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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A big, bald birthday party!


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Far away from the halls of the Pen, at the door of a respectable manor, a rather uptight servant in a robe and striped nightcap blinked down his nose at the cloaked figure on the front doorstep, his brow raised in haughty disbelief. "Am I to understand, sir, that you want me to wake my lord in the middle of the night to announce a party of people that aren't even here yet?!"


"Yes." The shadowed visitor grinned slightly, waving his hand to shoo the man away. "Go wake the big guy, poor some booze down his throat, and get something presentable on him. Oh, and you might want to tell someone to put up the breakables. I'm sure they'll be here any second, now."


Clearly confused, the man craned his head out the door, squinting as he peered down the carriageway to a road so straight and flat that any conveyance within two hours should have stood out as clear as day against the bright, moonlit sky. He saw nothing. "Um, I... It's three in the morning. It's not... I mean... That is, are you -"


"Now, Mr. Tuttles," the visitor interrupted, his blue eyes sharpening as his patience grew thin. His voice rang with command, and the startled butler jumped at the sound. "I'm positive that Brute won't mind once he's awake," he continued, gentling his voice and flashing a reassuring smile.


"O-of course, Milord Aegon! If you will wait in the foyer..." the flustered man ushered his unannounced visitor into a modest-but-tasteful greeting room and bowed as he rushed up the stairs towards the lord's chamber. If his steps were a little less than steady, it was only because he remembered the last time he'd had to waken Lord Brute in the middle of the night. The Master knew curse words that could curl the hair on one's back, after all. Literally.


While Tuttles feared for his coiffure, Aegon helped himself to a snifter of Brute's best Firebrand and sank into a well-cushioned chair. His reflection in the window was little more than a cheshire smile as he sipped his drink and waited for the fun to begin.



Yui stood beside Peredhil and Wyvern in the Cabaret room, smiling softly as a gaily-dressed, gift-toting crowd of friends milled around, waiting for the big moment. She leaned over to the Ancient Elder, anticipation brightening her eyes, "He's going to be so surprised..."


"I'm sure he will, Yui," he laughed, wondering at how young like a giddy schoolgirl the Huntress was acting tonight. "Of course, he'll also be tired and probably a little grumpy."


The little lady smirked, waving away his comment with a dismissive hand. "Bah. I'm quite certain that a mug of that toxic mix from the Decanter will turn any yawns into grins. Neh, Wyvie?"




Yui and Peredhil turned to blink at the miniature dragon standing beside them, apparently staring out across the room. They both realized at the same moment and turned back to each other with a pair of knowing smiles. The friends both intoned, "... painted his eyelids, again," and dissolved into a fit of laughter that had half of the room turning to look.


Wyvern startled awake at the noise, shouting, "I wasn't there! You can't prove it!" and the rest of the room joined in the mirth. For his part, the almost-dragon did a good job of looking nonplussed while his scales darkened about four shades.


Gyrfalcon and Gwaihir wandered over to the trio, grins bright on their faces, and Gyr gestured to the room around them. "I think that's everyone. Are you guys ready?"


Peredhil raised his eyes and scanned the room, meeting the gazes of Orlan and Tzimfemme. The signal was given. He then turned to the little human beside him and nodded. "It's your show, Yui."


She grinned and nodded, turning her head towards the one side of the room left deep in shadow. There was barely a sign of what she did, but when she waved her hand, Gyrfalcon and Gwai both stepped forward fearlessly. When they had gone, the flood tide began, and the entire Pen traveled through Shadow Paths in the dark of the night to bring their surprise birthday party to one very sleepy Brute.


(Happy Birthday, big guy! :D Here's all our best wishes.)

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Peredhil smiles happily as he holds the small package wrapped with a big bow. It's not much, but its hand-crafted. It'd been a while since he'd forged a Ring, not since the Guinea Pig's Rings had he forged.


He hoped Brute liked it. It wasn't too much, but its power was wrought in consideration of the person - any alcoholic drink held in the hand bearing the Ring would become "Smooth Vintage". He'd tested it on some Maddog 20-20 and it'd tasted like Dom. Romanée Conti.


As the Shadow Paths opened, he swept forward with the crowd.

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Wyvern trods along sleepily over the shadow paths with the rest of the crowd, whistling to the tune of "9,999,999,999,999,999 Bottles of Beer on the Wall (Brute Drunken Dance remix)" while munching on a bag of chips supposedly saved for the big party... Lazily reaching into his tunic and pulling out the Decanter of Endless Booze, the overgrown lizard immediatly begins filling a variety of empty containers with it's contents in preperation for the gift that he had gotten for Brute... booze, and a whole heck of a lot of it.


Pulling out a spare tissue from his left pocket along with a Quill, the overgrown lizard quickly scribbles an I.O.U stating that Brute would have the Decanter as soon as Wyv found this blasted Ezoob place, hoping the legendary drunkard would be able to read his nearly-illegable almost dragonic handwriting on the tissue. Sighing to himself and pocketing the I.O.U for when they arrive at the mansion, the lizard notes it's a shame that he couldn't give the artifact back on this occasion...


Elsewhere, numerous Elder dwarves march along with the crowd that has gathered, each of them wearing a party hat and a few of them blowing balloons. Greedy was making dollar sign shaped balloons, Shiny was making glittery balloons, Courteousy was making non-offensive balloons, and Sexy... well, let's not talk about the kind of things that Sexy's balloons ressembled. ;p


Even Idly the Elder Dwarf had joined the crowd for this occasion, transporting his lounge chair and television set with him...


As Brute's mansion grows closer in the distance, a large cheer rings from the crowd...

