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Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall


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Bloody Hell! Killed by a candle. You go away for one day and bam!!! not even a chance to defend.... :( Well i already have my suspicions as to who the killer is. Make the right choice will you, it all seems so obvious now... My one complaint, shouldn't someone had said "The butler did it!!!" just before i died?? we need to work on our irony here.

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Marcus listens intently to Elisabeth's accusations. Then, he slowly sits in a chair, looking world-weary.


"I won't call you accusations baseless Ms. Christie, becasue I too have had similar thoughts and words for others over the course of this damned week.


As one who had room in his foolish heart to even contemplate his own mother's guilt, that none of us are fully above reproach. I would say, since yes, Wil spoke more than once of a man and a woman beign the culprits, and he was spot-on in his assessment of Lady Emily...however it was made..." on saying this, he looks no less troubled, but confused- for a moment. "So I would indeed be the most likely suspect; aside from Dr. Watson, Mr. Holmes, and Lord Richard, of course.


Except that our foe has proven to be a canny one beyond my simple measure, and I daresay even a challenge for Sherlock Holmes himself, or why has he still not been caught? Would he be so unsubtle as to leave that clue open? I don't think so. I don't think it was a 'he' at all.


And though it will likely yet mean my own death, I can not and will not accuse my own mother. No, I would dare say that you are our culprit, Ms. Christie.

You are the only one of us who has been beyond suspicion and reproach in all these evil deeds, and I think that's precisely why you are she who we fear.


And before you make your airy reply to reinforce your station above me, know this: It was a loose woman with too much money like you who seduced my brother and broke our home. "



His face crimson with anger now, he stands up suddenly and turns with an effort, slowly to face an appraising Sherlock Holmes. "Mr. Holmes," he manages through his teeth, "if you would be so kind as to lock me in the room and with Sir Richard's aid, secure any and every key? I know I cannot protect my mother anymore, but I wish to give her some peace of mind, at least."


Turning back to the now similarly red-faced Elisabeth and a white-faced Katharine, he stoops, and kisses his mother's hand gently. He spares her one last look, and it is not with his eyes, but that of a young boy's, and all the pain and sorrow only children can feel so accutely.


He then mockingly bows to Elisabeth, straightens, and with a venomous look, spits on the ground at her feet.


"That for your lofty station," he sneers. "Do with me as you will, but I swear, if my mother comes to any harm, I will move Heaven and Earth to destroy you."


Turning on his heel, he leaves the room and proceeds upstairs at an enraged pace.



(OOC: My vote is for...

Hmm. Lesee...hmmm.

Howabout Elisabeth? \;>) )

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OOC: D@ng it, Ozy! I should have known you would make it really hard for me to stay IC and vote for you. I will have to craft a wily response to this. Who knows, maybe I will surprise everyone and vote for Celes. Tanny - sorry to be pushing this close to the limit. I have to ponder on this some more...

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OOC: D@ng it, Ozy! I should have known you would make it really hard for me to stay IC and vote for you. I will have to craft a wily response to this. Who knows, maybe I will surprise everyone and vote for Celes. Tanny - sorry to be pushing this close to the limit. I have to ponder on this some more...

OOC You have all the time you need, Katz... just try not going later than the deadline, although I may be able to extend that an extra 6 hours if you all really need :)



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(OOC: Thanks! I wanted to write this)


Elisabeth angerly stares at Marcus and replies while following him.


- Spat at the floor as much as you like but I am not the one who will harm your mother. If I would have been the culprit, as you said, she would have been the one under that chandelier. But the fact that the American is dead all the arrows points toward you. I told Edwyn that it was either him or I who will die tonight, because I think you were the one and you can't think of harming your mother. While I made my opinion clear, Mr. Cooper's was a bit more discreet. But you didn't know that in your mother's mind, I was above suspicion.


Mrs. Christie takes a deep breath and continues at the foot of the stair case, while Marcus continues to climb in that steady angered pace of him, yelling so everyone can hear her.


- Me, being above all suspicions? I don't think so. While I'm a well-known socialite, my reputation is an ill one. And I really don't mind it. Yes, I am a gambler who flirts young gentlemen between two drinks. You might argue that I can keep a mask, but I can see that yours is shattering and now you vote against me in despair and hope that your mother makes the right decision, according to you. I still stand by what I told her earlier, that I wont force her vote in one way or another. If she chooses me, do yourself a favor and prove me once for all that the "Werewolves" are not cowards by killing me right here.


She walks back in the ballroom over Katharine and speaks to her.


