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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A farewell....of sorts


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Well my family here at the Pen, I need to say farewell, of a sort. I'm moving in 10 days.....which means that I'm going to be incredibly busy trying to get packed up and out of my parents house and into my new place. Once there, I've gotta do the usuals....then find a job.....and the list goes on and on. I won't be able to spend much time on the net due to the move. I can't even honestly say when I'll be back online. Just know that I'm thinking of you all and wishing you good times, especially with the holidays fast approaching.


Annael flutters her wings and winks


Just cause I'm not here doesn't mean that my butterflies won't be. So behave.



Blowing a kiss, Annael disappears off into the fog, her colourful butterflies fluttering aimlessly in the courtyard

Edited by Annael
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I may not know you too well, but indeed you will be missed. i know what it's like to move and have to set all of that stuff up and still have a hobby that you don't want to leave. (I think) Well, I'll see you when you get back, and i'll be sure not to eat any butterflies. Though my stomach feels like i already have. --> needs snack


Adieu, and good luck on your quest for... well, moving. Hopefully i will follow suit in a few weeks. >:_^< <-- happy, but crying kitty

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Wyvern gives Annael a hug and wishes her the best in her move as he whips out an Almost Dragonic Butterfly Net and begins flailing it around in the air. After numerous failed attempts at trying to catch a butterfly and accidentally getting the defective net stuck in Falcon2001's hair, the lizard abandones the contraption and resorts to using his claws. Finally catching one of the gentle butterflies in his right palm, the overgrown lizard places it in a safe section of his geld pouch (yeah right, like that actually exists) so that he'll have something to remember Annael by in her absence.


Turning and noticing that Falcon has a net stuck in his hair, Wyvern offers the poet a 50% discount on an Almost Dragonic Haircut (which is priced 200% over normal haircuts, of course)... ;-p


OOC: Take care Annael, we'll be looking forward to your return. :)

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