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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Pen Hallowe'en Party


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A shadow melts up out of the floor... sparkly ruby red fireflies fly in and come to rest on a roughly head shaped part of the form...


Slowly it shifts to take the shape of a Gryphon, and it watches the partygoers vanish into the mysterious tunnel.


It shakes its head and returns to the party, seeking out Wyvern to steal more of his alcohol sucking priviledges... As it does so its shape shifts and the suggestions of a Hawaiian shirt form once more about it's person.




Edited for asthetics :)

Edited by Gryphon
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Carbone and Cambronne were still at the bar when their mistress disappeared. Using their sense of smell, hearing and sight, they are trying to locate her but with no success. From what they can smell, it's been a while that Celes was out of the room. However, Celes is not the kind of person to leave her cats behind in an unfamiliar place. Cambronne jumps down and started to meow at the peoples he meets while Carbone stays on her bar seat, thinking that she's safer there.
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Merelas appears in the fireplace, and many of the drunker partiers blink and look at each other, wondering whether this sight was shared. Katzaniel, still uncertain of the effects of the spiked punch she drank, followed suit. Well, it did seem that everyone saw him. And then he started speaking, and the tigertaur, as many of the others, sobered up pretty quickly.


"Salinye!" she gasped amidst a chorus of similar cries. Gyrfalcon rushed to fulfil Merelas' request by placing the ring in his hands, and Merelas left with the instructions to send aid. Katzaniel began looking around immediately. Some offered help but were too drunk, nevertheless it didn't take long to find a willing and relatively capable group.


"You need my help, do ya?" laughed Aegon, though by his actions Katz knew he took the need seriously. "If you want to think of it that way," she smiled at him. He grabbed his coat and followed.


"If Salinye is in trouble," said a smooth voice behind them, "I will lend my services." Tamaranis, cloaked in shadows, had come over from his residence. The tigertaur nodded and the vampire fell in with them.


Soon, they were joined by Gryphon, whose name described him well enough; Inbi Infusco, a young thief who had magical skills with ice and fire; Horace, a naive female demon, and a set of blond twins. Katzaniel wasn't sure which was which, but their names were Terri or Carrie or Mary or some such.


"If we're not back soon... I dunno, disperse the party, inform Ozymandias and any others that you can, and come back with somewhat more than a makeshift rescue group, okay?" Gyrfalcon looked like he didn't need the advice, but he nodded. "I think the party's almost over anyway," he said, glancing meaningfully at a few of the people crashing on the floor. He did a double take then, looking more carefully over the assembled partygoers. "In the meantime, I'd better find out what Wyvern's up to... not sure where he went..."


When Katzaniel turned back, Aegon smirked. "Makeshift, now? Does that make us ragtag as well?" "Joke if you want, but you know as well as I do that those three are going to be more trouble than they're worth," sighed the tigertaur, gesturing at the twins and Horace, who was already talking excitedly with them.


"Why bring them?" queried Tamaranis.


"I know the type." Katzaniel gritted her teeth. "They'll follow us if we don't let them walk with us."


And with that, the nine Pennites were on their way. Terri and Kerri started singing some silly song, and Katz spent much of her effort trying not to let the magic and alcohol in the punch take over her mouth again.


Partway through, Yui suddenly stopped. "One, two, three," she muttered under her breath. Everyone looked at her curiously. "Just that... weren't there more of us?"


"Horace!" shouted the twins simultaneously. "Oh no..." breathed everyone else immediately afterward. "We can't go back," insisted Katzaniel. "If she went back to the party, she'll be fine. If she didn't, no one else even knows she came." So they continued, the rescue group keeping a firmer watch on its members, and glancing around for their lost sheep.

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As more Pen members begin heading towards the mysterious entrance of Custos Manors basement, the majority of the punchbowls in the area undergo a disturbing transformation. The glass containers disappear at calculated intervals as they're quickly snatched by a scaly arm and taken underneath tables, only to reappear a few minutes later in a bubbling state, furiously frothing with the foam of alcohol and occasionally trembling in a near-explosive state. The new smell of the punch is so strong that it causes Celes Crusadors pumpkin sylphs to wobble and faint as they pass over the bowls, despite their being illusions.


