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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Mighty Pen Madlibs


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1. a Pen Member -- Tralla

2. Past Tense Verb -- Galumphed

3. colour -- Hot Pink

4. time of day -- Happy Hour

5. adverb -- already (Note: It is an adverb. It modifies a verb or an adjective. :P)

6. verb - lipwalk

7. plural noun -- dirty old men

8. noun -- fire hydrant

9. adjective -- salty

10. adjective -- dark

11. adjective -- imperfect

12. plural noun -- multi-vitamins

13. Past Tense Verb -- swallowed

14. a body part -- left ear lobe

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1. a Pen Member- Ayshela :rolleyes:

2. verb- slept

3. colour- cat puke green

4. time of day- Noon 43 (12:43 afternoon)

5. adverb- wonderfully

6. verb- pleasant

7. plural noun- people

8. noun- ferret

9. adjective- broken

10. adjective- loaded

11. adjective- adjoining

12. plural noun- crowd

13. verb- meowed

14. a body part- kidney


Have funwith those words. ;)

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Alright, small turnout this time but here they are!

This Might Pen Madlib brought to you courtesy of Zadown - the selection from Sleuth originally reads thus:


The Dreamer looked around. It was grey winter afternoon, sun a barely seen presence hovering just above the horizon somewhere behind all the clouds and wind-blown ash. The molten surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked abstract, dreamlike, like sandcastles after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There were no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked eye.



The Pen Member versions are:


Tanuchan’s version:


Degenero Angelus slept around. It was blue winter night, sun a slowly seen presence read just above the horizon somewhere behind all the glasses and wind-blown doors. The soft surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked bright, noisy, like pants after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There traveled no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked cheek.


Gwaihir’s version:


Katzaniel puked around. It was technicolor winter, the moment just before the dawn, sun a voraciously seen presence sliding just above the horizon somewhere behind all the hospitals and wind-blown Orlan’s peanuts. The hungry surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked ostrich-like, peanut-colored, like kittens after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There scampered no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked pinkie toe.


Wyvern’s version:


The Archive violently exploded around. It was the pale white of Brute’s bald head winter, the five minute interval between horseback riding time and water polo time, sun an inadequately seen presence greased just above the horizon somewhere behind all the breakdancing midgets and wind-blown Belchfire’s second cousins. The accordian-sporting surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked grotesquely mutilated, Pepsi-Cola endorsed, like tonedeaf American Idol participants after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There mooned no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked middle finger.



Alaeha’s version:


Tralla galumphed around. It was hot pink winter Happy Hour, sun an already seen presence lipwalking just above the horizon somewhere behind all the dirty old men and wind-blown fire hydrants. The salty surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked dark, imperfect, like multi-vitamins after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There swallowed no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked left ear lobe.



Xaious’ version:


Ayshela slept around. It was cat puke green winter, noon 43, sun a wonderfully seen presence pleasantly just above the horizon somewhere behind all the people and wind-blown ferrets. The broken surroundings were still too warm for snow and looked loaded, adjoining, like crowds after a few waves but in a wrong scale. There meowed no sharp shapes, no bright colors. A dead desert .. to the naked kidney.


i hope you've enjoyed this round. i'll try to do this again in a couple weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

Ayshela comes in bent and grey, and begins speaking in her very best booming voice:


Alright kids, here's the deal!


her voice suddenly cracks and she begins gasping and wheezing..


Oh goodness, that'll never do! Well, anyway, shall we just get on with it? ;)


The official Next Round of Mighty Pen Mad-Libs is now open! The story selection this time doesn't include a lot of description, but there's enough action to make it a lot of fun nonetheless. So, without further ado, the list for this time:



1. Noun

2. Verb (past tense)

3. Plural noun

4. Verb (past tense)

5. Noun

6. Adverb

7. Verb (past tense)

8. Noun

9. Verb (past tense)

10. Unit of time

11. Verb

12. Verb

13. Noun

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1. Noun: Walrus

2. Verb (past tense): Defenestrated

3. Plural noun: Orlan's pants

4. Verb (past tense): Stumbled

5. Noun: Booze

6. Adverb: haughtily

7. Verb (past tense): stampeded

8. Noun: Orgy

9. Verb (past tense): wielded

10. Unit of time: one fifty-secondth of a second.

11. Verb: Fly

12. Verb: Fall

13. Noun: Steel toed boot

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Wyvern tosses a paper airplane made out of an old tax form into the Cabaret Room. The plane circles in the air a few times, and performs a maneuver in the shape of a dollar sign before quietly landing in the palm of Ayshela's hand. Unfolding the plane, Ayshela finds the following note:


1. Noun: nation-wide tax fraud

2. Verb (past tense): cheerfully slaughtered

3. Plural Noun: Fans of Nekkid Mages

4. Verb (past tense): sexily massaged

5. Noun: demi-god endorsed suntan lotion

6. Adverb: joatily

7. Verb (past tense): imitated

8. Noun: ancient angelic prophet

9. Verb (past tense): bodysnatched

10. Unit of Time: 0.000000001 nanoseconds

11. Verb: gently fan

12. Verb: bury alive

13. Noun: ancient angelic profit

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Lessee.. mixes up some leftover words from the Dreamer saga and scribbles 'em on a piece of half-burnt parchment.


1. Noun - Chaos Portal

2. Verb (past tense) - obliterated

3. Plural noun - stampede of angry demons

4. Verb (past tense) - ravaged

5. Noun - true name

6. Adverb - arrogantly

7. Verb (past tense) - conjured

8. Noun - roaring furnace of hellfire

9. Verb (past tense) - burnt

10. Unit of time - aeon

11. Verb - chant

12. Verb - smash

13. Noun - wossname


Hmm. -_-

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1. Noun - Coffee Pot

2. Verb (past tense) Migrated

3. Plural noun Shoes

4. Verb (past tense) Flew

5. Noun A Plumed Hat

6. Adverb Rippingly

7. Verb (past tense) Pulsed

8. Noun Silver Hair

9. Verb (past tense) Loosened

10. Unit of time Pico second

11. Verb is

12. Verb isn't

13. Noun megabyte

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1. Noun - old, torn book

2. Verb (past tense) - killed

3. Plural noun - pants

4. Verb (past tense) - beat

5. Noun - pirate ship

6. Adverb - wholeheartedly

7. Verb (past tense) - dripped

8. Noun - trap

9. Verb (past tense) - chased

10. Unit of time - century

11. Verb - sleep

12. Verb - dream

13. Noun - tyranosaur

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okay, absolutely last call.. i was going to copy these all out last night, but.. i couldn't. i'm nabbing them this morning and will post the individual versions later, so if anyone else wants to get in on this round you'll need to move quickly.

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The original version, as found in Pekkle's Bit.


The road wandered past several houses, meandered around a corner or two, and eventually gave up and lead me to a settlement. I looked around for a moment, hoping to see an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my looking, however, I became distinctly aware of the people. Or should I say persons?



The edited version and word selections:


The (noun) (past tense verb) past several (plural noun), (past tense verb) around a (noun) or two, and (adverb) gave up and (past tense verb) me to a (noun). I (past tense verb) around for a (unit of time), hoping to (verb) an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my (verb), however, I became distinctly aware of the (noun). Or should I say (same noun, different form)?


1. Noun

2. Verb (past tense)

3. Plural noun

4. Verb (past tense)

5. Noun

6. Adverb

7. Verb (past tense)

8. Noun

9. Verb (past tense)

10. Unit of time

11. Verb

12. Verb

13. Noun



and the individual stories. =)





The walrus defenstrated past several pairs of Orlan’s pants, stumbled around a booze or two, and haughtily gave up and stampeded me to an orgy. I wielded around for one fifty-secondth of a second, hoping to fly an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my fall, however, I became distinctly aware of the steel toed boot. Or should I say steel, toed boot?





The nation-wide tax fraud cheerfully slaughtered past several fans of Nekkid Mages, sexily massaged around a demi-god endorsed suntan lotion or two, and joatily gave up and imitated me to an ancient angelic prophet. I bodysnatched around for 0.000000001 nanoseconds, hoping to gently fan an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my being buried alive, however, I became distinctly aware of the ancient angelic profit. Or should I say angel’s ancient profit?





