly one of the few parts of my life that hasn't annoyed me at one point or another. It's not threatening or harmful or abusive or anything - it's always there, serene and calm and happy, waiting for someone to visit and share.


*chuckles* I still remember back when I joined two years ago, how amazed I was at the quality of work - it humbled a man that wasn't use to humility. I've grown up having such a control over words and music that I kind of got used to being one of the best until I came here, and I realized how much more I could be.


This organization has seen me go from confused, suicidal teen to a man who's stepped out on his own and is taking responsibility for my life and doing what is best.


I just wanted to say thanks for everything, and I wanted to let everyone else know how important this place is to me.


*hugs the whole place*

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I have been here for almost a year, but already know what you mean... In a way, i envy the people here with their talents, but I also admire and wish I culd be like them. It's a place of open minds and wonderful talents, and there is something about this place that has me aspiring to still be more.


I don't know too many people around here except for the people i know in RL, but I do love asscoiating with other people and it's great tosee that there are other literate people out there. Most often, I find that most people have never even read a book unless they had to, and this place is a good way to get away fro it all and be in a place where everyone shares at least one interest... writing.


I'm hoping this place will be here forever, and I am so glad to have all of these friends, even if i don't really know them. nobody has tried to make a mockery of me or destroy me here, and i appreiciate everyone for it. Thank you all.

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Funny, when I was asked to join, everyone outranked me (I was the first Quill Bearer), and I pretty much felt as Falcon does - I'm in a group with *who?!?*


The reason it's funny is that I still feel that way. My muse is occasional and fickle, and she manifests in different ways than many of those here that I respect and admire.

I mean - the songs Falcon writes. I don't write songs...

I'm still amazed I'm on people's list.


But yes, this place is in my comfort zone. I agree with Damon in a way, Those who are negative, aggressive, attack - you know the type, they only feel high when they've pushed someone down and stood on their head for a moment, those types just don't last long here.


I've seen attacks - and I've seen Pen members ignore them, or reply with Bardic Satires - and the attacker just went away.


The feeling that I feel here I associate with my birth family - it's a feeling of love. Such an overused and abused word in our society, but I use it in its correct meaning in this case. If confused, define it as "the Pen community feeling"...

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i think, here, one could come to understand what love is, and by comparison, what it *isn't*.


I'm glad to see this posted here, especially so since i've been going to make a similar post for well over a month and by the time i get to the keyboard all sensible thought has departed and i've forgotten what i was going to say.


*hugs everyone*


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Oh I definitely agree. I feel exactly the same way. I think it's kind of interesting to examine the 'generations' of The Pen. I mean, you have the people who started the place, the people of been here a long time, the people who have been here a while... and yeah. I think somebody knows what I'm saying. Anyways, I've kinda looked up to people since I first started writing on the old boards. Now, I like to think I can almost be in the same league... although I haven't yet worked with as many people as I would like, that will all come in time ^.^ For now, I'm enjoying hanging out and bothering everyone, old and new alike.



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the thing i admire most is how some of the ppl on the pen... are so prolific... and with quality to boot...




must be nice...



the dreamlost

"tapping the flow, only just so..."

the dream continues...

Edited by reverie
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I felt the way you did Falcon when I started on the old b1 ubb. I was posting among people like Wyvern and Brute and Chey, and Tzim and Gyr were the moderators (I think :P)..but like overtime it kinda wore away for me, and I'm now friends with them, rather than looking up and thinking "wow" like I used to, its hard to explain :S


Maybe it had something to do with being Elder with them for a while, I dunno.

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I have no idea if I'm One Of The Names or not now. I still feel like a newby most of the time, but I agree, getting to know the legendary people makes them more human. Except Orlan. He's still just as legendary and cool and intimidating as when I first showed up.

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ahhh... i still remember before most ya'll even showed up on the old b1 banquet hall(pre-UBB) just after server III got reincarnated as blitz 1 or 2. I forget it's been so long... Only name that I recall from that era is gry... Of course the quality was no where near where it was 'till all you story teller's started putting down roots... (was mostly random rambles, spam, flames, pleas for help, strategem, propaganda, on-going conversations, and of course complaints about the developer of the game...)


