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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A Riddle Booth


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Ozymandias sat at ease on a simple wooden chair outside a great pavilion; one the likes of which had not been seen since the rulers of the Earthen lands called the Middle East of thousands of years ago. There were fine skins and rich weaves in and on the grand tent round about; even the ash tent poles had all been crafted by masters' hands.


He sat next to the entrance as well as the embroidered sign affixed to it. It read:


Riddling and reward for it

(bring your wits or a tasty dish)


Fairgoers who asked the Loremaster to explain were all told, "Inside is nature's riddler; the sphinx. If you wish to play, answer the questions she asks. Answer correctly and receive a geld reward each time. Answer incorrectly, and she will expect you to pay- with a meal.


So do not be caught with your cunning down, and you will be rewarded. Be stumped by her, and well...make sure you have a Christmas feast with you, or you are on the menu."



Inbetween curious and brave folk, Ozymandias hummed 'God Rest ye, Merry Gentlemen' to himself as he roasted chestnuts over a small fire.

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The rules, in full:

1) You will be given five rounds of riddles.

2) The farther you get, the more and the harder they will be (one in round one, two in round two, and so on)

3) You will only be given the next round's riddles after you answer the current ones.

4) Geld will be awarded as follows:


5 geld for round one

7 geld for round two

9 geld for round three

11 geld for round four

13 geld for round five


5) If you get stumped, you may keep trying to answer whatever riddle or riddles you get stuck on for as many times as you can think of a new dinner for the sphinx (it can be any food, really). If you get tired of the given riddle, I'll give you a new one.

6) Riddles will be given to participants by PM only until five people have answered all five rounds of riddles. Then I will post the riddles in full for all to see.

7) There is also a special bonus riddle that will be worth 45 geld. Anyone who makes it to round three or higher is eligible to answer it (you need not succeed at round three, just get to it), but you only get ONE chance to answer it.


To be fair, here's one (and only one) hint for it: Edgar Allen Poe.



Have fun!


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Inbi Infusco sidled up to the tent. She stared at the sign for a moment, then rushed off. Later that day she returned, pushing a covered cart.


The young woman waited for a nod from Ozymandias before pulling the curtain aside and entering the Sphinx's lair, food cart in tow. Wearing a determined expression, she smiled at the curious bystanders and let the curtain fall back in place.

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Perched percariously upon a bluff in the land of the dreamlost sat a sullen and morose Castle...


Castle sighed listlessly, they had deserted him again... Castle looked out far over the bright town below... Somewhere he thought, their somewhere down there... Revery and the rest had all gone off to the local magistrate to straighten out an unexpected legal matter. Apparently a nefarious murder plot had taken place over the holidays... Supposedly it had even taken place in his own great hall... Silly really, but the local authorities seemed pretty adament about it. So much so, that they focibly marched Revery, Quest, and Fountain over the wall to account for the mishap. Seizing the Christmas Tree, its decorations, and what was left of Fountain's present as state evidence. They took them all down below for questioning... They even subpoena the dinner guests during the short notice Funeral Banquet they had work so hard to arrange.


Castle wondered how'd they were doing, so summoning his scrying skills left over from the now almost forgotten guilds wars, he centered his attention on the town below.



Flash to a Aging Court house in the town below... We find Revery, Quest, and Fountain in Chains before the magistrate.


Peering over a set of his glasses, the elder magistrate read the charges,

"Revery Castle-Builder Dreamlost, how do you and your party plead to the charges of Kidnapping, Agravated Assault, and Murder of Mr. Travis Cistern Abensai..."


...Looking Agast and very annoyed Revery begain, "Your honor, I object to theses charges. We did not Kidnap Mr. Abensai, He came of to my Castle..."


Castle's Acading archways perked up at his name, and he started to following the scene more closely.


"...of his own free will, seeking employment at my request; any assault on my or my associates part was regrettable and unintentional, and as to the charge of Murder, that is perposterous, this is clearly a case of Man-Slaugther not Murder, and the blame goes not myself of my fellow captors here in the court room, but to my misintentioned and idiotic Castle; who your officers dismissed as a mere structure incable of carrying out the charges set before us..."


