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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Polite Ancient Elder
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Everything posted by Peredhil

  1. hehe. I'm shuffling my dance a lot lately.
  2. New Year, new life, new job, new wife, New truck, (to me), new house, finally. Old years, old careers, old debts, avoid arrears, Old cars, (now crashed), gypsy life, (couldn't last). When on the edge of the Chasm deep inside I viewed myself and found I couldn't hide All illusions there were swept away If not for my God I'd be gone today. Now dance, now play, new life, new day, Now sing, now shout, new life, workin' out.
  3. I twitched at "really fast", but thought it was my inner grammar nazi thinking it should be "really quickly".
  4. I'm glad you've found us here, at the Pen.
  5. I just plain like it. Heart speaks to heart.
  6. He sits slumped on the stone bench, another weary holiday shopper waiting. Occasionally he uncomfortably shifts the Victoria's Secret and Macy's bags, as if to hide them. Shoppers press and swirl through the halls of the brightly-lit Mall, eddies spinning off into stores, occasional hoots of electronic alarms rising over the sounds of hundreds of people. "It shall be a classic this time," he thinks to himself, "something small and easily cast. Death of a Salesman perhaps." He did this to himself, seeking inspiration in the faces, casting this person or that in a role, seeking the perfect fit. Miller required thirteen for the cast, an auspicious number. The holy number, the last supper. Perhaps in this play, he'd take a part. A mystical part, such as Ben, never directly involved, only seen in Willy's daydreams. Such fantasies passed the time, glazed reality's pressures, released his artist. Yes, that woman over there, with the strong jaw and the almost bruised lines of exhaustion under her brown eyes. A worthy Linda Loman. And those girls over there, too young to be dressed like prostitutes, giving ambigity to their flirty ways as they strutted the hallway, followed by whispering males, acned and aching to leave their group but too afraid to lose the protection of the pack. Miss Forsythe and Letta in the flesh. Ah the flesh, the final tapestry of the artist, the disposal. Watching the crowd, he frowns in concentration and realization, as the play seems to cast itself in his mind. Jumping slightly and fumbling for his cell phone, he pressed buttons and then looked. Sighing, he gathers the bags awkwardly, and entered the flow, moving toward an entrance. To the pulsing beat of the stressed automatic doors, wanting to close and bouncing at their boundaries as countless feet trigger their pressure pads, he passes out of the mall and into the night. ... The terrified faces of the actors flinch as the curtain sweeps to the side. The chains look delicate, ethereal, linking hands and feet. Some, like Biff's, are longer to allow for more energetic gestures, while others are shorter to force constrained movements, suggesting the passion and emotions. Sores and scabs testify to how long they've been worn, and small aged brown discolorations underlay the most recent red marks of electricity used to enhance learning. The cast have their lines and movements perfect, automatic, and are reaching for the depths that part a great performance. "Oh God, please let me have a great performance", whispers 'The Woman'. Nearly inaudible, but the others shoot looks of warning at her, without moving their heads. They all remain frozen in their places, on stage or in the wings, waiting on the Director's orders. If someone fails to deliver, it could mean weeks of waiting and training as the role is cast again. Not slumped, not weary, he strides in with a jaunty air, vibrating energy. Megaphone in hand, wearing leather jodhpurs, he should be ridiculous, but no one laughs. "And.... ACTION!" The play begins, the intensity builds, until even the actors are lost in their roles, become their characters. A flawless performance at last, and even the pains and chains and fear cannot stop the welling pride and exultation they feel. Forced or not, even those who'd never acted before this play know that tonight, magic happened. ... He whistles the score to "The Wizard of Oz" as he strips the flesh from the last bone and pops it into the sausage-maker for the first grinding. The bone flips with a "plonk" into the barrel of vinegar, to soak and soften before its disposal. Occasionally he stops and reveals in his memories of last night's performance. Magnificent! Once again, he is thankful for his superb memory, able to retain all senses, to replay over and over. No need for the silly "trophies" that he has seen lead to the capture of serial killers on television. His trophies are his memories, his directing triumphs. Some have taken as long as two years, but he knows it is his particular genius that makes each one a perfection of the Craft. Why anyone would ever feel the need for physical artifacts was unfathomable to him. It was hard enough to gather everyone, train them, and disband the cast once done without keeping evidence. It will be months before his genius stirs, rides him, forcing him to create again. He can hardly wait.