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Ayshela wanders along behind most of the crowd, in a mostly-successful effort to stay out of the way of those whose footsteps were less than steady. She hoped Brute would like her gift. Hidden safely in her pack, well cushioned, were half a dozen bottles of different types of ales she'd run across in her travels. As they arrived, she was still debating whether to try to force her way through the crowd to give her gift while Brute would still be apt to recognize it, or to wait until things had settled down a bit - but looking around, things were unlikely to settle down for some time, so perhaps it's a moot point..


Happy Birthday, Brute! :)

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Merelas sits quietly in a corner, watching every intricate but subtle movement Yui-temae made with great interest. The manipulation of the Shadow paths was something that he had never seen before, but had heard tell of, and he was greatly interested in the way it was done. As he did so, he clutched his moderately sized package with great care.


The gift had taken a very long time to create, beginning with the melting of the sand and turning it to glass with a fine clarity, exerting hour upon hour of manipulation of the element of fire on the sand, calling down a continuous inferno upon the beach where he had generated the glass. Then, when he finally had a suitable piece of glass with which to work, Merelas rested for a day before continuing. He then placed the glass under continual heat, separating it into two pieces, then into four. Each piece he then placed inside a ball of fire, twisting the heat, forming the pieces of glass into wine goblets. At no point had anyone (or anything, save the fire) except himself touched these four wine goblets. He had also brought one bottle of Elderberry wine as a coupling to the goblets to give to Brute, which Merelas' father had bottled before he died, almost 40 years ago. While relatively young, the wine had an excellent bite, and cleansed the palatte well, if it accompanied a meal... although Merelas somehow doubted that it would need accompaniment, since he was giving it to Brute.


As he traversed the shadow paths he was so interested in, he clutched the package tightly, hoping that the four glasses and the bottle were save within the bubble-wrap and foam peanuts inside the box. And as soon as they arrived, he set the gift down amongst the others, and placed a card on top of it with Brute's name on it.




Here's wishing you have a very happy birthday, and that people besides me brought booze, because I know that this won't last!!


Your Old Friend,




And then, he circulated throughout the party, mainly watching, but engaging in conversation occasionally.

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Gwaihir may have been a bit grassy from evening walks over fields, but he looked cheerful as he walked forward. In his arms he cradled a well-tended and much cared for present, in fact he had been so careful that his gift was almost recognizable. He stumbled forward carrying a tray of bushes shaped to say

'Happy Birthday!'

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Gyrfalcon stepped out of the shadows on the other side of the Shadow Paths and nodded to Aegon. "Good seeing you again, my friend." The half-elf said, smoothly side-stepping out of the way of the crowd of well-wishers surging through the portal.


Gyrfalcon talked quietly with Aegon for a moment, then gently placed his carefully wrapped gift among the others being piled up for Brute to open when he finally manages to stumble out of bed to greet his unexpected guests- a bottle of 'Ole Pecuiliar, probably capable of dissolving a dragon by this stage in its aging, nearly a hundred years now.


Gyrfalcon knew Brute would enjoy it, once he got through the screaming, writhing stage.


"Happy Birthday, my friend." The half-elf whispered, before going to mingle with the other guests as they waited for Brute to appear.

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A knock echoed through the bedchambers of the lord of the manor, the sound carrying across the stone floor strewn with empty flasks, flagons, bottles and beakers. Over to the immense bed, a thing seemingly carved from great and ancient trees and littered with heaps of thick blankets, the sound of the knock rang in the ears of the bed's occupants. A thick groan from underneath the layers of blankets answered as an ebony hand emerged from them. "Go 'way!" was the muffled response.


Mr. Tuttles cautiously opened the door and cleared his throat loudly. "Ahem! Sire, please forgive the intrusion, but I'm afraid you've a visitor waiting downstairs. He insists on seeing you immediately." Tuttles heard a stirring and the beginnings of muffled curses, each one dark and withering. In an attempt to save himself from Brute's anger, the servant quickly added,"It's Aegon, milord. Er..Lord Aegon, that is...waiting below." Tuttles peered around the edge of the door into the bedchambers and saw Brute's pale, bald head emerge from under the blankets. his ebony eyes widened at the name of his friend.


"Aegon's here?" Brute asked, in an astonished voice. In a sudden movement. he swept the blankets back and rose from the bed. "Come, my love. We've a dear friend to greet." The now-exposed woman in the bed smiled at Brute and glanced towards Mr. Tuttles. She grinned evilly as the prim and proper servant quickly averted his eyes while growing a deep shade of crimson. "Don't you think we should get dressed first?" Kate asked innocently.


Brute looked down at his pale and unclothed body, then grinned foolishly. "Oh. I suppose so."



Several minutes later, a fully dressed Brute and his lady, Kate, approached the main hall. Brute's curiousity grew as he began to hear a growing number of voices. "I thought Tuttles said only Aegon was here," said Kate. "He did," Brute mumbled in reply. His steps quickened in anticipation. Who could be here with Aegon, other than Yui? Brute's mouth dropped in amazement as he stepped into the main hall. Never before had so many people crowded the hall. His eyes quickly scanned the crowd that milled about, passing over many of his dearest friends before finding a pair of clear blue eyes that happened to meet his. With a fiendish smile, Aegon stood and raised his glass. As he did, the guests seemed to all turn at once and yell, "Surprise!!"


Kate shied behind Brute's broad frame as a surge of people came forward to wish him a happy birthday. Brute's pale face was filled with a look of wonderment and joy as he accepted each thoughtful gift and greeted each of the guests. A tear rolled down his face as he stammered," You guys...you're all the best! Even you, Wyvern."


From somewhere in the back of the hall, a party-goer was sure he heard the signal, and lit his flashlight, to a rather spectacular result.






(Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!! I really enjoyed this! This transformed my birthday from incredible to..well, better than incredible! You folks are the best!)

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