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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Bachelor Auction

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This is an official notice that any Bachelorettes not finished their previous Date as of Monday July 18th (eep, like maybe me) cannot vote on Bachelors, and any Bachelors who have not finished a previous Date (as of the same date) cannot sign up to be voted on.


This is not a punishment, rather a way of ensuring that you get what you pay for. You've got nearly two weeks to wrap it up, and I hope that's enough for everyone.


Sign-up can begin now and will last a little past this due-date.


PS. For those unfamiliar with these auctions, male Pennites can sign up to be "auctioned off" for a Date, which they will have to write. (Examples abound: Try searching "Bachelor" in the Assembly room). Females bid Geld (earned at other events throughout the Carnival) to get the male(s) they want.

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*signs on another line*



I can't decide, not even with eenie-meenie-minie-moe, so I'm entering both Stephen Hascodem and Venefyxatu.


Lord Panther : usually you get more than 2 days time for activities like this, don't worry :)

Edited by Venefyxatu
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The Anti-Wyvern Bachelor Sign Up Sheet Protection Squad smiles and nods as musicevangelist signs his name on the sheet. The guards whistle to the melody of his scribbled signature and watch as the great musician wanders off. Morgane pokes relentlessly at the guard covering the far lefthand corner of the sheet, giggling at his motionlessness.


"Almost a Dragon call #27." The righthand guard shakes his walky talky and grunts. "What's the status, over."


"Calm as ever. *kssssht* Something just doesn't feel right, I don't like *kshht*. You'd think he'd be *ksssh* by now."


"What do you mean you don't like kshht? Why've you always gotta speak in code?"


"Uhh, Righthand Richie?" The guard on the left points a finger. Morgane squeals with glee upon seeing him move. "You'd better take a look at this."


Richie looks up, then drops his walky talky upon seeing Wyvern at the Cabaret Room door. The two guards pick up their high power hoses in unison and exclaim:


"By all that is right and good, and out of profound respect for the female masses of the Pen, we command you, Wyvern Q. AlmostDragon, to cease and desist."


Wyvern stares at the two guards, then sneers and calmly reaches into his coat.


"Oh isssss that so?" The lizard lets out a triumphant laugh and takes out a sheet of paper. "Well, I've got news for you. I've already signed up."




"Oh yessss, I took advantage of the absence of guards in the last carnival and signed up for it." The lizard points at the paper, which is titled Adventurers Wanted, and cackles. "That's right, I'm all signed up, and there's nothing you can do about it."


The guards stare at the paper with blank looks. After a moment, they begin snickering to themselves.


"Gee, I guess Wyvern's right Leo." Richie covers his mouth with his hand and tries to contain his laughter. "*snicker* He's got us duped, fair and square."


"Yeah, heeheeheee. I guess there's no *snicker* no stopping him when it comes t-to signing up huh? *snicker*"


"*kssssht* *snicker* *ksssshhhh*"



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This post marks the due date being passed. No more chances to get your date finished. (I don't feel too bad about this, especially since it's past noon the day after the due date, my time).


But I wanted to clarify something: If you bought a bachelor/bachelorette and they haven't finished writing their date for you, you are not affected, only them. ex) Peredhil bids on and wins Katzaniel. If I had not finished my date (which squeaked in just under the wire ;)) it would have meant that I could not bid on a Bachelor.... but Peredhil could still have signed up as a Bachelor; it was my fault, not his.


Anyway, sign-up continues... (And Wyvvie, was that post a humourous sign-up or just some humour?)


EDIT: Oh, and I wanted to mention, we will consider the excuse of a co-written date with an absent partner as a possible exception to this rule. PM a guildleader to get your case reviewed. :)

Edited by Katzaniel
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A shadow slips up to the signup sheet and scribbles a name with a Gryphon Feather Quill: Gryphon.


Watchers notice two pale blue gleaming points of light which then vanish as if they'd never been... as the shadow disapates into nothingness taking the quill with it.

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I would sign up, aye, but... I don't know what's up with this summer. I can't seem to get anything done, ,or started for a lot of things. As such, I don't feel I could make for an enjoyable date in this auction... Perhaps next year, aye?

*Xaious has no idea what's been eating up his time...Or inspiration to write.*

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