  7. Peredhil


    It works with Paypal, or if you have a Visa credit card or Visa debit card. Paypal *wants* you to pay through them, but it is optional. I just did my bit of donation without logging into Paypal at all.
  8. When you write, write your vision regardless of the market or who might read it. If you must write for another, write with one person in mind, and to them. If you try to please all, you'll end up sterile and pleasing none. Don't be afraid of conflict in writing. It often drives the story. If you don't allow your own experiences and emotions to color your writing, you're writing to computers and spell-checkers, not other people.
  9. The writing challenge Can you write 50,000 words in 30 days? that is the challenge put forward for the NaNo month of writing. Every November the challenge goes out. It doesn't have to really make sense, it can be as rough a draft or drafts as you'd like. Pennites have done it before. I've tried and failed, but am trying again. Starting November 1st, and ending the 30th, the time is now.
  10. Way cool skin! Excellent! *hugs and plays with the pumpkins*
  11. Your test post worked. The Tester has posted, the Testes have read it.
  12. Friend of mine has been reading and reviewing books for years. Unlike myself (I'm an emotional junkie), he is able to view a book objectively even as he enjoys it. I know whether I agree with a review or not, they are always well-written, articulate, and some are better than the book reviewed. http://www.steelbookshelf.com/ Enjoy
  13. Peredhil

    Contest UPDATE

    In the interest of justice, the link to what the other person wrote shouldn't count for me. I'll stand behind "Living the defeated life" though. It was difficult for me to write! Not Polite...
  14. I and my others are a distant shadow cast by reality. I hope to be able to materialize again fully in some unknown future.
  15. Heh. C.J. is a woman... And a dazzlingly intelligent one too. Prolly part of her issues. Extremely high intelligence isn't a genetic (testicular level thinking) attraction in a woman. It tends to come through in her writings - the problems of intelligence. I recommend reading Cyteen for anyone who's ever been burdened with the label of "genius".
  16. http://www.sfwa.org/2005/01/writerisms-and-other-sins-a-writers-shortcut-to-stronger-writing/ Good advice from a published writer. Cherryh has written the Faded Sun science fiction series, among others.
  17. I have a list of cognitive distortions I review occasionally, because they are just so darned easy for me to slip into. I tend to write from different "points of view", so what you may detect is that this piece was written, not by Peredhil, but by Elladan. It's a self-examination piece, a rebuke to my own lazy thinking, taken through figures of speech to extremes. Amazing catch - most people can't tell which "me" is writing. *hug!*
  18. I'm glad you did write this. It's good.
  19. I not only respect you, for this was a brilliant entertaining rant, but I too admire your Mom. But then, my family also helped to put the fun in dysfunctional. *Polite Hugs*
  20. I've observed that a disturbing number of people are trying to improve their lives and are taking charge of their thinking. If this continues, they won't feel helpless, insecure, and devalued, which could have catastrophic consequences for our economy, which exists in selling products to pander to defeated lives. In a worse case scenario, people might start giving up fears of success or start daring to learn even if they make mistakes. This could break the cycle of apathy and passivity and lead to thousands of politicians becoming unemployed. In an attempt to put things back on track then, here are suggestions on easy cognitive distortions you can apply to your thinking to resume a defeated life. Use all-or-nothing thinking this is a great one for lazy thinkers because it leads to inevitable failures and excuses. Simply see life and judge it in black and white categories. Don't ever take credit or reward yourself for making any milestones, and *never* for trying. If your performance fell short of perfections, you are a total failure. No excuses, no mitigating circumstances. If this seems too harsh, use a double-standard and allow others to fail, but never yourself. This will prove to them that you think you're better than they are, while allowing you to appear kind and sympathetic on the surface. Overgeneralization In whatever you do, be a lazy thinker. This one is sometimes traditional, inherited from parents who saw some types of people as sub-human. In the Good Ole Days, you were allowed to call people what you thought they were without having to face consequences. But it's still possible to act and think like this, and avoid having to treat someone as an individual. Treating each person as an unknown instead of assuming you already know everything important by their skin, gender, dress, or religion takes a great deal of time and energy, and you secretly know it won't be worth it anyway, although making a pretend attempt and then ignoring whatever doesn't fit can avoid ugly legal charges while validating your experienced mind. But that's other people, all those people you get to blame for your failures. What if you are starting to succeed on your own? Overgeneralization is your friend. Take a single negative event and declare it as a never-ending pattern. One simple failure for any reason can be ridden into "this always happens" thinking and keep you from every really having to try again. Mental Filtering This is a bit the same, but is for those of you who have