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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Prom Night!


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Dee nodded, “I heard rumours about it, but I wouldn’t have thought Ricky to be that-“ She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Duke and Elliott walking outside, and wondered what they were going to do.


Meredith followed her stare, “You have a good catch there.”


Dee nodded and smiled absently. A strange though had occurred to her, “Have you seen Vincent lately?” she asked.


Meredith shook her head.


“Odd. Wasn’t he thinking of asking Jenny to the ball? I heard rumours, but I’m not sure.” Dee was thinking out loud.


“He certainly has a reason to get rid of the male competition.” Dee continued, “Maybe he has decided to make sure competition should get a bit smaller, and if that’s the case Ricky should be careful.”


OOC: Vote for Vincent / Ozy

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"Again?! This is getting ridiculous! At the PRIME of the school year when things were SUPPOSED to be glike etting better...." She thought, "And STILL no prom date....ya know....maybe if there like IS a killer they should like start knocking off FEMALES so I have at least like ONE option for Prom....maybe that's too harsh.....in my predicament...naw..."


Anxiously tapping her foot, Ashlee dialed Dee's cell and waited for her to pick up.


OOC: Not ready to accuse

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Meredith shrugs. "I suppose that's possible. But maybe he already asked Jenny and she turned him down. If he was giving her a hard time, well...maybe Jenny's not above getting her hands dirty." She held her breath. While she'd been hinting at it, she hadn't outright accused Jenny until now. She was the obvious choice, but could she convince Dee?


The conversation was interupted by the ringing of Dee's cellphone. Meredith waited with a hint of impatience while she answered.

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The girls continued to bicker about Jenny, suspicions and anger growing to a breaking point. It broke the next day.

Jenny was in the bathroom, dreamily checking up her makeup as she thought of the 'date' she had with Ricky the day before. She had found the perfect dress to wear, and Ricky loved it on her. She had put it on layby and was going to go and pick it up this very afternoon.


"Nice going, b**ch" a voice said behind her.

Jenny turned around to see Sue standing angrily in front of her, Dee (with her puppies), Meredith and Tiffany standing just behind Sue, a form of cheerleader bodyguard.

"First you knock off the guys you DON'T want in the Prom and now you're stealing the attention of all the rest?" Sue continued to snarl, "I don't think so."

"Sue, what are you talking about?" Jenny looked confused and nervous, "You can't seriously think I've been doing these things, can you?"

"Well you're certainly making it hard for the rest of us to get a date. I don't think you should even be going to the Prom"

With that scathing remark, 'Sweet Sue' slapped Jenny across the face.

Seconds later, a full blown catfight began. While the two girls screamed and fought, Dee sent one of her puppies to fetch a teacher.


"WHAT is going on here?!" Mrs Smith's voice cut through the screams and halted the fight. Sue immediately turned on the tears.

"Oh Mrs Smith, Jenny's been saying all these mean things about me and the bad accidents that have been happening to the nominees and then she attacked me!"

"What?" Jenny squealed, but before she could say anything more, the rest of the nominees began talking all at once, backing up Sue's story as she continued with the waterworks.

"Come with me to the Principal's office, Jenny," Mrs Smith said sternly.

"If you're going to cause so much trouble over something as menial as the Prom [At this point, Tiffany gasped loudly], I'm not sure you even deserve to go..."


OOC: Jenny/Patrick Durham was an innocent Villager, but hey, another one down from the nominees list. Night phase begins. Specials, PM me. You have 24 hours.

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Ricky knew his luck wouldnt change, so close, damn, what did she do to get banned from the prom, he was hearing so many stories from the school gossip factory. Mr Smith would not change his mind, even after a long meeting at lunch to request he reconsider.


He skipped the afternoon classes, and went to see Jenny, who had gone home after the incident very upset. Maybe he could find out the truth in the stories.



