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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Pen Hallowe'en Party


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Custos Manor was abuzz with activity. Gyrfalcon, Daryl and Annael were helping to decorate and the old druid had moved his things into a room far from the proposed party, grumbling about the noise. Salinye was running around, trying to make sure that everything was clean, and tripping on Daryl, who yipped with mischeivous pleasure each time she did. Finnius happened by, and Salinye shoved a shopping list into his hands. "Can you please grab these things for me, Finn?" she called over her shoulder, frantically trying to tie a balloon into place on the front door. So panicked was she that it didn't even occur to her to use magic. "And remind Gwaihir to come tonight. He said he was interested, but... you know how he is." Finnius tried to say something in reply, but the blurred form of the hostel's owner was already inside again, whipping around and handing out more orders. So he shrugged and headed off, reading the long list with growing horror.


By the time Finnius returned, he was dragging in tow Peredhil, who looked only somewhat less dignified than usual when carrying six shopping bags, Ayshela, who had borrowed a little wagon from Kaitlyn, and Mynx, who was using her scythe to hang overfilled sacks between herself and Finnius. Many more items were magically enhanced to follow them to the Manor. The group was quickly encountered by Katzaniel, who gathered up as many items as she could and transferred into cat form, bounding away apparently unhindered. Mynx, now unburdened enough to shrug, did so.


Despite the many last-minute things to prepare, Custos Manor was indeed ready before the appointed time. Different drinks and appetizers lined a buffet style table. A large sign pointed to a larger punch bowl, only half full. "Please spike this punch only!" it proclaimed. A makeshift dance floor was cleared and soft lights were hung around the trees in the back. Tanuchan stood at the front door to greet the guests, and Katzaniel was doing bouncer duty, openly wielding her spear by the regular punch bowls. Both were also prepared to deny entry to any non-costumed Pennites. Salinye, slightly calmer, wandered around and wiped perceived spots or stains off of various objects, routinely requiring someone to move for her, until the first guest arrived.


OOC: Come on in! Pen personas encouraged but not required. Note that at some point this party will branch into two pieces, and two physical locations will open up. We'll open a second thread to illustrate that, and although you'll be allowed to move from one place to another, it will be a lot more obvious who you can interact with in two threads. For now, post in this thread either way. And come with a costume, or prepare to have trouble getting by us! Party will continue alone for about two weeks!

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Tanny waits by the door, smiling and winking at Katzaniel. She wears a long, short-sleeved dark-blue dress delicately embroidered with leaves and flowers at the hem. From her waist hang a curved dagger and a pouch, and on her forehead there's a mark of the Goddess. A matching dark-blue, hooded cloak completes her costume.


Didn't have much time to think about costumes, but I do hope I look enough like a priestess of Avalon... I did think about keepng in wolf form, but Katz said it would be cheating... She laughs softly, reminding the scene with Katz growling when she tried to argue that a wolf couldn't be on costume, and that if people could use costumes of gorillas, why couldn't she wear a wolf's shape?


There's a rustle, and she turns her attention to the door.


"It's almost time... "

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((OOC: I hope we're allowed to post now..*sweatdrops*))


Elwen could have killed her twin for getting her into this. Oh, never mind that-she was *going* to kill him when she got the chance. The kitsune-thief-turned-Elven-harper was mentally scowling as she walked up the path to the Manor, and it was all she could do to keep a calm face.


"Come on, 'neesan! It'll be fun!"


Fun? Aural is out of his mind. Elwen thought, folding her arms over her chest. The elf maiden was dressed in something that could only be described as a filmy, long white silk dress, with white wings attached somehow on the back. And just for kicks, Aural had somehow managed to stick a silver circlet of tiny stars on her head.


This was going to be...very...*interesting*.

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Dante Blackcreek rides to the tavern on his Harley Davidson Shovelhead motorcycle, revving the engine to announce his arrivial. He's dressed in dark black robes with blood red trim, a leather bound book, and staff made of human femers topped with a ram's skull. As he walks inside, he is greeted by a stunned look on Tanny's face.


"What", Dante asked, "You don't like my necromancer's costume?"


"Well," Tanny answered," The bone staff and book that looks like it might be bound in human skin is a bit much..."


"You know what they say;'Nothing spells success like excess.'"

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"Welcome, Elwen and Aural..."


Tanny smiles at them, showing them in. She notices Elwen's apparent uneasiness, and tries to put her at ease. "I see you're a fairy... or maybe a dryad? It's a nice costume. Please, come in and have fun... you're the first to come, but you can better enjoy the drinks and the buffet while the others arrive."


Dante Blackreek arrives seconds later, and Tanny stammers her greetings.


"You know what they say;'Nothing spells success like excess.'"