- Killing the American was indeed a bold move. Also, notice that the murderer framed every single person who was alive by the time of the murder except you and your son. This time, he decided to point me as the culprit by killing someone that I didn't like. But there's a huge difference between him and I. While he's do his dirty things behind our back, in a coward way, I do everything, from what I am most proud to the so many scandalous acts in the light.


The a palid Dr. Watson walks over Elisabeth.


- Please, there's no need to argue anymore. Allow Mrs. Horton to think clearly.


Elisabeth keeps a constant angry stare toward either the windows and the ballrom doorway, a stare from a woman who knows that she have everything to lose and is well aware from it.


(EDIT: I have to change this post to be fit that Marcus was leaving the ballroom)

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Katharine slumps to the ground, weary of the world and no longer bothering to hold herself up.


The words supposedly spoken by Jesus on the cross come to her: "Oh God, why have you forsaken me?"


God has not forsaken me, she tells herself firmly. He has left me all my faculties and I must use what clues He has given me to get us all out of this mess.


"Take no solace in logic, for it was not that that killed our host; but take to it still, for it is the sole foundation to any rational argument and the base on which justice will be resolved."


That was what the philosopher had told them all earlier. He had spoken the most truth of any of them. Katharine looks at Ms. Christie, who is waiting expectantly.


This woman asks me to contemplate the possibility that my own son has been guilty of all these murders. The very thing I have been avoiding thinking about, and it has come down to that. Consider it I must, or it will be my fault if we all die.


"I am the super scary assasain who kills people in the night. Run run quick or I will get you. Oh ya I also eat kittens. Now I am truly evil. Oh you are all doomed."


The question that concerns me the most is that of why the killer would choose to remove Mr. Cooper, and Marcus did not answer me. Ms. Christie offers a credible explanation, though. Logically, if Marcus could have done it, he might want to keep me alive as long as possible. Perhaps he does not like to kill women, and that is why Ms. Christie is also alive. Or, maybe Ms. Christie wanted to be able to accuse Marcus of keeping me alive...


"Remember one thing. This will not end with me."


It seemed so long ago when Mr. Cooper said that, one of the very first days. Oh how right he had been. Katharine closes her eyes.


"'M sorry, Mother. It's just...it's just the whole thing's got me in a state too, it has. Murder! Here in our own village, and it was one of our friends, no less! It's diabolical! ... I promise you both I shall excercise the better judgement I was taught from here on."


Marcus has been acting strangely these last few days. He claimed it was the deaths that did it, but when his father died, Marcus grew solemn and silent. He didn't speak to me or his friends for almost a month. Why then is he louder and suddenly an aggressive man? Is he feeling guilty? Scared? He was acting this way after the very first murder, so it was not fear of dying. Perhaps he was afraid of being caught.


"Unless, I suppose, you have a vampire friend who can back the claims of Mr. Wil's 'second sight' on this werewolf. Or wait!! Maybe those friendly goblins, who live under the staircase, what about them? ... Any man worth his salt will break you in two at the first opportunity, sir, so I suggest you stay attentive with that gun, else such despicable things as you've done these days are met with justice before the law may mete it out. May God have mercy on your soul."


He had also refused to listen to Wil. Wil who had done all he could to help them. Given his own life to give them the chance to live. Yes, Wil's Sight had not been proven until later, when the Lady was caught. But Marcus had been raised to separate himself from the problem, consider all possibilies, and avoid coming to a premature conclusion. Why had Marcus been so eager to discredit Wil before he'd had a chance to prove himself? But what was coming of her now, thinking her dearest son guilty of murder simply because of his strange behaviour following the murder? Obviously he was worried like the rest of them, and let it get to him.


"That said, I don't believe that Ms. Christie is guilty, though I keep an eye out for her as I do for everyone. And obviously I do not suspect myself. But I think that point needed to be made, Wil. You have given us reason to believe in you. No one else is beyond the possibility of guilt. Lady Galanodel, supposedly frail and helpless, has proven that to us."


Those her own words so long ago. Who knew it would come down to the three of them? Clearly she'd had little reason to trust Ms. Christie. Certainly less reason than she had to trust Marcus. But she herself had said that any one of them could have done it.


"My son has voted twice for the deceased but innocent, poor boy, obviously having trouble not following the crowd. More than any of you I trust Marcus, though he may have chosen poorly."


But this trust is based on feeling. Emotion, which wavers too quickly to be trusted by itself. His votes were poor. His actions were strange. And she no longer knew him very well at all. He sent money, but where did he get it? He kept busy, but doing what? For all I know, he might spend much of his time training in secret to be an elite assassin. But why? For what motivation? From bitterness of Charles' failures? From frustration at not living up to his mother's standards? But he'd always been successful, she had always loved him, and he was not bitter at Charles to such a degree as that. How could she think of her son this way?