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Dee was glad that Jenny as out of the race, this would definitely make it easier for herself. She did however in no way belief that it had been Jenny that had fixed Browns car, Jenny wasn't stupid but she was also no expert in cars.


Dee remembered that Ashlee had called her yesterday during lunch and that she had ignored the call, because she'd been talking to Meredith at the time. She picked up her phone, and dialed Ashlee's number.

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When Ricky got to Jenny's house she was greeted by Jenny's father. Today was his day off.


"She isn't at home now. She came home early from school, looking pretty upset and left before I could talk to her."


Ricky got back into his car and was just about to leave when he spotted Jenny descending from the bus on the other side of the street. She had a shopping bag with the emblem of the store where they had been yesterday and found the dress for her. She walked over to Ricky's car and spoke to him through the open window.


"I'm sorry that you'll have to go to the prom without me, I must have ruined all your plans. Oh, and I bought the dress anyway, might come in handy at some point don't you think?"


Jenny seemed to be pretty calm, but there was a faint shakyness to her voice.

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Dee grinned, it was typically Ashlee’s way of thinking, “Yeah, luckily Duke had already secured his car, too bad he won’t be able to drive it anymore for a while.”


She heard Ashlee giggling on the other side of the phone.


“You had called me the other day?” Dee asked, “I was talking to Meredith so I ignored your call, sorry bout that.”

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"Ha?! As if I haven't done the same to others. Whatever...it's like...normal and all this catastrophe is prolly the only reason we are talking to each other anyways...we ARE rivals, after all, especially for Prom Queen...so I guess I'd like to say thanks for chatting and it's back to the competition....wow....I'm in a good mood for some reason.....alright, ciao." *Click*

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That night, Dee stayed up late, pondering over the turn of events the past few days gone.

She had stayed up later than usual discussing it with her puppies online and they had come to the general conclusion that someone was definitely trying to eliminate the competition for the Prom.

They also discussed if they thought someone else would get hurt, and when.

Dee had her suspicions...and by the time she finally switched off her PC and went to bed, she had an idea.


"Principal Driver?" Dee asked politely the next afternoon as she stood in the doorway to his office, "could I speak with you please? It's about the accidents that have happened."

Driver stopped what he was doing and looked at Dee with raised eyebrows.

"Do you know something about them, Dee?"

"Well...I don't know...but I think someone else is going to get hurt soon...and I think I know who..."

"I see...Well you've kind of caught me on the back foot here Dee. Can you come back and see me after your final class? I'll be free then."

Nodding assent, Dee left the office and continued to class with her waiting puppies.


"You don't want us to wait?" One of the puppies asked as they changed out of their PE uniforms at the end of the last class.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll talk to you when I get home."

Picking up her bag, Dee left the changing room. She never took the normal route out of the gym, preferring to take the fire exit instead.

Running down the metal stairs, she didn't hear the scream of metal until it was too late. With a wrench, one of the stairs broke lose, trapping her ankle and sending her headfirst down the rest of the stairs.

The puppies found her ten minutes later. Twenty minutes later she was in a screaming ambulance on her way to hospital.


OOC: Dee/Sweetcherrie was the Baner. Day phase now begins for 48 hours.

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Duke quickly made his way through the halls of the hospital after having his cast checked on again. He was used to the crutches already - it felt as though he had three legs and even though it wasn't practical for driving it sure was practical for walking. Just as he rounded a corner he could see a familiar figure being moved into a room.


Dee was not happy, ever since she had been a little girl she had been looking forward to go to her high school prom, and now she might not even be able to go. She had to wait for the doctor to come back with her x-rays, and was starting to feel really annoyed with how slow everything went, when she saw Duke walking over. For a moment Dee thought it were the painkillers that she had been given, but it was really him.


"Dee? What happened, sexy? You're the last person I was hoping to see in this place!"


"They've tricked me Duke, someone had loosened a wrench of the stairs" tears appeared in her eyes, "Oh Duke please promise me to be careful, I had never expected them to go this far."


