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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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My head feels like it's stuffed

with swirling bits of broken glass,

but only part.

But only part.


I dare not turn too fast

or all that glass will swirl and slash

my head apart.

But only part.


The world has become blurry

as the pressure threshold's passed

upon that part.

But only part.


The light has become glaring,

now the sound's ten times as loud;

I feel as though my head is

marching through a Christmas crowd;

I'd take it off and set it

on a shelf, were it allowed;

but only part.

But only part.


I fumble for my meds

and hope the sound does not intrude,

as anything i say

is rather likely to be crude.

Everyone just go away

before pain makes me rude.

It's part of life.

But only part.

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Excellent, Ayshela!


Dang you summed that up SOOOO well. *remembers two ER trips for migraines.*


Morphine = Release from fetal position, eternal trembling pausing, husband doesn't look so scared for you, peace..finally....


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Warning does not always come. Ziggerat vision blurrs the world and you try to get home before it hits. The signs are all too familiar. Too late only steps from the medicine cabnet I'm on my knees. The left side of my head is exploding. All of the things i take comfort in now cause even more pain . The drugs won't work now. I'll have to tough it out and hope this one only last a few hours not days.

I wish someone could just remove the train spike from my head (that is what it feel like) punded in and out like with sadistic ease.


Don't turn too fast oh! how i know that feeling. Sometimes even the slightest movemet adds blinding sharp pains. I fell in to a store racking 2 weeks ago because i turned too fast. The joys :P of trying to function like normal when you just want to take out half your brain and soak it in cold water for a little bit


Migraines Ugh!!!





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oh yeah.. the times it comes without noticeable warning and the first sign you're really aware of is that red hot spike going through your temple.. those are usually the times i end up worshipping at the porcelain altar with all the fervor of the worst hangover you've ever had without any of the fun of having gotten there...


oh.. done the ER trips. Morphine works for the headache, but it doesn't stifle the worry entirely as i have an atypical reaction to it.. four shots of morphine and the headache is gone, but i have the *worst* case of jitters.. LOL i couldn't type for 36 hours and didn't sleep for 72.. gotta admit, it was pathetically funny, though.

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*nod* it's rare that i can't.. though the odd time i just *can't* it's kind of funny to see the nurse's eyes widen as they slowly back away and start scrambling for pain killers.. something about the "i'd rather be in labour.. it would hurt less, i know it would end, and i'd get something out of it" seems to really get them..

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very well written, i wouldn't wish regular migraine upon anyone.


Luckily for me an "offering at the porcelain altar" and a good night/days/3-4hours sleep is enough.. unfortunatly the offerings let wait for them a long time sometimes.

Meds only made it worse in my case, but never tried morphine.. dont want to either ^_^


*hugs all carefully*

Edited by Appy
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*shrug* if only it were different, and not routine..

i did them without meds for years while the doctors said it was all in my head, there was nothing wrong, (and i'm standing there throwing up in their sink wondering where *else* a headache is supposed to be?)

teenagers don't get migraines, you know.. O_o *snort*


after 25 years of chronic migraines.. nah.. i'll take the meds.. whatEVER will make it stop. on day three of this one yo-yoing back as soon as the meds wear off.. i could wish for something to properly kill it..


*shrug* oh well. kick it down to a dull roar and get on with it.. *sigh*

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Too many friends and relatives suffer from this condition. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. My ten year old son (my youngest) started getting them at 7 years of age. I have often spent many a sleepless night with him trying to help him through his migraine. The aspirins and alike only help on the onset. Once it hits he can only cry and wretch which believe it or not is ultimately his only relief. He will sleep another four hours after it passes. I don't think any of us can truely understand unless you have suffered through one yourself.

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Mmmm... teenagers don't get migranes? Wanna bet?


In times like that, I praise my ibuprofein bottle like the divine ambrosia. And then I go worship the porcelin gods.


Yes... I do get them as well... it's odd, actually, that so many people here have them. At least, to me.


Excellent poem, Ayshela. Summed it up all too well... though I've never been to the emergency room, and I think mine aren't as bad as some of the ones described here... but still. Well done, again.

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heh.. yeah, wanna bet? gah.. doctors...

i started getting them when i was eleven or twelve. Painkiller options then didn't approach what they are now, and i wasn't allowed them on an as-needed basis anyway, so i learned to deal, or wish i was dead, or some of both.

Thank you. i'm sorry so many recognized it so well, but appreciate the affirmation. As if that makes any sense. ;)

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*nod* they told me that too, but it never made a difference.. coffee always made them better, not worse, which goes against what they say.. fish and avacados are the only foods i've ever found that consistently, every single time, throw me into a nauseated spinning-dizzy migraine. *shrug*


stress overload, now *that* will do it.. but teenagers don't *have* stress, don'tcha know? };>

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im 18 and I was getting one yesterday wheni was replying, I've been getting more, more often. the kind that linger all day and stab you slowly. I whish I had the intense ones that come in short burst. mine just follow me all day, constant like waves crashing on the beach.

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