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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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As he walked away from the Piazza, Gwaihir was smiling. This merited a celebration. But what was the best way to celebrate someone? Hard to say, so he stuck his head out the window and asked again. "Why, I'd sing them a song" replied the local robin.


Pulling his head back in he shrugged, it was worth a try. It was a good song and he was having a bit of fun to it. Okay, so he wasn't singing it as well as Paul McCartney could, but most guys can't. However, in the next ten minutes he saw two maids and six robins pass by....all of them had cotton stuffed into their ears. Well, even goofy elves can take a hint, so maybe singing wasn't the way to go. What else did one do?


After a thought he wagered that in the theme of performance he could try dancing for her. Jiggedy jig dancing to Paul wasn't too bad. Jabbedy jab, didn't that board feel a bit loose? Jigg... crash crash thump owww AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH "WhAT are YOU doing in here! YOu!


Gwaihir tried to get the plaster out of his eyes. It appeared that he was sitting on his rear in someone else's room and he hurt all over. Looking up, there was a hole in the ceililng. "umm, what? I think I fell through the ceiling, ma'am."


The woman in question was very tall and very very shrill. "and you expect me to believe that? Here I am about to change my dress and before I can even start there's a man in my room. Elves do come in male and female right... you do have those parts right?"


Um... yes ma'am, but I ...


"I knew it! You were just trying to spy on me ...or worse... HEEEEELPPP, I'm being Attacked!


Five strong young paladins rushed in, swords raised. "We have come to save you"

"Is there a dragon"

"I specialize in evil wizards"

"I really feel I'm better at killing kobolds or newts myself."

"but this is just an elf!"


"HeLP anyway" she shrieked and they promptly threw Gwaihir into the corridor.


"Well!" He panted as he recovered his breath. "I don't think dancing is going to work. What if I tried my hand at painting instead...in a more stable room. I know they have some paint in the basement from when they had to clean up after that vicious carnivorous plant that spit purple ink. I was so sure I could learn to talk to it too....ah well, mistakes happen. The paint should be perfect though.


Painting was fun. The portrait would be a three leafed clover in bloom when finished. The door opened and at first Gwaihir started to duck, but it was a small imp who entered and he wasn't mad! Hey, looks like fun, want help? I'm a decent painter, so I bet I coudl improve that a bit."

Our messy elf was affable and at first he was feeling pretty good about the help. One never could trust imps, but when a millipede crawled by it smiled and said "take care of that imp, you're trying hard, but it's making the wall look better than you." It wasn't much of a compliment, but it wasn't as if Gwaihir thought he was Van Gogh anyway. ... Then finally he noticed what the imp was doing--it had a bucket of paint of the original color and it was just following him and covering over everything.


Gwaihir sighed and dipped the imp in green paint before leaving. "I guess the painting didn't go so well. Maybe I'll try cooking--Zariah never said she hated my food. He headed into the kitchen...suddenly there was a portly cook turning towards him and a frying pan sailing towards his head. "NO YOU DON'T! I remember what you did to my kitchen last time!"


When he c ame to, the imp was rubbing green paint into the huge goose egg on his head and a maid was mopping up, disgust evident in her eyes (and cotton still in her ears.) "Soo, I don't think I'll be allowed to cook. Maybe carpentry?"


Hands on her hips, the maid Spun around. "Don't even THInk about it. Do you know how much work you've made me? First I had to go to the store for an emergency run of cotton when every single one of your neighbors complained. Then I had to clean up a broken room that you danced a da*ned Hole in. It will take a professional to fill that hole in again. Next I had to clean up a million and two tiny green footprints off the living room floor. I don't know how you did that, but it was definitely you and now I'm cleaning the eggs off the kitchen floor, so don't EVEN think about any new....art!"


The imp giggled and Gwaihir tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "okay, so I'm not very good at some things. Weel, hhow about this...


Katzaniel had been sitting outside under a tree, but she looked up when the sky darkened. Suddenly her whole world was covered in falling flowers. Every manner of flower growable and a few she was pretty sure shouldn't exist fell over her. As she looked up she saw hundreds of butterflies spellign out congratulations. A few of them were still holding their flowers.


Gwaihir came walking out beneath them. "Congratulations, troubador. You deserve it."

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Awww, why doesn't the poor Gwaihir stick to the things he's better at, right from the start? Falling flowers and congratulatory butterflies is certainly a worthy way to announce a promotion. Katz grabs a fluttering lily and takes a deep whiff. Mmmm, thank you Gwaihir! I'm greatly honoured to join the ranks of those full members before me.


And... wait... that means a whole new forum to explore! (I might just be missing from normal activities for the next little while... *grin*) And I can't wait to see my shiny new title after posting this.


Thanks again!


EDIT: *grin* Maybe I'll just wait a little bit, first. Suspense is good for the character, I hear. Or something.

Edited by Katzaniel
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As Gwaihir announced the good news, Celes was overjoyed: Katzaniel had been among the pennites her answered to her plea for learning the Troubadour's ways. She hastily walks over Katz and kisses her cheecks.


- Congratulations! I knew you could achieve it as you always impressed me either in Roleplay or storytelling.

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