Duke swore and spun his right crutch into his left hand with a quick gesture, freeing up one hand to take Dee's.


"You mean they were actually trying to get you killed? Who would go so far to become prom queen ... or king? I think just about everyone knows you prefer taking the fire exit, so that's no real way of figuring it out."


Dee felt her heart jump, Duke was so sweet, at first she had only thought of him as a ready ticket to become prom queen, but she saw now that he could be much more. Her voice quivered, "You're so sweet," she dared hardly look at him when she continued, "I will never be prom queen now, but would you still go to the prom with me?" Dee felt shy to ask him this, it felt as if the whole world was upside down.


Duke looked up ... she sounded a bit different from the Dee he knew, and he didn't think it was a bad change. As a matter of fact, he felt kind of weird himself. It had something to do with Dee, but not in the same way as usually. As he answered, he almost managed to keep his slick attitude, but not quite.


"Hey, if I can make prom king with a broken leg, then we'll form the court of broken limbs."


Dee looked at Duke, but before she could react the doctor came back, and announced that they had the results of the x-rays.


"Wait," Dee said, and she pushed herself up in the hospital bed, and softly touched Duke's lips with hers, before she was taken back into the examination room. Inside she touched her lips with her hand; it felt as if they glowed a bit.


Duke stayed standing there for quite some time after Dee had left ... he'd never thought such a soft, quick kiss could do so much to him. He'd just made his way to the waiting area, moving at the speed of someone with a broken leg instead of someone with three legs this time, when Elliott showed up.


"Duke? Is this going to what the ...?"


The look Duke gave him made Elliott falter in mid-sentence.


"Go and get the stationwagon. And Elliott?"


Elliott had already started to walk out again, but stopped and turned back towards Duke.


"Drive carefully ... very carefully."


Elliott had just left the room when Dee came back.


Dee felt her face flush a healthy red when she saw that Duke was still there, "I..erm...the doctor said that I will be allowed to go to the prom..I'm not allowed to wear heels tho,"she giggled nervously. This was not the Dee she knew, she had these weird feelings in her stomach and she normally never blushed, but she was flashing like a traffic light. She wanted to touch him, and wished that he would take her hand again, but she wasn't sure how he would react. They started speaking at the same time, "You first" Dee said quickly, and looked hopefully at Duke.


Caught off-balance by the look in her eyes, Duke couldn't quite bring himself to say what he had wanted to say.


"I ... uhh ... let's walk to the exit. Elliott's going to pick us up."


While they were walking through the corridors, both feeling a little disappointed, neither of them spoke a word. When they left the hospital, though, Duke suddenly stopped and turned to Dee. Speaking quickly, as though he was afraid he'd change his mind, he said, "Dee, just in case they don't choose a couple of handicappeds, would you settle for being my girl?"


They were still kissing when Elliott parked the stationwagon.



OOC : Accusation will follow when I had time to come up with some decent arguments, and in a post of my own. This post was brought to you by Sweetcherrie and Venefyxatu.

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Tiffany is practicing her cheerleader movements, however, it's still obvious that she is upset. After ten minutes of practice, Tiff throws it away and resumes her obnoxious crying.




Meredith was nearby and sighs at the pathetic behavior displayed by Tiff. However, she decides to humor her and tries to coaxe her into thinking of a suspect.


- So Tiff. Between two Niagara size tear falls, did you think about who did it?


Tiff stops crying and stares at Meredith with a tearful blank stare.


- I didn't...


- Why? I'm sure you might have some ideas. You do have an idea... Well, did you ever had ideas?


This time, Tiffany was in a ranty mood.


- My cavalier is at the hospital, I have a hard time to understand what happened at yesterday's eppy of Royalty, I still don't know if I have to wear a light blue ribbon or a dark blue ribbon with my prom outfit and you ask me to THINK?


Meredith was caught offguard by this outburst but rolled her eyes as soon as she realized how dumb Tiff could ever be.