I left it to ramble lot's (lots!!!) and engage in phycological warfare witha few guildes and their offspring in the b2 ... Biggest claim to fame and bludder was inciting the formation of the Red Wizards of Thay Guild... That and being formally band from all B1 Tournies...


after 'bout a year I popped my head back in... WOOOW! B1 had Story Tellers... Lot's of them... and How!!! Joat and Rydia struck me the most... :)



the dreamlost

"what do you see when you turn out the lights? (beatles)"

the dream continues...

Edited by reverie
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This thread is so amazing. I still feel the "WOW" everytime someone else knows who I am and writes my name down with the others such as Brute...I still think most write better than me here and stress everytime I put my poems in here for fear of....rejection maybe....I don't know....


I still recall meeting Wyv....I wrote him a personal ad on the UBB he wanted an experienced player and I played the harlot and stole his heart....was so much fun. I miss you all so much.


Hope to be here in person more often in here spiritually every day.


love you all!



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Zariah waves her hand anxiously in the air, quite a bit out of character but genuine all the same.


"Ooooh ooooh talk to me if you want! PM me! I want in!!!! Talk to me!!! I want to know EVERYONE and EVERYTHING! I am soooo tired of being shy! Meeeee!!!! Pick me! Pick Me! There's also a rumor about a possible reunion RP where everyone shall come....the Ball was a great place and I met people there....go to the Ball!"


(OOC: And I was hoping my QQ would engage unknown people to unknown, but that requires comments from everyone!)


And echo (as if a ghost was hypnotizing the audience) repeats until it fades

Goooo toooo thhhhe Balllll, Gooooo tooo thhhhe Ballllll....thhhhe Balll.....

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I did recall when I first came in, poeple like Jechum, Yui, Wyvern, Peredhil, Tzimfemme and so many more were big names. I went over there, start writing stuff in French and translating said work (Arlequin, an Archmage friend is the one that actually requested the French forum, not me) and all the ado. I was amazed of the warm welcome as well as the openmindness present in here. I mean, English forums that leaves room for "foreign" languages are rare.


Although that sometimes I feel like a dwarf, as Falcon cleverly said, I cannot ignore the fact that I'm leaving my mark around since, afterall I'm around since 2 years now.

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Wyvern smiles warmly and pours out glasses of Bruteweiser Booze decorated with small purple umbrellas for everyone.


I love it how Pen appreciation threads like this one seem to appear every few months without fail. :) They're the one type of non-creative thread that I never get tired of, as they always directly show how deep and significant an impact this community has on people's lives.


Like Peredhil, I still find it somewhat surprising when people list me amongst geniouses like Yui and Tzim as I've never considered myself in the same league, but like others I've come to know my fellow writers as friends rather than idols (although I admit to being guilty of still idolizing them on occasion ;-)). It's also amazing to see how some writers have grown over the course of time they've spent on this site...


There's one thing that I thought I'd note which evoked this response from me... In Falcon's first post, he mentioned how he strives to "emulate" the writers he admires. While I'm certain it was meant as a means of saying that the writers have inspired him to post things, it's important to note that each and every member here has a uniqueness that all of the members can benefit from. What it comes down to is each person expressing these unique styles and ideas to the community in a manner that people can benefit from. Regardless of what some might think of themselves at this point, every person here is special.


With that, Wyvern bows and distributes hugs, noting that two writers who have really wowed him with their writing recently are Stick and Tralla...

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What more can I say? The community of the Pen inspires. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when rubbing shoulders daily with people like Ozy, Orlan, Tzimm, Yui, Wyvern, Peredhil, and so many others. The list goes on and grows with every new member. But regardless of whatever feelings each of us harbors for a particular person or persons in the Pen, I've noticed that everyone grows into giants in their own way. Including you, Falcon.


This isn't to say that we lose this respect for our peers. Personally, I frequently go long periods before posting simply because I feel that certain standards should be kept when I post. Not a bad thing, I think. It just makes for really slow posts. We carry respect for each other as we gain literary skill and strength.


The "Pen community feeling", as Peredhil describes, is my gentle shore along a river of life. I can always reconnect and find comfort when the waters grow turbulent. For that, bless each and every one of you.


Having spoken his mind, Brute takes off the Mantle of Touchy-Feely Warm Fuzzies and slurps down some of Wyvern's booze.

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