The Chaos Portal obliterated past several stampedes of angry demons, ravaged around a true name or two, and arrogantly gave up and conjured me to a roaring furnace of hellfire. I burnt around for an aeon, hoping to chant an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my smash, however, I became distinctly aware of the wossname. Or should I say who’s name?




The coffee pot migrated past several shoes, flew around a plumed hat or two, and rippingly gave up and pulsed me to a silver hair. I loosened around for a pico second, hoping to is an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my isn’t, however, I became distinctly aware of the megabyte. Or should I say mega bite?




The old, torn book killed past several pants, beat around a pirate ship or two, and wholeheartedly gave up and dripped me to a trap. I chased around for a century, hoping to sleep an inn, or at least a tavern, but none were in sight. In my dream, however, I became distinctly aware of the tyranosaur. Or should I say tyrano-sour?

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  • 2 months later...

Here's a new Mighty Pen Madlib to creatively vent in. ^_^ For those who haven't played before and wish to participate, the instructions are listed at the beginning of this thread.


1. A Male Member of the Pen

2. A Female Member of the Pen

3. Adjective

4. Another Male Member of the Pen

5. An Article of Clothing

6. Adjective

7. An Occupation

8. Adverb

9. Noun

10. Verb, past tense

11. Adjective

12. Plural Noun

13. Adjective

14. Adjective

15. Noun

16. Adverb

17. Verb, past tense

18. Adjective

19. A Game

20. Plural noun

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Thanks, Wyv! I think I needed this.


1. A Male Member of the Pen - Zadown

2. A Female Member of the Pen - Salinye

3. Adjective - glowing

4. Another Male Member of the Pen - Merelas

5. An Article of Clothing - turtleneck sweater

6. Adjective - thin

7. An Occupation - Museum Coordinator

8. Adverb - oddly

9. Noun - humpback whale

10. Verb, past tense - fell

11. Adjective - wrinkled

12. Plural Noun - bars of soap

13. Adjective - smelly

14. Adjective - radioactive

15. Noun - necktie

16. Adverb - nimbly

17. Verb, past tense - swam

18. Adjective - transparent

19. A Game - Tribond

20. Plural noun - elephants

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1. A Male Member of the Pen = Degenero Angelus

2. A Female Member of the Pen = Ayshela

3. Adjective = happy

4. Another Male Member of the Pen = Peredhil

5. An Article of Clothing = dress

6. Adjective = long

7. An Occupation = teacher

8. Adverb = slowly

9. Noun = house

10. Verb, past tense = slept

11. Adjective = deep

12. Plural Noun = scissors

13. Adjective = light

14. Adjective = lovely

15. Noun = lake

16. Adverb = admiringly

17. Verb, past tense = smiled

18. Adjective = bright

19. A Game = Monopoly

20. Plural noun = glasses

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1. Valdar

2. Appy

3. bouncy

4. Peredhil

5. black leather bikini briefs

6. shocking

7. the Dreamer's psychiatrist

8. dangerously

9. a leather-bound copy of Where Gods Fear (Coming to book-stores near you within my lifetime, if'f I'm lucky.)

10. shamelessly plugged

11. twinkly

12. the Keys of DOOM

13. heavy

14. blunt

15. baseball bat of DOOM

16. absent-mindedly

17. flipped out

18. ninjatic

19. Dreamer-tag

20. charred corpses


*Sits back and waits for the fun.*

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(Minta drags a footstool over the list, hops up on the stool, reads over the list. . . .She giggles and summons a zombie over to her, which seems to drag its feet more than usual. One stomp and forceful downward pointing, and it shambles over in double time, already peeling the skin off of one finger for Minta to use as a crayon. . .)


1. Gnarlitch

2. Rahsash Geldich

3. oozing ochre

4. Astralis

5. a big floppy hat with glow in the dark skellies on it

6. fashionable

7. skellie tamer

8. totally

9. zombie slobber

10. slimed

11. sugary

12. candies

13. more sugary

14. even more sugary

15. Nim™ plushie

16. fuzzily

17. snorfled

18. giant

19. TAG! (you're IT!)

20. pixystix!


(The answer to #14 begins to ooze down the wall as Minta skips away. . .)

