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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Forgetting The Past


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Forgetting The Past




Time echoes without a sound,

Caressing every second that it takes.

Uncontrollable, spiralling around,

The walls of past behind it breaks.


Recollect those memories gone,

Who now lay shattered in the void.

Only to be remembered and not redone,

But far from being destroyed.


Some memories are better left behind,

Because you want to forget.

Others you store away so no one can find,

The visible signs they give of regret.


When at the end of the tunnel,

We remain apart of space.

Good memories start to funnel,

Disappearing without a trace.


Sleeping until we can sleep no more,

Until we unleash the terrible scream,

The scream we wished to do before,

While in front of our unreachable dream.


The past will unvoluntarily be there,

No matter how hard we try to pull away.

Haunting our minds with agonizing care,

Memories are forever here to stay.

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Absolutely beautiful, "Doomy", this truly touched my heart.


I was awake the night before last, recalling so many memories I had forgot about. I stored them away, hoping that they would dissapear, knowing they happened, pretending that they didn't. But song unlocked all the pain, and I cried for hours until the dawn approached. I pondered whether I was "over" my past or running from it... But whatever it is that I experienced in my past, helped me become SO much stronger, and I am grateful for that much. Without my pain, I would not know the degree of goodness there is in so many people, like you, and others here at the Pen.


You are quite a poet. I never realized before, but you are quite profound.

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Well crafted and something a *lot* of Pen people will understand.


Personally, I forget the painful past pretty easily, but I make a point of extrapolating a life lesson from it first. That way I won't let my tendencies drift me into repeating the same mistakes again and again.


The ones that get me are the continuing ones, which haven't stopped yet.


Again, good poem.

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Merelas' 5 Easy Steps to Living with Your Past


1. Acceptance

2. Confession

3. Receiving (or not recieving, in some cases) forgiveness

4. Forgiving yourself

5. Learning from the Situation


It's hard, but worth it. Even if you weren't at fault entirely through the situation, it takes two to tango, and I've found that even the littlest things done can be the straw that breaks the camel's back...


Good luck, kiddo.

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thx guys and gals for your comments.. brought a smile on my face to see everyone liked it...

Yes Merelas, even the smallest things can bring someone down, but in this case, the only thing that brought me down was time, and i realized that today, as the girl i liked was with someone else who just recently asked her out. Maybe if i had more time i could have, and would have done more than i had... i guess now, i will have to use your 5 steps to get me out of this mess.

thx again... i will try to move on, but it's easier said than done.


^_^ *hugs* back to all the gals and *handshakes* go to the guys, thx :)

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Awesome poem Doomy..


Living with past mistakes is something I know all too well. Take it from me, you can't forget the past, for if you do, you're bound to repeat it. All you can really do is keep on keepin' on.


Good luck, and keep up the great work.


It's good to read something that really touches me.

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