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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Evil Plotting


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Gwaihir and Mynx looked at each other and he nodded. Mynx smirked. Since their chat after Mynx's promotion they had been rather friendly and now they were distinctly up to something. One day when Gyrfalcon walked in to talk to Gwaihir about practical things he'd found not only his hair brush (so that's where that went) but a cat and an elf whispering strangely. A bit later a raven who'd come to find Mynx had been relatively sure he heard his own name. Naturally his feline friend chose not to comment on the matter.


Naturally he was baffled, but shaking a cat doesn't make her tell secrets, so he had to give up. Then the next day as he walked into the Cabaret room he saw a bunch of pen people sitting around. He wondered why they were all looking at him until suddenly he was swarmed by kitten minions 'Ah, Drats, so that's what she'd been planning' he thought as they knocked him over backwards, sneezing vigorously.'


Immediately Gwaihir rushed in--for once right on cue 'Ah I will save you my friend!' he exclaimed with a grandiose wave of his hand.' Mynx coughed and one of the kittens raised an eyebrow.


'Did I mention that I was allergic to cats' asked Cryptomancer through a lot of fluff.


Gwaihir raised his hands in a sign of surrender. 'Yeah, okay fine, so I won't save you, but I will do this.' Gwaihir set up a tall parchment above Cryptomancer. '

Congratulations to our newest Poet, Cryptomancer!
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*flying tacklehugs*

Congratulations my friend!













Toldya you could do it.

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Appearing out of nowhere Gryphon launches a tacklehug at Cryptomancer, almost missing before bouncing off and slamming into a wall.


He stands and turns to Cryptomancer.


"Congratulations my friend, may sunlight always light your path and may your pen never run dry."


Gryphon then dissolves into a column of sparkly motes which dissipate into nothingness just as Gryphon can be heard to mutter "needs calibration"...

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*sits stunned in the pile of kittens, sneezing frequently*


"ahh-choo, ahhchoo ahh-chhooo ah-cho-ahhchoo"




I am even sneezing in iambic pentameter now.




*dances around*


Yay, thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou .....


thank you all so much for the topics and the encouragement and the honour of a new rank, I hope ai can live up too the title.


thank you to Gryph and Mynx for bugging me to finish, especially Mynx.


*hugs Mynx*


thanks for chasing me.


Yay, *dances around spilling kittens at each step and sneeze*



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Showing unusual exuberance for the normally stoic alchemist, epinephrine offers his congratulations.



"Congratualtions cryptomancer. You thoroughly deserve it!"


Seriously though my most heartfelt congrats. I look foward to continuing to read your excellent poetry



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