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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Happy Birthday to X-Sabre???


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Ayshela whirls through and POUNCES X-Sabre, huggling him thoroughly and wishing him a very happy birthday! Giving him a note to the bartender good for one drink of his choice on her tab, she smiles, huggles him again, and vanishes in a blur of motion.
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Huzzah for birthdays! Here's hoping your 21st is a ton of fun. Yui hands Exs a bag of magic corn kernels and some books with interesting titles, such as "32 Ways to Tickle a Cow" and "1001 Hobbies: Survival Guide for the Country Folk". ;)


All the best from Aegon and I, Exs. Enjoy!




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*laughs* i think i've had a hangover probably three times in my life. i've deserved one more often than that. However, i've never had a hangover from my quad tall peppermint mochas, or my Earl Grey, or my chai..


Depends *entirely* on what you drink. =)

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