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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Everything posted by Peredhil

  1. Door creaked a greeting to the Polite Ancient Elder happily as he passed inside, pausing to appreciate the decorations and absent-mindedly picking up some of the old food wrappers around Wyvern's desk. Peredhil smile wryly as he looked at Melba, the Almost Secretary's desk and read her neatly written sign. "It's your birthday, you bum. Out chasing Brute so you can try to have a happy one, you lazy womanizing scheming almost dragonic low-life. Love Melba" This promised to be amusing, at the least...
  2. Would you mind putting a finger in this arterial bleeding here while I - What? Oh, that IS a nasty paper-cut! Oh, I'm so sorry you hurt yourself! Let me lean against this doorknob here to keep pressure on this while I bandage that... There. Better? Of course I'll kiss it too! No, I'll be fine, you keep your appointment. No hug, you'll get blood on you, silly. I understand. I'm sure I'll be right here if you need me again.
  3. Polite Tramin Hugs! I've missed you!
  4. Peredhil and his friends roll and hold 1 + 1D4 moments of silence for Gygax I think part of the success was that his name was cool. All those Gs and Y and an X... he could've been a modern medicine
  5. W00t! Elrohir and Guido, suckers for romance AND lawful authority, throw rose petals and hand cuffs congratulations!!!! Big Peredhil HUGS!
  6. Started playing D&D in 1976. It was transforming. Getting to step into the story instead of just reading was revolutionary at the time, and I wonder if people who grew up with the concept of Role Playing can truly understand just what a big deal it was. Kinda like growing up without video games or computers.
  7. Peredhil's henchrodent, Guido, slips in and whispers to The Other Guido, the bartender and slips him a huge wad of geld. Smiling toothily, the Giant Guinea Pig chortles his way over to a corner to watch. The bartender, pulling on enormous asbestos gauntlets, uses them to pick up worn tongs, cold-forged of meteoritic iron. Using those, he opens a ceramic trapdoor. Fumes begin rising, curling, seeking... Hastily T.O. Guido lifts a small blackened silver-bound chest from the alcove and tips the door shut. Placing a chalice on the counter, he drops several small rocks into it. Then he bends out of sight. Various clicks, snaps, and Words are heard, then, strain shaking his muscles, he lifts a small glass bottle of Ole Peculiar and pours it into the chalice. Mist foams over the lips of the chalice, small blue fires dance eerily above it. Still wearing the gauntlets and using the tongs (are they an inch shorter?), he carries the chalice to Alaeha. Happy Birthday from the Rodent of Unusual Size, over in the corner...
  8. that rings familiar. You have a knack of distilling essence into words.
  9. I like. Very much. Impressed Peredhil is impressed. Reminds me of some of my favorite psalms.
  10. Heh... social sensitivity. This is not the way of my people.
  11. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A person? Yes. I miss you. <3
  12. The softest sensations building in your heart; She came one day and posted from the start. Speaking poetry, emotion's native tongue, And now one year less toward young. Happy birthday Silver Wind!!!
  13. Congrats Sal!!! Giving everyone a Polite hug, Peredhil sighs and adjusts Guido's fedora for him.* "T'anks Boss!"
  14. Really like this! Tallying up my vote, the Eyes have it.
  15. Written 16FEB2008 for a long time friend met in the military. contains in-jokes, but hopefully the heart will come through. Was beginning to think I'd forgotten how to write... ~Peredhil 1. As long as I have a home, you will never be homeless. If you are starving, I’ll share my food. Unless you have a pet, in which case I’ll help you prepare your Meals-on-paws. 2. We are at the age that all pain is no longer gain. But I’ll tease you about being a wussy regardless. I’ll just make sure you get to a doctor if you break. 3. If you have a need and I can help, I will. Please note that Universal Cosmic Law #7 states that if I’m having sex, this is a Class Three demi-miracle and it is impossible for you to have a need. Wait three minutes and reevaluate. By then, UCL #7 may not apply anyway. 4. The doctors tell me I may no longer drink. This shouldn’t prevent you from drinking if you wish. I will get just as loud, embarrassing, and belligerent, be able to drive, and remember every thing you’d rather forget, for you. a. By UCL #4, the Lawful Lie, I can embellish anything you did foolishly, and include anything that either of us should’ve said but didn’t, when recounting said events. It makes a better story. b. Unless in a court of law, in which case, I don’t remember anything past your stopping to allow the old lady to cross the street and the jerk behind you almost hitting you for this deed of grace and love. Oh, and his insistence that I take his keys before he had his first drink. But, Your Honor, he’s just like that. 5. Your mate and spawn are safe with me. If you die before the spawn are functional adults, I won’t take care of them for you, I’ll take care of them as you would’ve, to the best of my ability. a. When in your home, I will not correct you or give relationship/parenting advice in front of any one, regardless of my personal beliefs. If I can’t support you, I’ll get a room some where before I’d undermine you. b. In private, I will tell you my beliefs and why, and then support you in whatever you decide, to the best of my ability. 6. When you are making a decision, I will give you my experience, knowledge, views, beliefs, and whatever support I can. Once the decision is made, I’ll put all that aside and support you as if the decision were mine, unless it conflicts with my morality. 7. If your heart is broken, I’ll listen to you and give sympathy for the appropriate time of Manliness Mourning. Then I’ll tease you about it publically to help you toughen back up. 8. On second thought, I will always tease you publically, so you’ll be ready. Life and change occur on the edges of the comfort zone. I’ll help you find your own personal limits, and then push them. Feel the love. 9. When you’re being serious, I say obvious things until you get a sense of humor back. When you are angry, I’ll laugh at you. When we are Norsing, I’ll remind you to pillage THEN burn. When we are geriatric, I’ll remind you the rule is socks then shoes, and that toes go in first. 10. All flesh is born of water and blood. But some bonds of brotherhood are birthed in hell and through choice. The second is our bond.
  16. Realistically, there are no tangible benefits. You can be here forever for the poetry, and no one will quibble or try to force you to move up in ranks, or demote you. As for intangible benefits, trying to explain the intangible in a non-linear place like the Pen is like trying to describe social nuances to my 15 year old with mild Aperger's Syndrome. Just can't be done in a meaningful way. Not right, not wrong, any more than colour blind is right or wrong. Just is.
  17. A list is first proposed in the Tower by the administrative staff, who keep track of the eligible, and then put to a Voting Membership-wide determination. All vetoes for advancement are required to have a justification, to include what the person may do or change to advance. A check-and-balance on personality cults and conflicts. The promotion from Initiate to Page is a recognition of activity in the Pen, and an encouragement. It is given to reflect growth in the areas of posting, gracefully accepting feedback, and a few other things. The descriptions in the FAQ in the Walls pretty much sums up what is expected at each level. The promotion from Page is a bit harder for most as instead of reflecting personal growth, it is a recognition of social growth - ability to play well with others, firmly hold an opinion but allowing others to hold theirs, being constructive, social emphasis. Does this help? ~creaky Ancient Peredhil
  18. Black9! I miss his writing. Happy Birthday!
  19. LOL! For years I've used the line, "the silence is deafening me". I love this! <3
  20. Assuming pools of watching was meant. I do that constantly when typing. That and typing "you" instead of "your". I like how in just a few words, I get this mind vision of flaring skirts, bare feet stomping the ground, ankle bells chiming - and the fires burning in the watching eyes...
  21. Happy birthday Mighty Pen sight. You've endured a lot since Rune gave you to me for Christmas, and repaid the world over. Many more.
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