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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Ode to the Sky Walker


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May Mr. Lucas forgive my infringement upon his copyright. I hereby offer unto him all proceeds I have made from this verse thus far. Please be gentle, it's my first time:


Ode to the Sky Walker


On feet of fire you tread where

None since Icarus dare.

Neither for vanity nor pride

But for intrepid spirit

And the knowledge of Man.


Upon the Heavens attained,

You spread large your wings

And glide upon the light of stars.

Bask but for a single moment

In the awe of what you have seen.


Your desire not merriment

But the furtherance of Mankind.

Upon this mantle rest your souls

For the Creator to keep

If such be His will and desire.


Roll ye downward steady

Soaring high yet upon the sky,

Gliding towards your final home.

‘Tis selfish to covet you back

For higher yet your spirit belongs.

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Peredhil enters and sips deeply of the poem


Unlike the rest so far, I see a loving and painful tribute to the brave astronauts of the Columbia disaster.

A reminder of the Icarus hope that makes hearts beat when they see a bird fly by - and that makes some want to follow.


Thank you for your stirring reminder of the spirit that drives the Space Program.



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