"I cannot see how they might implicate you, forever my dearest son."


"Marcus I trust you immensely. Which is why I think I must withhold my vote today. I can no longer trust myself to think impartially, and that is what is most needed for us right now."


I can no longer withhold my vote. I must try to think of my son this way so that I can wade through the lies and figure out the truth. It has come down to me. Why must it have come down to me? But I must do my best.


"Although that I havent led the most unreproachable live, I have nothing to hide. As for Emily, well, I don't understand her interest for such evil doing."


Easy to think it might have been Ms. Christie. No evidence points to her, she has been nothing but a perfect lady among us, but so easy to suspect her instead.


"I'm sure that nobody wants to end up as the actors of a pretty grim scandal."


But we are. And the one who have died already had no choice, though they would probably have rather been "actors" than dead. Right now, old as I am, with my husband waiting for me in Heaven, I would rather be dead. But I must do what I can to do right by Marcus and Ms. Christie.


Images were coming quickly now.


"I am so sorry to have been right about all of this. If only I knew whether I am right about the rest."


"You, on the other hand, have the option of believing the words of a socialite or those of your son."


"Marcus said it was pure heresy and did not voted against Emily, even if you asked him for doing so."


"As one who had room in his foolish heart to even contemplate his own mother's guilt, that none of us are fully above reproach."


Perhaps I have to go with something less solid than logic here. Perhaps these images in my head are clues from God, who of course has not forsaken us. What clue was there to see anyway?


"And I have not a clue at the moment other than I beleive it was a man."


"I didn't get a good look at the man she was partnered with but he was there!"


Oh yes. The best evidence any of them had yet, even Mr. Holmes had nothing so substantial to work off of. Wil had reiterated many times that he was certain it was a man. He said that he had Seen only people who had died so far, but perhaps he was trying to protect those he had Seen from being murdered in the night because everyone knew of their innocence. He must have Seen that herself and Ms. Christie were innocent, or he could not have been so sure.


"I know that you are too young to die, Marcus, but at least you'll be with him and I."


Katharine slumps further onto the floor, letting her head hang in her lap. She sobs until her throat is parched. Then she utters two words.


"Marcus, why?"



OOC: A vote for Ozymandias - Marcus Horton. And if she is wrong and not killed first, Tanuchan, Katharine will probably commit suicide after this.

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Watson and Elisabeth raise Katherine from the floor, taking her gently to a chair near one of the windows. It's just then that Watson notices Holmes' absence.


"Where did Holmes go?!"


Elisabeth takes Katherine's hands on hers, and answers quietly, "He left even before Marcus did. I saw him but he just signaled me to be silent."


Watson leaves in a hurry. Elisabeth observes him and decides, "I'm going, too. I won't stay here."


Katherine sighs at being left alone. "I should go... but..."




Halfway to the stairs Watson meets Holmes who, running to the door, just waves him to follow.


"Holmes... what..."






In the center of the hedge maze a cloaked figure stands in shadows, a silver goblet in gloved hands that salute those who arrive.


"Mr. Holmes, Mr. Watson, it has been an exceeding honor. Even though my hour has come, I have a request: look after my family. I know you are men of quality who will keep your word."


"Don't move," says Holmes, pistol ready. "You don't have any chance. Lestrade and some of his men are already watching all exits from Garnavon Hall. Your horse has been found and your... tools... also."


"I don't intend to leave this maze, good sir. I admit defeat. But I want to know how you found me."


"I suspected you. Unfortunately I had no idea of the trap you prepared for the butler, and you were too quick with the chandelier. I almost caught you there, when you were preparing that last trap. Yes, I will take the blame of not being able to save Mr. Cooper."


The assassin's voice reveal his surprise. "I saw you walking in the garden!"


"Ah, yes... Lord Richard graciously accepted my friend Watson's offer for a walk under moonlight. No, don't move... "


The assassin nods. A rustle from behind makes Watson turn, although Holmes never wavers in his aim.


"Mr. Holmes! Who... ah!" Watson holds Elisabeth.


Under the hood, the Werewolf smiles. "Lady Elisabeth...all I can think to say to you is that many have maligned your character, and unfairly. While you had not the wit necessary to catch me or my associates on your own, your own moral compasses never deviated from their course through even these most gruesome events I perpetuated. I am well-schooled in judging character, as part of my profession. Heed my words. Ignore the crticism and stand tall. Morals may avail us much, in the end. See the strength of will mine have given me."