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1. Wyvern (Because he doesn't have devil horns and a goatee)

2. Rydia (Same reason)


4. Dean the Adequate

5. Masterwork Studded Leather Sports Bra

6. glimmering

7. burning witches

8. cheerfully

9. silicon

10. defenestrated

11. incarcerated

12. gryphons

13. backwater

14. demonic

15. job

16. lightly

17. galumphed

18. dangerous

19. Nimball

20. Fakeballs

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Thanks to everyone who participated in this madlib,... time to list the results! The piece of writing used for this exercise was a segment from "Tanuchan's Date with Peredhil" written by Peredhil:


Peredhil beamed as Tanuchan opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the baby-breath-centered orchid up for her inspection. Elladan, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing mirrored sunglasses flashed a blinding smile.

“I’m your chauffeur tonight,” he said quietly, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Peredhil frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Elladan. As they approached, ‘Dan muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, ‘Dan disappeared through the lens, then poked his head back through and nodded.

Tanuchan felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a grassy clearing. Small shimmering motes danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the tree-enclosed place. Weeping willows bent low over a clear running stream, which babbled happily over a low waterfall before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they quietly conversed with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being stuffy, and a small breeze played tag about the clearing, while a chorus of birds expressed joy in life as background music.

This segment was taken and meddled with until it produced the following madlib:




[Male Member of the Pen] beamed as [Female Member of the Pen] opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the [Adjective] orchid up for her inspection. [Another Male Member of the Pen], also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing [Article of Clothing] flashed a [Adjective] smile.

“I’m your [Occupation] tonight,” he said [Adverb], before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” [same first Male Member] frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward [same Second Male Member]. As they approached, [same Second Male Member] muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, [same Second Male Member] disappeared through the [Noun], then poked his head back through and [Verb, past tense].

[same Female Member] felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a [Adjective] clearing. Small shimmering [Plural Noun] danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the [Adjective] place. Weeping willows bent low over a [Adjective] running stream, which babbled happily over a low [Noun] before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they [Adverb] [Verb, past tense] with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being [Adjective], and a small breeze played [a Game] about the clearing, while a chorus of [Plural Noun] expressed joy in life as background music.




Finally, when the choices of the participants were plugged in, they produced the following results:


Katzaniel's Version


Zadown beamed as Salinye opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the glowing orchid up for her inspection. Merelas, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing a turtleneck sweater, flashed a thin smile.

“I’m your museum coordinator tonight,” he said oddly, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Zadown frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Merelas. As they approached, Merel muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Merelas disappeared through the humpback whale, then poked his head back through and fell.

Salinye felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a wrinkled clearing. Small shimmering bars of soap danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the smelly place. Weeping willows bent low over a radioactive running stream, which babbled happily over a low necktie before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they nimbly swam with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being transparent, and a small breeze played Tribond about the clearing, while a chorus of elephants expressed joy in life as background music.


Tanuchan's Version


Degenero Angelus beamed as Ayshela opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the happy orchid up for her inspection. Peredhil, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing a dress flashed a long smile.

“I’m your teacher tonight,” he said slowly, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Degenero Angelus frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Peredhil. As they approached, Pered muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Peredhil disappeared through the house, then poked his head back through and slept.

Ayshela felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a deep clearing. Small shimmering scissors danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the light place. Weeping willows bent low over a lovely running stream, which babbled happily over a low lake before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they admiringly smiled with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being bright, and a small breeze played Monopoly about the clearing, while a chorus of glasses expressed joy in life as background music.


Finnius' Version


Valdar beamed as Appy opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the bouncy orchid up for her inspection. Peredhil, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing black leather bikini briefs, flashed a shocking smile.

“I’m the Dreamer’s psychiatrist tonight,” he said dangerously, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Valdar frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Peredhil. As they approached, Big P muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Peredhil disappeared through a leather-bound copy of “Where Gods Fear,” then poked his head back through and shamelessly plugged.

Appy felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a twinkly clearing. Small shimmering Keys of DOOM danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the heavy place. Weeping willows bent low over a blunt running stream, which babbled happily over a low baseball bat of DOOM before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they absent-mindedly flipped out with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being ninjatic, and a small breeze played Dreamer-tag about the clearing, while a chorus of charred corpses expressed joy in life as background music.