Wyvern pauses in his quest for public intoxication as he grabs a new punchbowl and pulls it under his table, only to notice the sign "Please spike this punch only!" attached to it. Reading over the sign and scratching his chin in confusion, the overgrown lizard steps out from his hiding place and stretches as he silently contemplates its meaning. He casts a quick glance towards the numerous bowls of punch that he'd already tampered with, then slowly breaks out into a grin as his diabolical mind reaches a conclusion.


"Ssssayyyyy" hisses Wyvern gleefully as he carefully positions the bowl in his hand and aims it at the table. "Katzaniel and co. really went to town with these party activities... this should be fun!"


With that, Wyvern tosses the bowl into the air, jumps, and quickly smashes it with his fist, shattering it instantly. Many Pen members in the party turn from their dancing and curious investigations as the sound of breaking glass quickly catches their attention, and all eyes angrily focus on the lizard for a moment. Wyvern rubs a claw on the back of his head and glances at the shards of glass surrounding him, then lets out a nervous laugh and stammers:


"Awww, c-c'mon guys, don't stare at me like that... I mean, it was a punch bowl right? Right?"


The Pen members shake their heads and sigh, uncertain about which aspect of the lizard they should feel more revulsion towards: his actions or his poor attempt at humor. Wyvern hunches over and whines quietly as people turn away from him and go back to what they had been doing previously, uneasily shifting a few shards of glass with one of his feet.


"Rats." grumbles the lizard, glancing around the party and suddenly noticing Yui and Guido in costume. "Guinea pigs, even. I guess that takes care of that activity, I wonder if there are any drinks that haven't been-"


Wyvern suddenly stops speaking and perks his head up as he overhears LeiftheBunny discussing Vahktangs political campaign with Xaious, attempting to sway the Master of Time into voting for the Candidate. An evil grin spreads across Wyverns face as he notices that Vahktang is absent from the central party area, having ventured into the depths of the Manors basement. The lizard rubs his scaly palms together and plots for a moment, then snickers and decides to take action.


"Attention." exclaims Wyvern, wandering over to the turntables where Dean currently sits and rudely ripping the spinning record from its rotation to catch peoples attention. Raising his arms in a Nixon stance and flashing a discomforting razor-sharp grin, the overgrown lizard exclaims:


"Attention, one and all. I, Wyvern, would like to announce that I am entering the political race as the Other Candidate, and will be competing against Vahktangs campaign. While the Candidate has left his alleged people to search the basements of the Manor, I, the Other Candidate, have yet to make a claim about any crowd being my people, thereby making my selfish behavior justifiable! I would also like to point out that, while the Candidate has a detailed political plan and speaks in a civil manner, I dress like a bum, have no particular plan, and wish to obtain the position out of selfish greed. In other words, I have all of the ideal qualities found in the popular politicians of today!"


Wyvern proceeds to wander around the room, flashing sleazy grins at people and shaking their hands.


"When I'm enstated in office, I swear that I'll use it to as a permanent vacation spot. Remember: the war on gaming will not be won until the gamers have become completely assimilated and rendered powerless. Do you trust Vahktangs authority with his ambivalent stance on that current political issue?"



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*Yan Yan returns from the basement muttering under his breath* "Stinking humorless %@$#!"


*He walks back out to his van to change costumes, coming back inside dress as a Vietnam-era Navy SEAL complete with functioning AK-47 and grenades. Sitting at a table, he leans the rifle against the table. Out of a cargo pocket in his camoflagued trousers, he retrieves a flask of sake, drinking deeply and trying to impove his current mood*

Edited by YanYanGanaffi
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As the party continues down the tunnel, an eerie echoing scream is heard. Yui looks at Aegon, Tamaranis adjusts his cloak, Katzaniel hefts her spear, Gryphon stands up taller and Inbi cups her hands as if preparing a spell. The twins jump high in the air and Kerri even hits her head on the tunnel roof. "Ow, ooh, aaaah!" she says, feeling her head and then jumping again when Terri screams. The twins spend a moment fuelling each other's fever-pitched fear before Gryphon stands between them, looking them each carefully in the eyes and calming them down.