- I know it's a lot for your spray abused brain, but I think you should give a try.


- Then... can you think about this for me? It'll be easier for me then.


Meredith slaps her forehead and sighs.


- You're hopeless Tiff...

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Sue drifted unusually aimlessly through her classes, the pages of her notebook beginning with class notes but inevitably trailing off to doodled geometric patterns. Bobby, Pete, Brown, Jenny, Dee - there had to be a connection outside of the Prom, but what? And what if there wasn't? She shivered a bit at that thought, but soon fell back into pointless thought.



OOC: no accusation until Sue gets her eyes uncrossed from thought. :P

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The rumors had begun the spread about the recent accident with Dee, and Ashlee was certain, now, that there was DEFINITELY something fishy going on. She had ignored things up until this point and decided it was time to 'get back into the loop'. So Prom Queen was totally important and perhaps the biggest deal of her pathetically superficial life, but it was turning into a real nightmare with all the death and injury.


If finding a prom date was supposed to be this difficult, then maybe Ashlee shouldn't even go to the prom. She couldn't bear the humiliation if she showed up alone. Ashlee decided to give Dee another call. She was sure things would remain positive between them since in Ashlee's mind, Dee was no threat or rival at the moment.


Dee MUST have seen something. Whatever happened MUST have been created by someone or some ones. Brown and Jones were dead. Dee was injured…she survived…she wouldn’t do this to herself. Duke seemed genuinely interested in Dee so he couldn’t have done this to her.


Frustrated, Ashlee spoke to herself out loud, “Jenny was kicked out, and Pete was expelled. And that leaves Ricky, Ton, Vincent, Tiff, Susan and Erica. Who should I talk to first? Maybe a word with Erica. Or Ton…...hmmm…Ton…such an anti-social…which makes me think….”


OOC: My Vote is for Ton (B/c he seems the LEAST interested in anything happening which makes him VERY suspicious)

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As injury and death seemed to slowly spread the rumors, of course, travel unflaggingly at breakneck speed. Rumors of these things not being accidents. With this, and Prom, and of course the best use that it all could be put to for his future in mind Vincent marched on.


His continuous efforts to keep his grades intact, his football practice intact, and of solid unquestioning support of anyone - friend, teammate, casual acquaintance, the beautiful, or even the geek, many took as an inspiration in such dark times. To Vincent, however, it was all number-crunching, one big logic puzzle as always.


Leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and sternness. Sun Tzu's words became his mantra as he turned his considerable focus to what he should do next. Vincent figured even if this did turn out to be a false alarm, it would still be an ideal opportunity to put the General's five assessments for war-making to the test.


Even as he girded himself for "war" the ever-calculating quarterback found his eye fixing on Sue Lincoln.


(OOC: another vote for Mer Sanford/dragonqueen. Because people trust consistency.)

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(cranks the time back to earlier today :) )


Ton pulled into the parking lot, squinting a bit as he looked through the windshield. Seeing through it was so much clearer now, which also allowed the sun to shine back at him brightly, nearly blinding him with it's revealing light. He was quite glad that he had cleaned it last night.


Hopping out into the hot sunlight, he went to the school, and the day seemed to go as normal. He was quite glad to see that there were no police vehicles in front of school this day. As he headed through the halls, it seemed to him that Dee was acting odd. It seemed as if she had something important on her mind, or at least that's what it had seemed like other times when she looked that way.


Classes flashed before his eyes as they normally did, until that afternoon. His last class was going on. He happened to be near a window in one of his classes, which was letting the blindingly clear sunlight in. The room was feeling somewhat hot, and fairly silent except for the lecturing teacher. There were only about 20 minutes of class left, when suddenly there was a screeching, metallic noise. The teacher had scraped her nails on the chalkboard as she was oft to do when she felt the class was drifting off. About a minute later, Ton heard a similar sound, though it seemed more distant. Figuring that he was dozing off and wasn't hearing well, he shrugged it off, seeing it as nothing important.


