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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Flappy Birthday


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The early morning silence around the corridors of themightypen is broken by the sound of wings flapping and feathers rustling as Cryptomancer makes his way towards the Cabaret Room.


Still half asleep and only on his third coffee of the day he doesn't notice the stealthy sounds behind him, the whisper of fur, the slight rustle of cloth until with a leap and a startled squawk he finds himself once more inside a very familiar burlap sack, rapidly being carried through the halls of themightypen.


Minutes later the sensation of movement stops and the familiar raven braces himself for the incoming treacle as the sack is opened up... and nothing happens!


Cautiously poking his head out of the sack-cloth Cryptomancer looks around at a Cabaret Room transformed from the one he's familiar with. Illusionary murals depicting his adventures in and around themighty pen decorate the walls and the very air everywhere he looks.


There are images of ravens in aviator goggles with and without beams of light, falling anvils, splashes of treacle and a miriad of other images splashed liberally everywhere.


Amusement wars with amazement as Cryptomancer turns to the two figures standing silently behind him, a Mynx and a Gryphon wearing identical grins.


"I thought I told you I wasn't going to celebrate my..." he begins only to be overwhelmed by the cry of "Happy Birthday!" coming from his friends.



OOC: Happy birthday mate. Hope it turns out to be a good one for you.

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Sweet bumbles in, sees the happy birthday notices and bumbles back out again.








Sweet comes running back in followed by a hord of bees and with a bee's nest still dripping of honey in her hands. Passing by she throws the nest in the direction of Cryptomancer.


"Heard you like sweet stuff, happy birthday, gotta goooooo"


Runs out followed by at least a million bees.

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rah!!! *tacklehugs*

happy happy birthday!!!

Ayshela wanders off a few steps, an all-too-innocent look on her face. Suddenly she whirls around and *pounces* Crypt, huggling him soundly again. She then scampers off with a gleeful grin, thinking how much she's missed doing that!

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Wyvern rushes into the Cabaret Room in a typically belated manner, squeezing his way through a crack in a hologram of cryptomancer reciting slam poetry in front of several judges. The lizard admires the set-up of the chamber for a moment, his beady eyes mesmerized by a portrait of cryptomancer posing with a crowned Mallory and holding a paintbrush over his head. He ducks as a flock of holographic ravens passes overhead, then approaches the birthday pennite and extends a claw.


"Happy Birthday cryptomancer!" Wyvern shakes cryptomancer's hand. "As a gift, I decided to get you the latest in wilderness fashion: Almost Dragonic Brand Hive-Worthy Pollen Makeup Powder™. One whiff of this stuff, and you'll make the pretty flamingos swoon with a single flap of your wings. Just watch."


Cryptomancer raises a brow as Wyvern unscrews a small jar with his claws and shakes it over his scaly head. The toothy grin that follows is cut short, however, as a buzzing sound begins echoing towards the room.


"My cue to exit," cries Wyvern as the buzzing reaches a roar. He drops his jar and scoops up a bit of cryptomancer's honey with one of his claws before departing. "Havvve aaaa nniiiiiccccceeeeee daaaaayyyyyyyy!"




OOC: Happy belated, cryptomancer. :)

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Anna slowly walks out of the corner with a margarita in her hand. The 16 year old girl doesn't seem to care that shes underage and smiles as she raises her glass to Cryptomancer.


Anna-"Sorry I'm late for your party man. I had to get a drink before I could say hello...ya know?"


HAPPY B DAY, Cryptomancer:)

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