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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Upcoming Fall Ball


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I can say with confidence that the Fall Ball is still open to anyone. It's an ongoing event that hopefully will give everyone in the Pen that wants to join a chance to somehow explain their character, either explicitly, through interaction, or through the eyes of others.


Personally, I think I may link to some a couple of other threads that contain things I've already explained.


Hugs Ayshela for a fun idea

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please, all, any who want to join come in! It was such fun to get going, seeing it take on a life of its own is wondermous!! :)


And a darned good thing it is, too! I was going to pop in and catch up on the arrivals, do some dancing, have some fun :)


and i won't have time until probably tomorrow night. :( just popping in here to let everyone know that i *will* catch up, i swear i will.. once i'm sure what the water level is going to be around here and make sure it's not going to affect anyone i'm going to have to help evacuate. *sigh* Unless it rains again like they're threatening us with, water levels should start receding tomorrow.. and i'll have a little more time then.. *crossed fingers*


please, anyone who wants to be at the ball, assume you're invited and come join the fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, Peredhil, driven by the Rudeness of the hostess hiding in the rafters, just tried a major magic.


It coincided with Guido's drunken and very powerful spell.


The result should be an opportunity for any sort of fun inspiration someone wants to have -


someone who's character hasn't arrived yet could be drawn as a result.


someone who's already there could react. or several someones.


Just remember - this is supposed to be a *FUN* thread. Let's think Looney Tunes, not Crypt of Horror. Absurdity and creativity are *good* things.


As a note, one reason we get along so well at the Pen is that so many are world-weary and have seen so much. read, basically fearless although still cautious. the fear, horror, rejection reactions the characters have always had elsewhere just tend not to happen at the Pen with its people.


I'm picturing a place where Dracula is sipping a plasma cocktail (Blood-Lite) talking earnestly with Hastur and Cthulu while Minta tries unsuccessfully to braid and adfix bows to Cthulu's tenticles. A neutral meeting ground, relaxing sorta place. There are some people who simply *cannot* relax, like Elladan, but even he if you notice is able to unbend a bit - he's just... ready.


Have fun! explore character development! Interact!


-P in haste

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and it had been such a *pleasant* evening...

i hate snakes.

i really really really really really hate snakes.


i think i'm going on vacation.

like.. maybe.. to antarctica. guaranteed to be no snakes there.

Edited by Ayshela
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You know, the amusement value to this is really enormous, once you get past them being snakes.


Great catch on the insurance salesman Tamaranis - I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.


I think I'll let others post before I do anything. I'm not looking forward to Elladan's reaction in any of the probabilities that spring to mind. It would be wisest to leave him alone for now.


If anyone writes something about Elrohir, it should keep in mind he's clerical by nature and the most recent Imprinted magic system was Archmage(Maritel)/Magic:the Gathering(Wizards of the Coast)/Master of Monsters(Microprose) Ascendent/white/life type stuff.


Oddly enough, Peredhil has been a snake before. :) Feel free, but in snake form before, he nearly starved because he was too Polite to bite anything.

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I can't help but irrepressably laugh, although I know if you hate snakes, it's no laughing matter -


I can just mentally *hear* Ayshela sounding like Indiana Jones...


Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?





Just as a side-note, after a great deal of thought - do make certain that y'all don't do anything with Elladan. I'd either have to change the last 25 years of roleplaying personality established, or prolly lose the character.


As insight, If he found himself out of his own body in a situation like this, he'd be forced to kill anyone who'd witnessed his lack of control and embarassment (and anyone who might've seen, and ... you get the idea) or die trying. In some systems, great powers require great character flaws to balance them.

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Eh, I'm a little slow... something to do with being Canadian or something. I kid! Anyways, I hope that my post doesn't mess the intent of the spell or anything like that.




(Side note for people who don't know, Mr.Bunny can understand human, he just speaks rabbit, which most people can't understand.)

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Yeah... really, really, really not liking this whole snake thing... snakes are some of my least favorite things. Right up there with spiders.


But I'd rather deal with a boa constrictor than a tarantula, myself. Easier to decapitate it than to squish something the size of a small automobile.


I... think that I'll just stay conveniently inactive in the Fall Ball until somebody switches people back and all that good stuff. :P

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:unsure: gah! The thread for the Fall Ball keeps getting longer and longer...and because of this I've been skimming the posts instead of reading them thoroughly whenever I have a spare second or two, and recently that's been between moments of inspiration for a research paper for my English class(15% of my grade, does that sound like fun or what?) so...yes, my reason for posting this little message is to apologize to Merelas, Quincunx and anyone else I have yet to find(thought I think they're the only two...) who have talked in any way to my character and then been completely ignored. =cowers= But yes, so I'm incredibly sorry about that...
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