Quincunx's Version


Gnarlitch beamed as Rahsash Geldich opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the oozing ochre orchid up for her inspection. Astralis, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing a big floppy hat with glow in the dark skellies on it, flashed a fashionable smile.

“I’m your skellie tamer tonight,” he said totally, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Gnarlitch frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Astralis. As they approached, ‘Stralis muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Astralis disappeared through the zombie slobber, then poked his head back through and slimed.

Rahsash Geldich felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a sugary clearing. Small shimmering candies danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the more sugary place. Weeping willows bent low over an even more sugary running stream, which babbled happily over a low Nim™ plushie before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they fuzzily snorfled with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being giant, and a small breeze played TAG about the clearing, while a chorus of pixystix expressed joy in life as background music.


Big Pointy One's Version


Falcon beamed as Canid opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the huuuuuge orchid up for her inspection. Finnius, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing pilot goggles flashed a sticky smile.

“I’m your hot dog vendor tonight,” he said loudly, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Falcon frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Finnius. As they approached, Fin muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Finnius disappeared through the ninja, then poked his head back through and karate chopped.

Canid felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a delicious clearing. Small shimmering chemicals danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the tiny place. Weeping willows bent low over a shiny running stream, which babbled happily over a low carrot before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they quickly hid with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being annoying, and a small breeze played Mortal Kombat II about the clearing, while a chorus of pies expressed joy in life as background music.


Alaeha's Version


Wyvern beamed as Rydia opened the door. “May I pin your corsage?” He held the SHINY orchid up for her inspection. Dean the Adequate, also dressed in a tuxedo, but wearing a Masterwork Studded Sports Bra, flashed a glimmering smile.

“I’m your witch burner tonight,” he said cheerfully, before drifting down the corridor a few feet.

“Sorry about that, but I’m overly protected.” Wyvern frowned, “Are you ready?” He extended an arm for her and they walked down the corridor toward Dean the Adequate. As they approached, Dean muttered and made a Gesture. Flexing his fingers, Dean the Adequate disappeared through the silicon, then poked his head back through and defenestrated.

Rydia felt a shiver and a tingle as she stepped through into a incarcerated clearing. Small shimmering gryphons danced in the golden shafts of sunlight slanting across the backwater place. Weeping willows bent low over a demonic running stream, which babbled happily over a low job before rushing away to unknown destinations. Tall oak and elm guarded the sides and stood sentinel duty as they lightly galumphed with rustled leaves and gently swaying branches. The day was warm without being dangerous, and a small breeze played Nimball about the clearing, while a chorus of Fakeballs expressed joy in life as background music.

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  • 8 months later...

Here's a new madlib to help people get their creative motors running:


1) A Female Member of the Pen

2) An Animal

3) Verb ending in "ing"

4) A Male Member of the Pen

5) Adjective

6) An Article of Clothing

7) A Mode of Transporation

8) A Location

9) A Landmark

10) Adjective

11) Plural Noun

12) Verb ending in "ing"

13) Noun

14) A Liquid

15) A Female Celebrity

16) An Article of Clothing

17) Noun

18) A Colour

19) A Part of Body

20) Noun


Instructions at the beginning of this thread for those who haven't played before and would like to try... participation is encouraged! ^_^

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1) Sweetcherrie

2) Kitty

3) Giggling

4) Cryptomancer

5) Sly

6) Half a pair of trousers

7) A large piece of wood atop several rolling-pins

8) Ouagadougou

9) The local pub

10) Ticklish

11) Headache tablets

12) Grinding

13) Guitar

14) Lemonade

15) Brittany Murphy (mmm... flicked out hair)

16) A disgruntled shoe

17) Drum stool

18) Green

19) Elbow

20) Window pane

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1) Ayshela

2) horse

3) dreaming

4) Gryphon

5) smily

6) socks

7) a four-horse team carriage

8) the margins of the Tiber river

9) Central Park

10) eerie

11) reading glasses

12) yawning

13) keyboard

14) Almost Dragonic Brand Semi-Sweet Lemonoaid™ :rolleyes:

15) Gisele Bündchen

16) nightgown

17) dreaming dog

18) the particular color of a lake reflecting the full moon at midnight

19) cheek

20) swamp




Edit: Checking the full name of the Lemonoaid...

Edited by Tanuchan
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