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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Possibly Leaving

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So it's finally come down to it. It's the first of the month, and I don't have any money at all. Rent has come knocking.


I'm in my third semester at university, and it's looking like I'll have to give up and move back home, but I don't think I could stand to do that, so I'll probably end up hopping from place to place...I'm not really sure what to say.


I've spent the last four months looking for a job, managing to scrape together cash to pay rent and utilities and surviving off of meager scraps of peanut butter and whatever else I have. It's been a long four months, and even though school is going well, it looks like things are finally coming to a head.


My family has made it abundantly clear that the only support I will receive from them is a roof over my head if and when I drop out of college. I have been tossing around the idea that possibly someone snuck up on me and tattooed 'Do not hire this man under any circumstances' on my forehead in manager-only ink, but I've since come to accept that they also tattooed 'lol he smells funny' because I'm sure a few managers would have taken the risk. I have submitted a metric ton of job applications, been rejected more times than I can count, and am currently reaching the acceptance phase.


If I do end up losing my apartment and having to hop around, the D&D game is called off until further notice, and I apologize to anyone that inconveniences. Real life is taking it's toll.



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*Bows head*

I am sorry I did not know you as well as I would like...

But I wish you the best of luck with whatever Life throws your way.

Just remember, friend, 'This Too Shall Pass'.

Things will get better.


Trust me. I'm a Mynx :D

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Well in better news, I've picked up a web design contract and also managed to possibly force them into hiring me at school, so if all goes well I'll be :D


This is a happy Falcon.


Anyway, in addition, check out this website


http://www.rainbowrvresort.com <-- old one

http://silvertrip.hopto.org/rainbowrv <-- new one I made, some bugs left.

*BONUS* http://www.webhostcompany.com <-- their webhost. I am going to change it to a much cleaner one.


For those of you who happen to be religious, keep me in your prayers. I'll need it.


Also if you happen to be looking for cheap webhosting and design, I happen to be your man!

Edited by Falcon2001
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Is that Latin at the bottom of your home page blurb?!?


I'm amazed. :)


Nullam velit. Sed nibh. Phasellus volutpat pulvinar orci. Maecenas vehicula nunc vel felis. Quisque odio lorem, ullamcorper at, rhoncus in, consectetuer non, arcu. Phasellus augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt justo quis justo. Phasellus ut massa. Etiam molestie. Praesent adipiscing sodales lacus. Sed varius lacinia sapien.

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Hey, dude. I know we don't know each other very well, but I'll send up a prayer for you. I'm sure this will happen to me many times in the near future.


You seem like a very intelligent guy. If you don't find a job soon, I'll lose my faith in the economy altogether.

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