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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Spring had found the lands of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword at last. Even though the tempertaures had several times already been more akin to summertime, all of the denizens of The Mighty Pen keep had been luxuriating in the the bright sun, warm and cool breezes, and lush greenery as much as possible.



Today Evangeline was giving a recital in the Library, and she remained pleasantly surprised at how many had shown up for it. Her audience listened serenely, some swaying slightly to the music, others with eyes closed and basking in the rhythms, others sipping thoughtfully at wine and other drinks, and so on as she played a delicate, almost songbirdlike rendition of "Angel of Music" (a longtime favorite springtime song for her) on a wooden flute.



L'kaira dae Frendsul, a newcomer who had arrived at the same time as Evangeline, was among the audience members who simply sat still, eyes closed, listening. Sitting still, that is, until Nightfae burst in through the Library doors and slammed them home behind her. L'kaira's eyes snapped open. Both women erased all thought of the performance in those gathered with one simultaneously uttered word: "Invaders."



The cry went up throughout the castle. The Library doors shuddered with a terrific impact, and Nightfae's normally ivory-hued skin went a shade whiter. "HELP ME LOCK THIS!", she screamed, already frantically wrestling with the massive lockbolt. Dozens sped to her aid even as they all became aware of harsh cries and animal howls coming from outside. The sounds of battle began a moment later.


Weapons were drawn or quickly improvised. Some folk ran immediately for cover. First to notice the angry scarlet streaks on Nightfae's normally pristine skin, the faceless cloaked form of Azuran swept forward and carried her off toward the infirmary. "Are you insane???", she yelled at him. "We'll be killed!!"


A demure, monotone voice emanated from the dark hood above her. "First - yes, I am. Second - no we won't."


"How do YOU know?"


"I know my way around these things," he replied softly. Then the landscape around them became a blur of colors and a vast rushing of wind. Before the poor evening sprite had a chance to finish her first gasp for the breath that had been instantly sucked from her lungs, she saw the surroundings of what looked like an infirmary. It was deserted. Dropping to the floor after the cloaked phantom gently set her down, she sucked in air greedily.


"How...?", she finally managed to ask.


"Did we get here safely? A little trick I learned from compatriots outside The Pen.

I can only do it the once, but we'll be safe he-" the voice broke off midsentence as Azuran bent hooded head down to look almost quizzically at his feet. She followed his gaze and would've blanched at the angry gash in his robe at mid shin level that was already a deep, dark red, and at the rapidly widening pool of blood at his feet if she'd had the energy.


"Oh dear", her rescuer said before collapsing in a heap on the floor. Nightfae's eyes widened briefly, before narrowing into disgust.


"Safe. Uh-huh." She slowly raised herself to her feet and hurried to the fallen man's side. Pulling back his hood so he could breathe more easily, she was surprised to see a young man scarcely older than herself. After elevating his legs, quickly searching out bandages and leeches (just in case), and elevating his leg once it was dressed as best she could make it, the young fae took stock of her surroundings. It was actually solid stone all around Azuran and she, save the door they had come in. Then again... she mused, maybe he was right.. Nightfae got her already aching muscles in motion once more, shut the door, and bolted it. She wandered back to her "patient" with a sigh. Just wish I had a weapon.


Then a small blessing presented itself. The girl's dusk-attuned eyes spotted, in the back of an open cabinet, an assortment of lollipops. Nightfae allowed herself a small smile. I hope they have grape. That'd make waiting easier. She checked the cup of sweets, and found there were in fact plenty of grape flavored ones.


Then a large blessing presented itself. Something odd was just barely outlined in the darkest corner of the cabinet, right behind the lollipops. She reached back -carefully- to retrieve it. The thing turned out to be a loaded crossbow. Her jaw sagged slightly as she turned it gently in her hands. Someone's got a sick sense of humor. Turning to the door, she grinned fiercely. Awesome.


Crashing noises and shouting began to echo, muffled through the door.



All other places, the battle was joined. The enemy had sprung seemingly from nowhere, and swarmed the castle in the thousands. They crashed against the main gate, a tidal wave of steel, curses and bloodlust, and it buckled, but did not break. The tide receded, and redoubled back as an even greater wave, and this time, instead of the other way around, the wave dashed the rocks. They were inside the walls that quickly.