"I wanna go home," whines Terri.


"We've lost one too many already," says Katzaniel. "I don't want to have to worry about whether you made it back or not." She turns and begins following the tunnel again. One by one the party joins her, and soon the twins are jogging along. "You're right, don't leave us behind!"

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Dean is carries up to the party where he is promptly put into a comfy chair. Phil proptly waddles up and begins waving a handkerchief over Dean's face.


"Well this is great... C'mon Dean, geddup... the Wet bar is in danger."


There is but a moan from the chair.


"Aw fiddlesticks... the mind is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Now how am I gonna change back?"


The penguin pouts and helps himself to some ice cream.

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*Walking through the door, Pilocanci (A.K.A.: Pillow) observes the room where the party is taking place. With a green military cap complete with red star pin, Pillow trots to the wet bar. He looks like a small white sharpei the size of a large racoon. He looks up at Yan Yan, who is fixing drinks at the bar.*


*In Sharpein* "You there! Make me a rum and coke, now!"


*Yan Yan hears* "Bark, bark, yip-bark."


"Ah, what a cute doggy," Yan Yan says as he pets Pillow," you want a belly rub, boy? Do ya?"


Pillow rages, *" How dare you! If I still had my elite guard, I'd have you taken outside and shot! I want rum and coke NOW!*


*Yan Yan smiles and pulls out a red rubber ball. Yan Yan throws the ball, saying," Go get it, boy! Go get the ball!"


* Pillow watches the ball sail to the other side of the room, then turns his eyes back to Yan Yan in an angry glare. Standing on his back legs, Pillow weaves a magical sigil in the air with his front paws. "Aww," Yan Yan observes," Hey, everyone, the cute doggy is doing a dance." Just as Yan Yan finishes the sentence, he feels himself shrinking to the size and shape of a flea. The room is filled with a stunned silence as the new comer fixes his own rum and coke, drinking it from a straw.*

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From behind the bar a thin mist issues rising up to take on the shape of Gryphon. From somewhere above two bright emerald green fire flies come down to take their places as his eyes.


The eyes seem to glint and sparkle with good humor and the shadow-shape gryph-grins at the newcomer at the bar before ordering it's own drink (straight coke thanks - none of those pollutants thanks), knocking it back and then disolving back into a black mist as the fireflies take off to hide once again somewhere in the rafters or the corners of the room.

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*Pillow finishes his drink and looks down the stairs leading to the haunted house* "Hmm," the former dictator of Wrinklestan muttered," I wonder where that tunnel leads." Feeling adventurous, Pilocanci trots down the stairs and into the house...*

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The Cryptomancer lay where he had been placed after the events in the haunted House, his body pale and cold, breathing shallow. Although the attempts at healing seemed to bring his colour back each one seemed to last only a short while before his colour drained once more. His unconcious form was placed in a quiet corner, and those to who's care he had been given watched and discussed the possible causes of his condition. The main cause for concern was the time that the Runemage had spent reading the book.




The Cryptomancer lay still, his concious self drifting in the blackness of his dreams.


Deep in the void of his mind a gem of red light stired, and as it grew, his attemtion was drawn to it, feeding off its intensity compared to the blackness that surrounded him. Looking into the core of the gem his mind percieved an image, his body, pale and still, the faded lines of his tattoo dimly visible, and pulsing gently, calling for his return.


In the darkness he touched the stone, his thoughts flaired, memories flooding into the void, filling the blackness with images of his past. Twisting to the new shape of those paths of his future, and the deep mist of uncertainty that shifted and concealed their destinations.


Suddenly the body of the Runemage jerked upright, the gasp of inhaled breath filling his lungs and drawing the attention of those that watched. Cryptomancer felt the burn of the tattoo flair in his skin, and looked at his torso with widening eyes as the rings of the Fifth circle started to form, the Knowledge that he had read in the book beginning to fill the first parts of that which he sought. As the tattoo grew, the scars again flaired, glowing with a brilliant intensity, before along their path the Cryptomancer's body began to break, collapsing in on itself, disolving to a small black shadow. Shadow became mist as it swept through the room, as it reached the window the telltale flutter of raven wings marked the Cryptomancers path into the night and the dark sanctuary of the forrest.