Almost immediately after the class had ended, sirens were heard. Soon enough the rumors flew through the students, almost as quickly as the ambulance heading for the hospital. Dee had taken a very bad fall. Knowing this was a suspicious thing, losing another one of the decreasing number of prom canidates, he knew what must be done. It was time to release the secrets that he had kept, the innocent and the guilty.


Heading for the principal's office, much like he had many times before, Ton copied a short note:



Ricky is not as harmless as he may seem, and it would be well for him to be investigated. Know also, that Duke is innocent of any blame.


The Seeing Eye



Satisfied, he slipped a sheet under the principal's door, and began placing similar ones throughout the school, being sure to stay out of the sight of other persons. Perhaps one of the other athletes, or maybe more than one, would notice it. . . .


As he was about to put one sheet up, he saw Duke go by. He handed one of the sheets to Duke himself. Startled, Duke looked at Ton. Ton motioned for Duke to be silent, and then whispered to him, "I trust you, and see that you are a good man. I hope that others may come to see this too. The only thing I ask is that you keep this encounter between you and me alone."


Giving Duke a short slap on the back, Ton turned and continued with placing the signs in strategic locations. When he had ran out, he hurried to the dressing room.


Ton quickly dressed and headed out to baseball practice, arriving in the midst of the other players, and was quite glad he wasn't late.


Silently, he hoped the other students were smart enough to see what he had.


(OOC: Accusing Cryptomancer/Ricky)


EDIT: My name is Ton, not Ricky, one slight mess up fixed, one evilly bad poem removed, blood red letters, and one line used to replace the poem.



Edited by Akallabeth
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Ricky sat in his dads office at the uncomfortable side of the desk, the General Manager of the largest security monitoring company in the city watched his son from the other side.


"Ricky, when I get a personal call from the one of my largest clients, i do not expect to find out that it is to INVESTIGATE MY OWN SON!!!!!"


Ricky had been waiting for the explosion...


"Dad, wait."


"Military school is looking like a fantastic option again.


"But DAd!"


"Dont yell at me."


"Sorry. Just listen, I was only in the Security Centre with Jonathan Wilson last night, I wanted to see if anything happened that may explain a few things about the incidents that have been happening at school."


"You are not allowed access to those tapes, you know that."


"Yes, But my friends are being hurt, I needed to do something."


"What did you find?"


"Someone making out with someone other than his girlfriend."


"So nothing useful?"


"I am still looking, If you let me now I suppose, but I know who to look at tonight. The started attacking me with a flyer drop this afternoon at school."


"So I get a call because you catch a mate cheating his girl?"


"No I cautioned the Guy, told him to be more carefull and keep it off school grounds as there were too many cameras, Word got around that i knew things and I think I made someone nervous."


"Last time tonight. Tell Jon I said you can and that he is to help you look, I want to know who is setting you up."


"thanks Dad."


Rickyt got up to leave. his dad spoke once more before he reached the door....


"Be careful Ricky Boy, I dont want you Injured again because you looking after your mates instead of yourself."


"Yes Dad, .... Thanks"




OOC: I vote Ton/Akallabeth cause he trying to set me up..... i see you... I see you.... Always watching......always watching.

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Ton returned to school after practice to change into normal clothes. As he walked through the hallways, he saw the security cameras, which seemed to line every corridor of the school. Maybe that's why Ricky had been doing things outside of school, to keep him out of his father's eyes.


It did strike Ton as somewhat ironic that the Security company's son was trying to knock out the other canidates. But then again, he did know where it was wise to go, and where it was not wise. After all, who else could truly know where they could be out of sight of the security cameras, and where they could not be out of sight?


Sighing as he reached the locker room, Ton figured that Ricky would find out that it was Ton who had set him up. Perhaps he would even try to claim innocence, and that he was acting for the interest of the students, in watching his father's video feeds to the school.