Castle had heard enough and turned his scry towards the horizon, looking for something else to amuse himself with... Focusing on in the Pen and it's Carboret Room... Castle read a posting from the Revered Lore Master...


"Riddles? Oh why not..." Castle Hastlely scribled a note, willed it into the mind of one of his messengers ensuring to stock his pack with lot's of lunchen meat and cornbread muffins, and then sent him off the to Mighty Pen Fair Grounds.


The note read:


Reverend Lore Master and Founder... I will take up your challenge. Let loose you Riddle-Laden Arrows.




Castle of the dreamlost



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"Oooooh! Riddleses!" a small voice piped up from somewhere underfoot. "Sheemie loves riddles, so he does! And Sheemie's a good'un cook too, make up all sorts of nice foods for the Sphinxy-winksy. You just wait, Sheemie'll get his cooking things and be back in two shakes, so he will!"


And with that, the little serving-elf Sheemie ran off to gather ingredients.

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Zariah ambled in and almost bumped into a little elf. She recovered composure and read the sign tacked on the wall. Realizing it would be a challenge, she decided to participate anyways, so she signed up. Remembering that she needed ingredients, she gave a loud caw in hopes her crow friends could hear her. Seconds later, Wanderer appeared on her arm.


"I need some ingredients" Zariah then whispered in crow the list and Wanderer flew away to retrieve her requested items.


I suppose I will be contacted? Or maybe I should wait here, she thought. Confused, she looked around to see wht others were doing.

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Tanny's grin turns into a half-grimace as she thinks of how bad she is at riddles, but maybe she can survive based on her cooking skills...


Or, with any luck, she could just give the Sphinx a big indigestion while running away ;)



Hm... well, I can give it a try. But I'm *awful* at riddles :P

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"Being able to confuse myself just by listening to what I say this sphinx should be no biggy!"


*looks up after putting her name on the list, and notices the people around her looking at her in a strange, confused way*


"What?" ^_^

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I'd just like to step Out of Character for a moment and note:


I don't know where Ozy is getting these, but I'm getting a headache solving them.


I haven't thought this hard around corners since the last time Jechum played my world and tried to convince me to let him start a new religion.



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You won't let players start new religions?


My current D&D character's long term goal is to found a church of Olidammara in Eberron. Just because, because of the way Divine Powers work in Eberron, it would work.


Anyways, with that offtopic aside, sure, I'll take a shot at the riddles. :D

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Well, I got shot down in the second 'round... Good luck guys...


Luckily I gave Castle the job of answering the Sphinx... So he' s doing it all via messenger boy... Currently messenger boy #1, Decoy, is sweating bullets... hoping his Fishsticks and Quail Egg Souffe go over well...


His replacement, "Target Practice a.k.a. The Mighty Lawn Dart" is standing ready to step in should Decoy end up being disgested...



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Oz asked me to pass on a message:


his long and very busy weekend will be coming to an end tonight, so he will be able to respond to participants tomorrow. In the meantime, those who have riddles may continue to PM the answers to him as he will be able to check on them shortly.


Thank you. :)

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Thanks again 'shela. ^_^


I do apologize for the abrupt abscence- computer access was nowhere near as good as I'd thought it would be for a few days there.


But I'm back now. Check your inboxes, people!!


Master P- I'll have those final two riddles to ya tonight.


Rev and everyone else who's hit a stumper or two- Remember, all who offer some food (ANY food) for the sphinx may keep trying at the riddle(s) which they are stuck on without penalty (other than more food if you give wrong answers again).



To all- This is not a booth which requires RP, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the roleplay that is going on, and would like to post our exchanges, if I may (I just want to keep to my 'no riddles posted until five people have gotten all five rounds right' rule, so I'll have to wait to put up all RP in proper context).


Are all my roleplayers current and potential okay with that?

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