"That's enough philosophy, Wolf." Holmes's voice is grim, approaching the figure slowly. "No more tricks, no more deaths. Leave that goblet and..."


Another figure stumbles into the scene, aghast for some seconds but then running to Holmes without any further hesitation, Watson unable to stop it.


"Noooo....!" Katherine cries in despair seeing at once the danger to her son.


She launches herself against Holmes, throwing him to the ground.


"Stop!" Watson goes for the cloaked figure, who gulps down the contents of the goblet.


Holmes scrambles to his feet as Marcus falls on his knees, gasping.


"Too late, Holmes. I failed... but just in part. There is a blemish in your record now... that you were unable to stop the murders of Garnavon Hall..." Marcus laughs maniacally. "You will utterly fail one day, Holmes. You will fall to the Werewolves curse yet."


He looks at his mother, and there's a spark of love in his eyes.


"I am sorry Mother. More, I fear, than you will know in this life. But my heart was torn asunder each and every day by the pain losing father, then Charles, even myself, I suppose."


Katherine holds him in despair, and he continues, "I could not imagine not doing everything within my power to ensure that my own sons never had the cause to do the same to their mother. I had to make sure they wanted for nothing."


He closes his eyes, muttering his last words, "And I have failed, for now they too lose a father..."




Katherine's sobs fill the silence.




The end... unless the resident ghosts want to make final apparitions! :D


And special thanks for Ozymandias, for sending me his last words to everybody who would be possibly involved in the end of the game. :)

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Congratulations everybody for a good game!


Special ones for Ozymandias, for almost having pulled this one out... great for a newbie wolf ! And for Katzaniel, for her impressive last post !


*bows to and applauds all players*


It's was really nice modding, and I had lots of fun specially with the Wolf's comments during last rounds. ;)


I'll probably post an "Epilogue" a bit later, with Holmes last words on the Case of Garnavon Hall.



Thread is open now for comments from anyone - players/ghosts/public in general. :)


Werewolf IV has already a sign-up post available, and should be starting tomorrow - so if there's anyone else interested in playing, hurry!



EDIT: I finally finished the Chronicles for this one... and there's an epilogue there. Check the Assembly Room :)

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(Last IC post)


Elisabeth witnessed the tragic end of the culprit but the very last words that Marcus addressed to her marks her: "Ignore the criticism and stand tall". When she sees Katharin crying, she knows that the best is to let her pull herself together, giving her the time to grief about this whole truth she just learned: she was the mother of the other assassin. Dr. Watson pulls out the letters she gave him.


- I think these belongs to you.


Elisabeth take these and pull them close to her heart and whispers the the good doctor.


- Thank you. I still have my husband to attend, but I think we must arrange funerals. Then, I will go on with my life.


Mrs. Christie looks at Katharine and thinks her reply for her. Thank you Katharine for staying leveled head even if it means that you had to lose your son. May God watches over you.

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Wow. Impressive ending.


A few things I'd like to know:

  • Tanuchan: How would you have ended it if the wolves had won? Would Holmes have lived?
  • Gnarlitch: Which people did you See? Why did your very first post say "man and woman" - was that because the odds of two women were so low? Did you later confirm it like I guessed?
  • Deg: Who did you bane the first night? The other nights?
  • Ozy: Why did you choose to kill Eyremon that last night? Did you guess that if I had stayed alive that would have confirmed my suspicions of your guilt and voted for you, and this was a desperate attempt to throw off my logic?
I am so glad I was right about it being Marcus. I mean, how tragic for her to finally be able to see his guilt if he were actually innocent! It was tragic enough for my tastes as it was...


Good game everyone. Very much looking forward to the next. Next time I'll have 3 people for whom I cannot easily vote...

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  • Tanuchan: How would you have ended it if the wolves had won?  Would Holmes have lived?
I wouldn't have killed Holmes... maybe badly injured him. (Even Conan Doyle couldn't kill him, how would *I* dare? ;))


Ozymandias had words for everybody who could be alive at the end, including if he won. So, I think I may be posting them if he gives me an okay for that.


I have some answers for some of the other questions...


The Seer saw Vahktang, Elwen, Degenero (the same night he was killed) and Eyremon (last Seeing, no time to use that). Don't know why he said a man and a woman...


The Baner baned himself the two first nights, then Gnarlitch.



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Katz: Honestly, I did expect to die instead of Eyremon. I too I'm very curious about why Ozy choose him over me.


I had lots of fun thought and I was grasping at straws until Gnarlitch died. I knew it had to be Ozy. I didn't expect to survive two Wolf games in a row til the very end.

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He saw Vahktang? The first night? Then how did he know it was Elwen after the first night of Seeing? Or are those just not in order?