The soldiers screamed, spraying blood and froth from many mouths as they put everything to the torch they could and chased down every Pennite they came across. Many were slain before they even reached the gate when a hail of arrows erupted from every window. But it was not enough. They spread through the castle and its' grounds in what seemed minutes.


Daryl the werefox and Tanuchan harried the eastern flank almost by themselves. In a glittering explosion of glass, Falcon leapt through his window bellowing, "YIPPEE-KAY YAY, N00b!", killing one dressed like a commander instantly with a blow from his computer monitor. Explosions and thunderclaps punctuated the clash of weapons and the voices of men.




Suddenly, a creature of purest black appeared in front of each member of The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. They flailed about strangely, their movements showing no discernible target or purpose. These new arrivals demonstrated their effectiveness just as quickly as they had appeared, however, when their jerky limbs connected with enemy flesh. Every one of the hundreds of Pennites had quickly noticed that these creatures seemed to occupy only the first and second dimension; not the third. The result of such things being placed into a battlefield was that even without specific targets, their random strikes sliced neatly and effortlessly through all flesh, armor and weaponry they came in contact with - all, except for the Pennities', whom they stayed resolutely apart from. Then with one voice, they addressed the whole of the castle's inhabitants. It was Ozymandias, the Loremaster's voice.



Things seem grim, my friends; I know. But we have faced worse than this as a fortress, and as a family. We will come through safely.



Deep in the halls, the enemy soldiers rushed a door that hung in the air. To their mild surprise, it swung open as they closed with it. To their great surprise, the door and its doorframe had revealed rows of jagged, wickedly edged teeth.


Unnoticed in the ensuing tumult one solider ran through the southern end of that hallway with two squirrels on his head. He howled now in pain as they savaged the soft flesh of the human head for all they were worth.


"For THE ACOOOORRRNS!", screamed one triumphantly.


"YOU'RE NUTS, YOU KNOW THAT?", screamed back the other.




Ozymandias continued. A phrase many of us know and love is "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword". This phrase is not literally true. At that moment, his concentration on directing his shadow creature minions was briefly broken as his sword was swatted from his hand by a particularly massive invader with a cruel sneer on his lips.


The Loremaster barely parried the incoming disembowling blow with a new weapon he had hurriedly produced from his belt - a quill pen. Though his opponent's axe still bit deeply into his skin, still Ozymandias wore a smile as he leapt away from it. "Not literally true, except for this one. Always knew a mithril pen would come in - HANDY!", he said with a grunt as he rammed the quill tip inbtween the unprotected bones of his opponent's wrist.


The man spluttered a curse as Ozymandias took up control of the shadow creatures again. Another thing you may have heard around here often is "We're all about the writing". This is also technically true. However, the truest heart of the matter is that we are about the message. For we are of one accord in this - whether we focus ourselves today on ourselves first, others first, or somewhere inbetween. This brings us togther absolutely and always because we none of us live in isolation - every action we take has a result that ripples throughout the lives of those we encounter, and the lives of those they encounter, and so on, until it comes back to us, and begins again.


"Stop ignoring me-URGH", was the last thing the axe-wielding man said before katana protruding from his chest killed him.


"Luckily for you, you're right", said Gyrfalcon dryly to the Loremaster as he removed his sword from the falling corpse and wiped it on the grass. Ozymandias bowed respectfully to his friend.


These foes we fight today are the footsoldiers of fear, anger, and sadness. They find us sometimes, even here, and we must remain true to our message. For while they are given inhuman strength, and subhuman morals, they are only men.


Gripping the branch tightly, Ayshela swung out with such force behind her kick to the pikeman's head that he toppled like a tree. She finished with a graceful somersault dismount to the ground that any olympic gymnast would have been proud of.



It's about the people. This simple message is the driving force behind why we are here, for it is the one thing they and their masters cannot destroy - that which physical brutality cannot touch, that which a mind devoid of compassion and love cannot comprehend to injure with even the deepest cutting tounge.