Glancing off to the side, Ton noticed that there was a bulletin board on the wall. Apparently, someone had assembled some favorite quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Out of curiosity, Ton went over to look at the various quotes. Amongst them was one from The Two Towers. This one he pulled off the board, removing the push pins with care, and read it.


"Lord, hear me! Now we feel the peril that we were warned of. Have we ridden forth to victory, only to stand at last amazed by an old liar with honey on his forked tongue? So would the trapped wolf speak to the hounds, if he could. What aid can he give to you, forsooth? All he desires is to escape from his plight. But will you parley with this dealer in treachery and murder?"


The Two Towers: "The Voice of Saruman," p. 185


'How true, how true,' thought Ton. Carefully replacing the quote, he turned to the locker room to go change.


(OOC: Quite glad that you see that I'm always watching ;) )

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Checking her lipgloss in the mirror one last time, Meredith closed her purse and left the bathroom. She couldn't help thinking about what happened. Dee wasn't such a bad girl. I wonder if that was really necessary...


All thoughts of Dee left Meredith's head when she stopped short outside the door. Just around the cornor two figures stood close together, one of them speaking quietly. Meredith's eyes narrowed. That was certainly suspicious behavior, after all these accidents. Careful to stay out of sight, she crept closer. To her dismay, she missed whatever the speaker, who she could now identify as Ton, was saying. She watched as he patted Duke on the back and left. Duke looked confused; it was likely it was Ton who was up to something. Following this line of thought, Meredith casually walked after Ton.


Though she failed to find Ton again, Meredith spotted a paper like the one Duke had been holding tacked to the wall. After reading it, she took it down and headed for the cafeteria, where she immediatly sat down with Sue.


"Sue, have you seen any of these signs around? I saw Ton putting them up. Can you believe he would accuse Ricky like that?" Leaning towards the other girl, Meredith showed Sue the paper.


OOC: Vote Anton/Akallabeth.

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Sue leaned forward to look at the paper Mer had brought. "Yes, I've seen them all over the school. A nicely strategized smear campaign, don't you think? And he might be right, because while I don't believe Jenny knew enough to sabotage the cars Ricky might well and they *did* hook up remarkably quickly. On the other hand, I saw Ton talking with Duke, which seemed a bit out of character, and there's no doubt that Duke *does* know enough to have been behind the sabotage - though I don't know that he'd have been able to plan well enough to have gotten away with it cleanly. Ton *could* plan that well, though, as evidenced by his smear campaign."


Sue leaned back and rubbed her temples again wearily. "This is all so confusing. The more I look at it the more it looks like there would have to be two people working together to do all that's been done. But who? Have you seen or heard *anything* besides Ton wallpapering the school with these?" she asked, tapping the flyer with one brightly polished fingernail.



OOC: still thinking, will post again later tonight.

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Ton left the school, looking rather discouraged. It seemed to him that no one would acknowledge what he could see as plainly as day. It was right in front of his eyes, he knew that Ricky was working on knocking others out of the prom, even his own date, though that made no sense. Who could see what sense madness had in its views?


Sighing, he approached his car,and dropped heavily into the seat. Poor Duke. . . they'd probably all turn on him too, just as they had turned on Ton. And both of them were innocent of having tried to knock anyone out of the prom. Oh well. . . who ever said the world was fair? One innocent one suffers, the guilty one goes free, and more than likely another innocent would be knocked out, if for nothing else than being publically revealed as a good guy. Poor Duke. The others would know in time, though wether or not they had the intelligence and will to push off that time was doubtful to Ton.


He just hoped that they would pay attention to what happened next, and would look at what was revealed, and perhaps consider it. If time didn't run out first.

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The following day, Ton went through his classes in a state of confusion and annoyance. No one had been listening to his claims and now the nominees weren't even talking to him.

As noon passed and the day began to tick through to the afternoon, Ton began to wonder why it was that he was being so studiously avoided. Even Duke wouldn't look him in the eye.