Deg baned himself night #1, then that makes sense that Ozy went after him when he knew that Wil would be baned. Sorry Eyremon, but I doubt he thought you were really the baner. Even if he did he would have known that you might bane yourself, or that the real baner might bane you that night. So he would go after someone else, and a suspected baner would be perfect.


Elwen: You played great. The only reason I voted for you was Gnarlitch's clues. I thought he might be a wolf, but what a bold move to pretend to be the seer and to have seen a wolf on night #1. Much too early in the game for that sort of gamble.

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He saw Vahktang? The first night? Then how did he know it was Elwen after the first night of Seeing? Or are those just not in order?

1st night => Seen=Vahktang / Baned=Deg / Kill=Deg (no kill since he was baned)

2nd night => Seen=Elwen / Baned=Deg / Kill=Vahktang

3rd night => Seen=Deg / Baned=Gnarlitch / Kill=Deg

4th night => Seen=Eyremon / Kill=Gnarlitch

5th night => Kill=Eyermon

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Grr...why do I never trust my instincts? When Ozy asked me for my input on our plan, I suggested a "random" first person. (We had originally planned to kill Dean, but he got lynched...so we needed someone to kill quick)


I suggested Deg, but I had decided on him from a list of two:


1) Gnarlitch (hah hah...)

2) Degenero


There was that little voice in the back of my head going "suggest Gnarlitch! suggest Gnarlitch!"



The rest is another story.



The same thing happened to me in the Japan game: when it came down to the last vote, that same voice was going 'vote for Kinjiru! vote for Kinjiru!'


Instead, I voted for Mira and ended up jumping off a cliff. Oh, what fun.


At least I got to go out with some dignity in this game and that one.


I hate not listening to myself...

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In other words, Gnarlich had seen all the potential wolve's victims along with one wolve. That is strangely hilarious.

I modded a tv characters game over in Kenzerco and the seer saw each wolf victim on the night of their death, watching the murder as it occured.

Like 5 times.

It was driving him insane.


Fun time.

I think it was the fantasy Island game.


More later,



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The Seer saw Vahktang, Elwen, Degenero (the same night he was killed) and Eyremon (last Seeing, no time to use that). Don't know why he said a man and a woman...

well, by saying a man and a woman the first day it was totally RP and playing the odds, considering the gender makeup of the game. But it was totally a W.A.G. really (wild ass guess). :P



He saw Vahktang? The first night? Then how did he know it was Elwen after the first night of Seeing? Or are those just not in order?

I DIDN'T know that Elwen was a wolf the first day. I just chose a person I knew to align myself with and voted against who that person accused. I was totally taking a chance that Nave was a wolf. But, with him voted lynched I viewed Elwen the second night and wallah, a Wolf! :woot:


What it came down to, really, was that I was a bit uncomfortable with the setting of this game, never having read any Sherlock Holmes and not being much on the Victorian era. I have yet to read a "classic" from that era that I thought deserved to be a classic. As such, I chose a character that I could make know or do anything...a jack of all trades. Then, on the first day, feeling a bit intimidated by all the legnthy posts and not knowing what to write to join in I kept mostly quiet. Then, the day I joined myself to Nave right before his death, I came up with a plausible story...and I made up alot of facts as I went. Luckily, they all turned out to be true. :blink: I have no idea how I pulled that out of thin air. But I left all my suppositions in that first legnthy story vague other than it being a man and a woman working together. Later that "day" I analyzed the three female players and their characters, trying to decide who my character was most likely to suspect in character, and came up with either Lady Emily or the gossipy socialite. Since no one had accused the socialite yet, and Nave looked to be going down for accusing Emily, I tried to "save" him by voting with him.


The day after, finally knowing that Elwen was guilty, I felt the need to roleplay how my char would react to witnessing her murder someone but being unable to stop it because it was in a dream. hence, the shotgun accusation at breakfast. The rest is pretty much history.


When Eyremon claimed to be the baneer, however, I pm'ed him, proposing a strategy to expose the other wolf as quickly as possible. I sugested he bane one suspect and I view another (Marcus) and we see what happened. But he pm'ed me back saying it was all a distraction, trying to save both the seer and baneer. So, instead of following my gut instinct I viewed Degenero, whom I had wanted Eyremon to bane. Oops. :pinch: Then, the next day Ozy/Marcus acted so friendly that I was distracted from accusing him and or viewing him the next night, which is when I died anyways. Tanny was nice enough to let me have my vision before dying, and then also to see the face of my killer...who I have been haunting and chatting with ever since. *shrugs*


Any other questions? :lol::DB)

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