trouble seeing reality as a blur of similar things that you can declare identical. If you see a series of unique events mental filtering is your friend here to help. What you do is pick out a single negative detail or situation and dwell on it exclusively, so that your vision of all reality becomes darkened and stained. It's kinda like using a single drop of ink to darken water. Make sure you brood on injustice, how life isn't fair, and stay as inwardly focused as you can. This helps to avoid being distracted with a recognition that life must actually be pretty good for you to be able to use this, instead of having to wonder if you'll eat this week or how to scratch your nose without arms or legs. Mental Filtering works really really well with the next distortion. It's like two for the price of one! Disqualifying the Positive To help you stay focused on defeat and how life treats you without you having any control and to ensure it's NOT YOUR FAULT, disqualify the positive. It's hard to go right with this powerful tactic. By rejecting positive information or experiences that conflict with your feelings, you can maintain a negative belief that is clearly contradicted by evidence from your everyday experiences. Stoutly insist that "it doesn't count", or "you say that because you have to love me"; resist firmly any misguided attempt to point out your feelings aren't reality, they just feel like it. Don't be hijacked by puerile things like "logic" or platitudes about attitude. You can be a failure, and there will always be something to blame for it. Jumping to the Conclusions This is a favorite of people who think they are intelligent or wise, and works very well on a few levels. It allows you to act as if you have superpowers, are innately superior to everyone else, and to help others by giving them reasons to feel ignored or disrespected. Who says you're not a team player! And unlike most exercise, you can do these jumps effortlessly and automatically if you'll just practice them, to the point that walking through the steps that lead from a trigger event to an emotional defeat will just become too boring and frustrating to even contemplate. This is the exercise for the defeated life and you'll never want to try another once you buy into this. The practical application is to make a negative interpretation without having to be burdened with definite facts that convincingly support your conclusion. See how this frees you from things like details, logical, even reality? You're better than the rest, you don't need to be able to explain. You just know the truth. Believe your feelings and intuitions, and don't let anything challenge your right to fail. For added fun, try these variation! Mind Reading: Ever want a magical superpower? This is for you. You and you alone get to decide that someone is reacting negatively to you, and you don't even need to check it out with them! It doesn't matter anyway (this is GREAT for a discussion with a spouse!). You know what they were thinking, what their motivations are, and what they are truly feeling no matter what they say. Stick to your guns with this, do not every give them the benefit of the doubt. If it could be taken and used against yourself, ram it home! They are trapped in their poor weak head, without your superior powers, and they won't be able to prove that their motivations were different from what you say if you include most of the actual actions or words. If some don't fit - just argue that they said what you heard anyway! They don't know what comes out of their mouths and you do. They're probably lying anyway, because the world is hell and you are all trapped together, so if they tried to help you, it was manipulation because they wanted something. YOU know your true value inside. If they don't agree, they just bought into your mask, and it makes them fools as well. See how superior you get to be with this one? Even in failure there is victory, and you might get to pull them down too! Predicting the future: This aspect of jumping to conclusions has a beauty all its own. Only you can anticipate the future, and if anyone disagrees, they can be ignored because they just have to wait to see. If you work at it, you can use distortions to help your prediction happen. You know that things will turn out badly, you know that your prediction of doom and failure will happen, and if you just give up and don't even try (say you're over-whelmed and paralyzed, and you can pick up sympathy attention!), you will be right. Even if you try, you can do it in such a way you'll be able to quit at any time, having the satisfaction of being a true seer. If someone else succeeds? Don't worry, you can say they are special and it would've failed for you. Robs them of a true victory, and ensures you have a safe defeat. If you dare to hope, you could be hurt - and you're able with your mental superpowers to see every excruciating detail of pain to the point you can feel it before it even happens! You ARE special, and no one can make you win however hard you try. If you accidentally succeed, use all-or-nothing to find a flaw and seize back your failure, or disqualify the positive. No one can take away your failure if you'll only work hard enough. You're used to failure - if you succeed, someone might have an expectation you should do it again. That way lies madness. Catastrophizing or Minimizing Whenever possible, seize every chance to exaggerate the importance or possible harm in a situation or event. It makes you sound more important and gets people to listen, ensuring they understand why a failure as delicate as you is unable