She glances at Katz, but shrugs and shows Dante in. "Well... I hope you have fun..."


And that you don't really do any necromancy in here...




Edit: Ghost of Dawn included, and typos

Edited by Tanuchan
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*crash* Everyone looks up to see who just slammed the door to make a splashy entry...but no, it's just that Gwaihir just walked dead Into the door. As he sees many faces looking at him in amusement, irritation or disgust he turns beet red. "umm, hello."

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Aural, who was most *certaintly* dressed as a fairy, pretty fluttering wings and all, smiled up at Tanny, blue-green eyes dancing.


"Thanks! I specially designed her costume." he beamed angelically at his not-very-amused sister.


"Aural." Elwen said coolly, fixing her petite brother with a dark gaze, her gray eyes most certaintly *not* amused, as her fingers silently ran across the strings of the Morninglark harp significantly. The younger twin paled.


"I'll...see you later on, ne, 'neesan?" he said, and hurried away.


Elwen bowed politely to Tanny, and was about to walk away, when a crash! came at the door.


She turned in a swirl of pale drapery, to see Gwaihir.


Silently, she walked forward, to offer assistance should he require it.

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A few feet from the doorway, a circle of runes appears on the ground, glowing deep blue as the start to slowly spiral around the dark ring that holds them. Steadily the movement gains speed, becoming a blur of blue light marking the ground. Suddenly a dense black mist jets upwards from the centre of the circuit, fanning out into a small dense cloud. As the cloud disapates, a figure is revealed, standing in the slow shifting light cast by the runes, now still and glowing a bright silver.

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Popping out after delivering the bags, Peredhil came back in the front door, dressed as Doctor Evil. He was followed by his Giant Guinea Pig Bodyguards, Guido and Nuncio.

Nuncio was dressed like the Almighty Thor, complete with winged helmet and short handled hammer. A minor spell enhanced his static electricity and caused minor electrical storms to generate from his fur.

Guido was wearing a picture with the face cut out, through which he'd pushed his head, and carried a Rubber Chicken, fortunately of the non-magical variety. Occasionally he exclaimed "Hey youse guys, I've been Framed!!!"


At this point, his sons were no where to be found.

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Tanny and Katz approach the silvery figure, curious but carefully, and Tanny sighs in relief recognizing Cryptomancer.


"Welcome to the party, Cryptomancer... beautiful entrance, really." She smiles at him. "Hm... your costume?"


Listening to Peredhil, she turns and greets him and his bodyguards as they enter, laughing softly at Guido. "It's a ... perfect costume... love it!"

Edited by Tanuchan
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The figure stands his dark outline showing a large set of horns on his head, his body defined and humanoid, the shadows of knives decorate his belt.


As the last of the dark mist vanishes and the light cast by the runes dims, Cryptomancer stands looking at the Bouncers. The horns take shape, revealing themselves as a large twin blade battle axe strapped to his back.


Dressed in black leather pants and boots, Crytomancer steps forward, his bare torso, covered in the spiraling tattoo of his art, deep blue runes glow from their shifting positions on the interwoven circles of the design. The artwork starting at his right shoulder, and spiraling around his body, fading as it reaches the flat skin below his ribcage.


"Greetings!" He bows low to the gathered group. "Tattooing seems to suit the 'Barbarian look', I hope none take offence at the displayed artwork."

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After helping to set up, Mynx disappeared to get into her costume.

Bouncing up to the door in a flash of rustling white and blue, everyone the the room turned to stare in shock.


Mynx stood, as feline as ever, but was wearing instead of her normal robe, a white and blue American Cheerleader's costume, matching pompoms clutched in her paws.

She grinned at the stunned silence.

"What? 's Halloween, right? Scary costumes!"

A few people blinked, while Cryptomancer came up behind Mynx and, stifling a grin asked, "What did you do with the rest of the Cheerleader?"

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On the path to Custos Manor a flickering glow appears resolving after few moments into a glowing ball of light.


It bobs a few meters up towards the entry to the halloween party then hesitates and starts to shudder before splitting into two much smaller lights which seem to look about for all the world like they were two eyes.


Passing through a patch of shadow on the path the darkness seems to attach it's self to the glowing orbs and shortly thereafter the shadowy figure of a man strides towards the entry of Custos Manor and the Pen halloween party. In it's wake a single Gryphon feather flutters to the ground.


Regarding the others gathered for the party he speaks, a low quiet voice that leaves the impression that you might not have heard it with your ears...


"Party time already? I hope I'm not late."



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Seeing the red eyed glowy thing, Mynx lets out a squeal of fear much unlike her normal self.

Jumping behind Cryptomancer, she peers over his shoulder at the shadow.

The shadow returns her gaze and, after a moments pause, raises his left hand in greeting.