The shadow creatures fell silent and motionless as did all other Pen defenders; for moments after Ozymandias had spoken his last words, a great column of flame descended from the heavens into the heart of the invasion force. It was an aweesome sight; uncountable stories high, and hundreds of feet wide, it moved methodically through the enemy, deftly avoiding Pennites each time any were too near. The attacking soldiers who were not incinerated fled in full rout back the way they came, where Tzimfemme and Yui were waiting to seal the way behind them.


Daryl, in full human form, trotted up alongside Ozymandias and Gyrfalcon as they checked for casualties. Still Craning his neck to watch the column chase the last of the invaders away, the werefox let out a low whistle.


"Damn, Oz. You are fond of the dramatic, aren't you?"


"I didn't do that," was all Daryl got in reply. Ozymandias wore a bemused look.





Rescue workers found, to their lasting delight, that though injuries were numerous, no-one but enemy had been killed that day.





The rescue squad headed by the empath Mea eventually discovered a beleaguered, but definitely live Nightfae and Azuran, still in the infirmary. Azuran, favoring a leg but standing resolutely with his sword drawn and white rose adorned mail defiantly displayed relaxed visibly when familiar faces burst through the door. A body that looked like the work of one of the shadow creatures had nearly blocked the entrance, and two more lay in front of Nightfae, who was still breathing hard and wielding a bloodied crossbow like a club. Only one of the fallen men had a quarrel in him.


"Somebody...needs to stock...more ammunition in here", she said with a glare.

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RAH!!! Ayshela tacklehugged NightFae, rolling across the floor with her in a tangle of arms and legs before they came to a stop in a giggling heap. "Congratulations!" she said, giving NightFae an extra squeeze before getting up to go pounce Evangeline and Azuran. ;)



OOC: Congratulations! Well deserved, all three of you!

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Azuran has just disentangled himself from Ayshela's poucing when he sees himself on the floor again, suddenly assaulted by a wolf-sized black ball of fur that tackles him. Tanny grins and huggles him fiercely, changing back to her lithe human form.


I knew you could make it, Az!!




Congratulations to all of you!

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Wyvern jumps out from behind the infirmary's "Sweet Tooth, Sharp Tip" closet wearing a classic mobster villain sneer. The overgrown lizard opens his mouth, then pulls a small sign from under his tongue and raises it for all to see:




Ha! Ha! Ha!




Wyvern ditches the small sign and snatches a grape lollipop from the closet, then detaches a more substantial sign from his tail and holds it up for people to view.




[Trigger Disclaimer] No relation to the Grim Squeaker [/End Disclaimer]

Ha! Ha! Ha! While you were all distracted by the invaders, my April promotions masterplan was put into full effect, j'yo. The microchips located under your toilet seats will now animate the porcelain into stingy, money-hungry minions, ushering a new era of porta-potties into the Pen's history. Ha! Ha! Ha!

[Trigger Disclaimer] No relation to the Grim Squeaker [/End Disclaimer]




Wyvern takes a moment to suck on his grape lollipop, then flicks his wrist to reveal a remote control with a large, yellow button on it. The reptilian Elder slams on the button, then rubs his claws together and waits for the imminent reaction. After ten minutes of waiting, the lizard frowns and searches for a sign to express his discontent. Finding none, the lizard growls and hisses.


"That'sss strange, they should be wandering through the Pen by now... unless I forget to instruct the voting pennites to put on those Almost Dragonic Brand Microchip Implant Plaid Overalls™."


Wyvern's eyes widen, and he raises a claw to his snout.


"Oh God, did I leave them on the--"


The pennites resting in the infirmary freeze up as a loud crashing sound echoes from the hall outside. Their jaws drop open when a huge Doctor Evil monument hops past the room, knocking out several segments of floor and ceiling simultaneously. Wyvern stands still for a long moment, then grabs three more lollipops and hisses "congratulationsss" before zipping out of the room.



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far too often, it's simply drifted away with those of us who've both been around long enough to remember the Pen as a family, and been swallowed whole by Real Life. =(


Some of us keep coming back, though. Kinda like a boomerang, you can't throw me away. ;)

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*hugs Ayshela* wouldn't even *think* of throwing you away! ^_^


But you're right about the swallowing, but this doesn't mean that the message can stilll be sent by those who ARE around.. The feeling I have is that they never learned the lesson in the first place though. :(

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