to succeed. Or, if that's not working, try the opposite and just shrink things until they become tiny or unimportant, but still get sympathy and can be an excuse. "Oh don't worry, I already broke my back, you save yours, I'll do this," can lead into hours of guilt, sympathy, resentment, and encourages others just to never ask again. Emotional Reasoning You can use this one to tear apart anyone's arguments. "I feel it, therefore it must be true". You are the absolute baseline of "normal", you are the center of the emotional universe, so what you feel must be reality for everyone. If they don't agree, they either don't understand, are being mean, or are insensitive and selfish. Believe in yourself. You know that your negative emotions are the absolute reflection of the way things really are. Anyone who doesn't agree is probably insane, or being abusive. For extra punch, try combining this with mind reading! Shoulding Always, ALWAYS, motivate yourself shoulds and should nots. You know what a loser you are - if you aren't emotionally whipped and punished you can't possibly be expected to do anything. Musts and Oughts also work particularly well here. If by some chance you are forced to accomplish something, you can disqualify it because it's something everyone should be doing anyway, so it doesn't count! See how well these work together? If you're feeling angry at someone else being happy, the insensitive sot, direct these outward. Life is NOT to be enjoyed. It's full of sin and hell and a good person like you makes sure everyone can endure with you. Apply shoulds and musts to others, and find the bitter joy of anger, frustration as they fail your standards, and resentment with not only them, but the situation! And remember, only have shoulds and musts that you are powerless to live up to yourself. that way you can all fail together, and they won't get all uppity on you. Talking back to a guardian of shoulds and musts is disrespectful and should be punished if you can manage it. Guilt and condemnation work well here, as do back-biting and slander. An accusation can be disproved, but rumors and slander are vapors and people just love to hear about others' failures. You get the attention AND get to ruin someone - a double bargain of defeat! Labeling I've been saving this, even though it is only an extreme form of over-generalization. What you do is make sure to use inaccurate and emotionally loaded labels instead of a realistic accurate assessment of the error or situation. "I'm a total loser" covers everything, past, present, future, without having to think what went wrong, and how you could do it differently. See how this works? Let's do another, these are powerful and fun, once you have the hang of them. "He's a lazy bum." If you label him, you don't have to find out anything else about the person or the situation. Who cares if his child died last night of leukemia? The lazy bum is getting paid to be here, not to stand around moping, and he's the reason you can't do your job. It ensures that you don't have to ever communicate with someone who will upset your view of reality - which we've proven by emotional reasoning is the only right view. If they disagree, they are wrong. Win *and* keep a defeated life! Last one, an exercise for the defeated reader. "All [members of a religion] are terrorist". I'll give you a hint - every religion has been abused by someone no matter what it teaches! You simply cannot go right with labeling, a foundational technique of the defeated life. When you can demonize and dehumanize those who are different or disagree, you don't have to deal with them on any meaningful level except to eventually kill them. Which they deserved anyway, right? And you get to kill without guilt! They don't count because they were evil wrong-thinking and Other! Personalization Last one. Remember, YOU ARE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Your emotions tell you so. And as much as you flirt with your lovers, Death and Suicide, telling you how much easier everything will be when you're gone, you really can't grasp the emotional reality of it. That way you can fantasize about how upset people will be, and how much they'll regret and how you showed them you were really defeated! Secretly, you know you'll be hanging around somehow to get the satisfaction of finally being right. So, again, IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. The practical application can be used for anything! You are the single root cause of all that goes wrong in life. Every negative external event is your fault. Every person's negative reaction is about you. If you walk in and a secretary is short with you, demand to know what you did to set her off! It couldn't possibly be unrelated to you. She just broke her foot? Excuses. You have fibromyalgia and you don't take it out on others (minimizing!) It had to be about you. If the car runs out of gas, and it's your first time riding in it as a passenger, it's your fault. You know it. You know they know it (because everyone is always thinking about you too). You should've noticed and said the needle was low. If the sun goes out? You probably didn't do the dishes or wash your hands, but trust me when I say it: it is your fault. You have unimaginable power to be the center of all that is wrong and evil in life. Trust me on this - have I lied to you yet?
  21. (I've missed your writings. superb. *hug!*)
  22. If only that were the case... But it's "a haughty look before a fall, and pride before destruction." But you raise an interesting point. hmmm
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