Noticing a silver ring on the middle finger that she recognized well, Mynx relaxed and stepped away from behind her friend.

Brushing out her costume, she puts on a big smile, pretending she hadn't been scared.

"Like, what a Totally awesome costume!"

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The Candidate Enters


Music precedes him, a remix of 'Hail to the Chief' with lots of scratching, very groovy, and somewhat mainstream.

A man appears, in a somber, dark blue suit, dark glasses, tell tale bulge under his arm. He scans the room, speaks into his cuff for a moment, then listens to an earpiece. He then nods, then moves further into the room.

The Candidate appears, tall, confident looking, smiling, suited, with a small american flag pin on his lapel.

He waves to the crowd.

His phalanx of secret service men and handlers enter with him, keeping a distance but keeping him secure.

A portable podium is set up.

He touches the microphone and there is a moment of feedback until a handler adjusts things.

The Candidate steps up to the microphone and speaks, his voice deep, authoratative, trusting:

"My fellow..." and here pauses until a handler whispers in his ear, "Penites," and smiles," I wish to announce here my candidacy as your choice for President. Vote for me, you'll be treated right."

At this point a big grin and two thumbs up, then serious again.

"I know you. I am one of you. And we need each other. Please, come to me with your issues, and you and I will do our best to solve them."

"I thank you and gawd bless."

He steps away from the podium and goes to 'press the flesh', handshaking with the other party goers.

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Dean saunters on in with a bottle for the hosts and hostesses, and a half mask on his face. For some reason he's followed by a penguin...


"It's me, Phil" says the penguin "Had dean cook me up a costume. And when a mage cooks up a costume... Grumble mutter..."


Dean smirks and makes a beeline for the "Spike this punch only" punch... When he walks away it's bubbling with a silght whispy smoke coming off of it. Like dry ice, only more potent as it spills across the floor. A sweet smell comes from the smoke...

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*Yan Yan Ganaffi walks into the place dressed in geilded splint mail, a Roman galdiator helm, loin cloth, and boots. He carries a gladius in one hand and a buckler-type shield in the other. He nods at Tanny while looking for the beer*


"Hi, everyone," Yan Yan cheerfully greets,"Where's the beer?"

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Celes Crusader arrives at the ball room, dressed in a white taffetas gown with white rabbit fur over a satin suit that covers her from head to toe, leaving only her face exposed. On her head, sits an impressive crown made of platinum and serted with diamonds. Her face is powedered white with very light pink cheecks, lips and eyelids. Tanuchan welcomes her and smiles at her.


- Good evening Lady Celes! May I ask what is your disguise.


- This is the Queen of Snow disguise, after one of the most gorgeous fairy tale I've heard.

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Leif walks in and immedietely looks for the bar.


Scanning the room, an overpowering noise drives into his skull. His mind begins to break down. *Must resist*




Several people look at Leif.


"Sorry, Y.M.C.A. just brings back bad memories of one of my brother's birthdays. Where's the bar?"

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Hearing the words "Mini Bar", Mynx's ears prick up in excitment.

Without any further words to her two friends and protectors, the overly happy cheerleader-feline hybrid bounces off in search of the strongest alcohol that will be offered to her underage state.


[OOC: The joys of magical costumes! Personality included with outfit! All cheerleaders come equipped with the underage device and an overpowering urge to consume copious amounts of alcohol!]

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Cryptomancer traces a rune in the air in front of him, and as a portal appears he places the weapons he has in to its shimering vortex. tracing a similar rune the air ripples and closes before him, leaving a faint glow to disapate into the air. Looking at Mynx as she disappeares into the crowd, he grins, the runes of his tattoo glow brightly, and start spinning in a circuit around the point of his shoulder.


Moments later there is a whirl of movement on the dancefloor, as a topless bald man tattooed in glowing symbols of his art appears in a full head spin, ending in a classic 80's breakdance windmill. as the music continues he adapts, the rhythm of his movement blending into the funky beats of DJ YanYanGanaffi.



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...Meanwhile, a large and suspicious looking drink clasped in her paw, Mynx leans over the DJ table, bearing enough clevage to make concentration difficult, as she tries to negotiate the broadcast of the song 'Tequila!' with DJ YanYanGanaffi...

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Meanwhile on the other side of the room from where Mynx-ah-la-cheerleader is distracting the entertainment Gryphon~umbra~ suddenly breaks off his conversation.


He raises his head and the glowing red eyes flash to a cold icy blue colour...


"I sence a great disturbance in the force..."


Mynx-ah-la-cheerleader sips her highly suspicious drink


Oh dear... someone let the cheerleader persona lose on the alcohol?



The shadowy figure moves rapidly in amused pseudo-stress... and a stray Gryphon feather floats gently to the ground.



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