The answer became apparent during his last class as he was summoned to the Principal's office.


"Ton, I've been receiving a number of complaints from some fellow students." Mr Driver stared at Ton over his desk. "And funnily enough, they are all nominees for the Prom royalties, just like you are."

"Complaints, Mr Driver?" Ton tried to keep his cool.

"Yes, Anton, complaints. And from what they have been saying I am not sure I blame them. Not only are you trying to defame your fellow students by spreading flyers around the school, but you are also stealing school property."

Ton blinked in surprise. "What? I..."

"A few teachers and I thought it would be a good idea to have your locker searched. We found copies of school security tapes in there." Driver stared at Ton for a moment.

"Now, for something like this, I could have you expelled. But to be honest I am growing very weary of what has been happening around here since the nominations were announced. I'm not going to expell you, Anton. But I really don't see why you should remain on the nominee's list."

Ton, ground his teeth and muttered softly; "I was only trying to help."

"I'm sure you were. And you can think all about how much you were helping while you spend the next month in detention. And I think you can forget about the crown now, don't you?"


OOC: Ton/Akallabeth was the Seer. Night Phase now begins. Specials...uh...wolves, that is, PM me. You have 24 hours.

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Erica sat on the bleachers during gym and filed her nails while the P.E teacher tortured the rest of the students.

She always made sure she had an excuse to get out of doing things she didn't want, and unnecessary sweating was at the top of her list. So, today she was unable to train due to her recovering from a horrible weakening virus...or something...she forgot exactly.

Suddenly, her cellphone began to ring shrilly.

Ignoring the glare from her teacher, Erica stopped filing long enough to activate the handsfree setting on her phone.

"Yes Daddy?"


"No Daddy"




"Do I have to?"

Long pause.

"But your enemies always target me!"


"Okay, okay. I know the drill."


"Yes Daddy, I'll go into hiding. But this had better not stop me from going to the Prom!"

Hanging up in disgust, Erica picked up her bag and waltzed out of the gym, ignorant to her teacher's yell as the mafia princess made plans to ensure she would not become a weapon against her father...


So many out of the running, Vincent thought as he wandered through the empty hallway after school. Who am I gonna take as a date?

He looked up just in time to see Erica walk out of the building.

Now there's an idea...

Jogging slightly to catch up, Vincent opened the door leading to the now near empty carpark just in time to see Erica heading to her car.

Moving faster, Vincent was just about close enough to call out to her when a masked figure stepped out from behind a tree and shot her.


Vincent stared at her fallen form in shock before yelling after the shooter and giving chase as hsi set off at a run into the school building.

Skidding as he hit a corner, Vincent recovered just in time to see Erica's shooter go through a door.

Sprinting down the hall, Vincent was too focussed on catching up to notice when the door opened again. Right in his face.

As he felt his nose break, Vincent collapsed onto the floor groaning.

The shooter stood over him and raised a crowbar before striking.


OOC: Vincent/Ozymandias was a Villager and now has a broken nose and a nasty concussion. Erica? She was a mafia princess (NPC).

Day Phase begins. 48 hours.

Oh - and for those that don't know, hsi = he/she/it.

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Ricky sat in the carpark, his jeep warm in the sunshine, and the stereo gently thumping the bass track of the cd. Things were not going well, his dad was pissed that the tapes that Ricky had been watching were the same that Ton had in his locker. This had also started an inquest into the dealings of the security personel, and the student body. He had seen the tapes of Duke and Ton talking, He wondered how many others had been taken in by the smear campaign against him.


The police arrived as he sat watching the empty carpark, the officers ran with weapons drawn into the school building, Ricky turned down the music, Gentle to hius ears tended to block out other sounds. The sirens became audible over the rumble of the car speakers.


Vincent was carried to the ambulance, the coronor taking away the body of Erica.

Ricky watched them leave, taking time to turn the music up before starting the car and heading home.




OOC: Vote for Duke Harford/Venefyxatu



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