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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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"FLY, YOU N00BS!" yelled Dean as he sped away down the corridor. The others followed as best and as fast as they could in his wake, running, bouncing, and so on.


Wow, that guy can move when he wants to! thought Appy in grudging admiration as she huffed her way further away from their pursuers. Dean the Adequate, Appy, Yuki Kokoro, Purple_Shadows, Dragonqueen, Mira, and katzaniel had all had their day start off well enough; dressing and undressing, knitting exciting underwear...








Wrong script. Sorry.


ANYWAY, their days had started off just fine with the temperature moderate as usual, sun shining, birds chirping, etc., etc.... aha! ...when the legions of the underworld had hunted them down one by one and suddenly begun chasing them down like hugnry wolves! Well, not exactly like wolves, since squirrels and Mind Rippers don't actually run in packs, and it's still under heated debate as to whether or not shadow creatures either run *or* eat... Point being, they were being hunted down like dogs, and had found no-one to help them against the ravening, growing horde of Mind Rippers, squirrels, rats, Water Elementals, Shadow Monsters, and roving bands of disenfranchised youth who simply wanted somewhere 'to belong'.


The chase had just led them through the Northeastern corridor, which, unfortunately for all, was currently passing (in The Pen is Mightier than the Sword's continuing journey through the multiverse) right through one of M.C. Escher's daydreams.


The resultant display of wobbling, falling, and rainbow hued continous loops of vomit was not pretty. But the pursuers were not to be denied. They had tried everything at their disposal, and it seemed for every creature they annihilated, three more clambered into the fray from windows, cupboards, boxes, you name it. Dean had nearly exhausted his exhaustive repertoire of spells. All he had left were 'Create Wolfsbane' and 'Summon Martini'.


"Not good", he whimpered heroically. Appy had tried biting the Mind Rippers on the head for a change, which confused the almighty heck out of them for awhile- but not long enough. Poor Purple_Shadows had become so desparate, she had snatched up a very oddly placed and familiar looking screen door with a little push button handle and bludgeoned some sixteen suicide squirrel squadrons to smithereens.


Saith said Squirrels: "Rosebud!"


Panting, sweaty, and still extremely dizzy and nauseous, the septet stopped at the wall that was now slowly changing into birds and flying away...that had formerly been the only way out.


They braced themselves for their last stand, each and every one willing to die fighting. In many cases, this mortal combat would seem to be about to entail a great deal of slapping, eye gouging, hair-pulling, and a teensy bit of sobbing- but I digress.


The slavering beasts, not much the better for wear by now, but hellbent on their cause rushed explosivley forward, and came to a screeching halt scant feet away from the embattled Pennites.


The craetures alsmost as one, looked emabarassed, and started murmurming and checking amongst themselves as though they'd lost something. Our gallant heroes began to feel much the same way.


Finally, a tiny squirrel, with impossibly curly eyelashes, big, brown, trusting, loving eyes, and a big, fluffy tail so ridiculously out of proportion to its body it was *unbearably* cute and squeezable skittered shyly up to the group. It had a roll of papyrus strapped to its back.


Now utterly lost but willing to go with the flow, Yuki reached down, took the paper, and unrolled it. There, for all to see, were the words:




Congratulations to you all! I regret not being able to join

you in our beloved keep on this auspicious day, but my

heart swells with pride and happiness at knowing that your

due is finally being gotten.


So without further ado!


Promoted to the rank of Page, are Dean the Adequate,

Yuki Koroko, and Purple_shadows.


Promoted to the rank of Quill-Bearer are Appy, Dragonqueen,

Mira, and Katzaniel.


I'm glad you made it. Excelsior!






For some reason, it is written in black crayon.


Once all were done reading this missive, the assembled monsters let out a titanic (and ear-splitting) cheer. The Mind Rippers pass out party hats, and the Sahdow Monsters set themselves to the task of serving drinks...from somewhere.


Taking all this in, the newly promoted are dumbfounded, relieved, awed, and a few words I'm not allowed to post here.


Seizing Purple_shadows' door from her hands, Katzaniel smites the messenger squirrel for good measure.

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*surprised look* wah?




*stammer* why thank you... I haven't got a speech ready but uhm... I'd like to thank uhm... oh! my mom (*mutter* always a good one, yes).. and uhm,.... *stare into the crowd in front of her* .. yes.... *walk towards mindripper* do you mind?




Yes *chew* yes, just what I thought on the first time... *look up at bewildered mindripper* You, Sir, taste horrible!



*Humming the tune of the Magical Roundabout, Appy wanders away wiping her mouth with a tissue and flicking a small piece of tentacle from between her teeth using a deranged squirrel*

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* does a little happy dance *


:wizzie: :lol: :wizzie: :woot: :wizzie: :lol: :wizzie:


I know, I already commented. But hours later & I'm still very excited about this. There's no one around my house who'd understand why if I tried to explain it, so even though you all already must know that I'm very happy, so I don't need to explain it, I still need to just for being able to tell someone.


:D I luvs you all! :D

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I've been promoted for a whole two days and didn't even know it! I feel so unworthy. :(


I'll try hard to live up to my new rank from now on though. I think I'll start by going and checking out the spiffy new Athenaeum, now free for my profaning eyes to gaze upon. *gazes profaningly* :P


Seriously though, thank you! I feel honored and I think I'll have to keep the scroll we were promoted on. *stuffs it into hammer-space* ...although.... I'm a page? Does this mean I have to run errands for senior members?! *runs away from the pile of errands and paperwork carrying Elders and Quill-Bearers she can feel stalking her.*

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Yuki freezes in her tracks. She could be heard to reply: "Yes, oh great Loremaster," however, as she turns around a soft mumble was also detectable, "requires coffee indeed, geez".


Nevertheless, Yuki scurries off to get a mug from the Belchfire Cafe, the most probable source of good coffee she can think of. When she returns she presents Ozy with his coffee, along with a pat on the head then runs to her room, glancing around her nervously looking out for other laz- busy Elders. Before going in she quickly hangs a sign reading: "Busy with errands from Elders much more important than you. Do Not Disturb".

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As Peredhil congratulates all those promoted, Elladan watches with amusement as Yuki runs errands.


Then his eyes narrow and he begins to silently laugh as he's struck by the thoughts:

"Yuki cannot grow as a Pen member unless she is freed to have time to write."

"Peredhil might be upset if Yuki cannot grow."

"This excuses anything which happens if presented innocently as if it were an attempted solution."


Moving gracefully up to Yuki's room, he removes her sign and replaces it with another.


"Page of Pen busy creating. For service, contact Elladan."


Laughing softly, he drifts back to his room to sharpen his favorite knife.

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Mmmm. Java. She'll go far, that one will. So declares Oz, The Great and TERRIBLE!


"Pipe down on that loudspeaker! We're trying to write!!!"







Ozymandias quietly sips his coffee and wonders if the elephants are right, he should get some sleep.

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