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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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I used to type my stories out, word for word on the computer, then erase most of it as it displeased me. Nowadays, however, as most of my computer time, and power is taken up by everquest, I have found myself going back to a basic pen and exersise book-now 20 pages deep in scratch marks I make as the words flow into my head.



How do you write?

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I still type things up on the computer when I can avoid a pen and paper. I make many, many mistakes, as evidenced by anything I don't thouroughly proof-read. Fixing those mistakes is so much easier with a computer.


Sometimes I type stuff up in a word processor so I can benefit from spell-check and the save button, but usually I'm too lazy for that.

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My first drafts are very nearly final ones, and as such I hated writing them out--what was the point of rewriting when there was so little reason to rewrite? When I gained access to word processing programs I swore by them (the electronic keyboard's capacity to hold a single line before printing didn't even emcompass one of my average sentences).


My honey, on the other hand, must have his yellow legal pad in order to create, crossings-out and carets and what I assume are letters littering the page.

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I was using an electronic word processor as far back as 1985. Before that rewriting was a laboriously long task, because I can change, throw out, or completely re-rewrite everything.


Usually, I'm too lazy for that though. :P


For casual posting, which is all I do lately, I simply open notepad, spill my raw ideas as fast as I can before I forget them, then try to put them in some kind of sensical order. I almost always make changes after the cut and paste into the post window.

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Keyboard definitely.


It allows my fingertips to flow before the Censor in my mind can check (and delete it) for clarity, consistency, content, etc.


In the days of Pen and Paper, The blank page would defeat me and I'd end up defenestrating the pad.


word processing definitely.

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A lot of the time, I write on paper. I really, truly do prefer the keyboard if I'm doing anything long, but there's one small problem that I've found:


I can't cram my computer in my backpack and take it to school with me, and I write most of my poetry either in my creative writing class or when I get bored in history.


But particularly when I'm writing prose, I very much prefer my word processor. It's so much nicer for that sort of thing.


Perhaps I'm just odd... but I've found that all my conscious mind does when I'm writing poetry and such by hand is to remember the line I'm writing or perhaps alter it slightly to improve the rhythm, and that without really trying. It never really censors stuff.

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Sometimes, I have an idea and I just write it down as quickly as possible on the computer. It was the case with the Think series, which the media critic is inspired by the famous IBM and Mac slogans (Think and Think different) and my experience in an advertising agencies. I've got a crazy idea coming but I need to fix the wording and how things will be going.

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I do most of my writing on my computer because I tend to edit as I go along and my spelling's so horrible that editing what I write out becomes an exercise in insanity.


Of course, I can't carry my computer everywhere (even though it is a laptop), so I keep a small notebook in my jacket pocket in case I some up with something away from my computer. It's handy to just be able to throw out something and not worry about losing or forgeting it (I've lost more ideas than I'd care to think about because I had nowhere to write them down).

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I use computer word and word pad mostly... end up doing a lot of copying and pasting of stuff to avoid just erasing everything like i used to as i would edit on the fly. This usually makes drafts long.


Will still put pen to page when pressed or to kill time...



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Heh, Wren, I'll have to agree with you. That's how I do most of my work, is put is all in notepad, then copy paste. Unless I really need to get it out now, and I'm nowhere near the computer, then it's pen and paper. ;)

Edited by Blondemoon
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