[OOC: thanks to all for the game]



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After she was brought back to the Manor and calmed down enough to bring her form to a state of awareness, CheerMynx sat in a corner by the bar, sniffling unhappily, an unfinished drink clutched in her paw.

She watched as Cryptomancer's body repaired itself and disappeared into the darkness, glad to see her friend was okay but smarting from the knowledge that he had betrayed her.

Wiping her nose and eyes, CheerMynx cast yet another glance around the room, searching for Gryphon to come along and comfort her.

Unable to find her elusive partner, the drunken feline hiccupped miserably and stared gloomily back into her drink, muttering softly to no one in particular...

"What a sucky end to Halloween. I so totally want to go home..."


[OOC: Loved the game guys! Now I just need to get out of this costume...]

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A small shadow drifts through the window closest to Mynx, and slowly creaps to her side, stopping and forming itself into a small ruffled Raven.


"Hi. Sorry about the party, sorta got cursed and distracted by that damned book again." (The Raven cringes at the very bad pun)


Looking at his friend, he smiles weakly, "Not much of a protector tonight hey?"


The Raven's form shifts slightly, fading to shadow before appearing again holding a smalll vial. "Drink this, it helps a bit, the drunkenness will wear off almost immediatly, but the headache will linger," A second vial in produced in the same manner, this will ease the pain for a while, go sleep if you can, you will feel better for it." Hopping a short distance before his form again fades the Raven's voice echoes briefly to the young feline, "See you soon, Sorry for messing the evening up."


The shadow fades away, just the faint departing flap of wings tells of the Raven's passage.




Mynx looks at the two vials in her paws, shrugs and opens the first ignoring the bitter aroma, she drinks its contents, her eyes refocus almost instantly, before the focus fades as the hangover takes effect, "Ok, thet bird is treacle bait, .... ow...... as soon as I feel better." Drinking the second vial Mynx stands, her mind focusing enough to wave away the costume as her robe and sythe appear, returning her appearance to her own shadowed form, a hint of deeper darkness cloaking her as she drifts to the door, nodding a farewell to those that still remain in the manor.


Into the dark of night, returning to her room, the darkness of her robe concealing her passage through the night.



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As Mynx leaves the party a shadow melts out of the very doorway and envelops her, becoming an extension of her cloak. Two little sparkly fireflies come winging in to light her way and the shadows themselves seem to guide her steps safely back to her abode to sleep off the results of the party.


[OOC: Gryphon is with the cannon fodder in the haunted house, though nothing has really happened to him yet... maybe I should ghost myself? ;) ]

Edited by Gryphon
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Vahktang sits down in the overstuffed chair and watches the TV, his drink not a drop spilled, his other hand occupied with a plate of munchies.

He'd heard of a 1000 inch TV, but, only in a song.

He watched the happenings in the haunted house.

But was prevented from cheering or influencing things.

"Dang. Here I am a politician with no influence. Just like-"

"Shhhh," one of the other watchers said.

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"Well, I have no skill in magic, only at breaking things and being sneaky. I could pulp his head for you?  "

"Wow. He almost looks series about this."

Vahktang looks at the other viewers when Gnarlitch says this on screen, sees their somber looks, their sober faces.

"No, this is all part of the joke, right?

"Good special effects, fabulous acting ability?"

Vahktang looks at the faces and sees that life and death are really appearing on the screen.

"Shit. Someone get me over there."

"What can you do? You have no powers," says one.

"Help. Pray.

"No, wait. More than that.

"I have a plan."

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Vahktang sits forward watching the scene unfolding in the haunted mansion with interest, willing himself to be there, willing some one to get him there... when suddenly a bright blue light erupts all around him.


Power from out of nowhere starts to envelop his body and begins to swirl around him, making a kind spinning funnel. Suddenly with a crack that sounds like thunder he's somewhere else, the others at the party see a flash of light and Vahktang is gone.


There ya go - you're at the battle now


Vahktang appears on the screen. ;)

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