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Purple because it can be everything. It can be secretive, enriching, flat, emotionless, mysterious, sexy, delicate, I could go on forever. All the different shades are so wonderful. I never really had a favourite colour until about 3 years ago, then I noticed my life turning purple. I have loved it ever since. :D

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Can't choose just one... or even just three.


Black, because it represents concealment and seclusion. When speaking of emotions, it means that they are hidden, and numbed off. (Or completely vacant... it's really the absence of (or apparent absence of) emotion.)


White represents purity, power, and life, in my mind. The brightest, most powerful stars shine with white light. I can't really say how white translates emotionally... I haven't had anything that seems white in so long...


Purple represents a certain sort of... well... serenity, I suppose. Elegance and Eloquence, as well. Ironic that the portion of the visible color spectrum with the greatest energy is also one of the "calmest" in our perception. :) Purple is serenity, and tranquility. It's my creative color.


Blue is the color associated with both Air and Water... where Purple represents serenity and contentment, to me, Blue is more a cold calmness... especially the paler shades.


Of course... I do tend to be a little unorthodox in my views. :D I'm used to it. Next to nobody that I know personally will agree with me on anything more specific than "black is darker than pastel pink."

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I have two favourites...

Asthetically: Green

Intellectually: White


I do not like the standard analysations of colour as I tend to find many exeptions to their rules. I find black comforting and certainly don't associate white with purity.

White is my favourite intellectually because it is a combination of all colours, and I have always liked having bits of everything. Mixes of styles, races, multiple species... every seperate element of my slice of cake (ie the cake bit, the icing bit, the fancy topping bit, the fruit bit, etc etc) in one bite....

My asthetic liking of green is purely a personallity thing. My emotional response to just about any shade of green is distinctly joyfull, it always has been. It was always what I named as "favourite colour" when little, and only later when my reasoning surrounding white came about did that shadeless light come into the picture...

...so to speak.

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I liked reading all the answers.. can't we all have a little fun? :huh:


My clothes' colour would have to be Black, simply because I look the best in it and have been wearing it ever since I had a choise in what I wore. (being blond, black's your friend ;))


Green has always been my 'play colour'. Any game where you have to choose a colour, be it pawns or your 'magical direction' (like in Archmage) I would try to get green. If not green.. then black or red(ish), but those are always second/third.


Now for Red.. Blood Red, Dried up blood Brown-Red, Red-rose-Red, Any kind of Dark Red would be the emotionally strongest. Especially when combined with either black or white. Oh, or Green.. as in Roses ^_^


Furthermore I think that days have colours too:


Monday - Yellow

Tuesday - (clear summer day sky) Blue

Wednesday - Orange

Thursday - Dark Purple

Friday - Green

Saturday - Blackish.. going to Grey

Sunday - Blank.. possibly Clear, if that's a colour


Dunno why.. they just have colours of their own.. and I never liked Wednesday's so that's probably why it's Orange.. never liked that colour too.. or maybe it's the other way around? :P


Thanks for making me write this down, forgot that days have colours.. anyone else here have that too? And for smells aswell? Or am I just a weirdo? :D *giggle*


Appy out :flower:

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Appy, I never meant to suggest that posts like yours that seem to be clearly full ofthought are not welcome. To me, Salinye's questions are an excellent example of a great way to ask questions that are designed to provke interesting answers and are answered in interesting ways.

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catapult pleaseplease!


(Minta capers madly around Aardvark, giggling in anticipation of flying through the air! Her zombie, on the other hand, desperately tugs lengths of intestine out of its gut and tries to rearrange it into letters. . .)

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Wyvern quickly dodges a random flying pen member, then takes a small sip of Bruteweiser booze before clearing his throat and responding:


"My favorite colors:

Shiny Gold

Dull Gold

Golden Yellow

Bright Gold

"Wizard of Oz" brick color

Yellowish Gold-mine

Metallic Gold

Interior-of-a-treasure-chest Gold

The predominant color of the chains M.Cs always seem to wear

Natural Gold

and Money Vault silver."


With that, the overgrown lizard tip-toes away from the crowds, nudging X-Sabre on his way out and offering him an Almost Dragonic Brand Bootleg All Fuschia Crayola Set™ for only a few geld...

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Well, obviously, I like blue, but greens, dark reds, and silver are also good choices for me.


And black.



Can't... choose... color!


(Immediately runs over to Aardvark, explains that he can't pick a color or give a reason. Then climbs into the catapult and puts on aviator goggles.)

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In Character, Merelas will always say Red... fire... red... get it?


Out of character, I really like cool colors-- green, blue, violet, and the mixes of those. One of my classes in school has a room that is painted pale-blue... although I don't care for the class, I find that I can concentrate more than my other disliked classes, which are all in white rooms... maybe it's just because the teacher is better... but I do like the cooler side of the spectrum, thank you.


Thank you for the question... was a refreshing warm-up... just to be typing, rather than staring at a blank page is an encouragement. And, the answers (although scary at times) were fun ;).


Carry on!

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My Avatar, Peredhil, is the color is grey. It's the color of his eyes (in my FARS worlds, for some reason, an elf's eyes are all one color, there are no "whites and pupils", although the colors can change depending on mood, sub-race, etc). His eyes and his world have been grey since before he left the Undying West.


Personally, my eyes and mood have been grey as well for the last seven or eight years, but there are many many interludes of bright sunny yellows, living greens, earth loam browns, desert sky blues, pre-dawn cloud purples, and a gamet of others.


If that makes any sense at all. :P

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Um... Yeah. A simple question indeed, but one that has provoked a lot of thought from the people here at the Pen. Bravo with your thought-provokingness. My favorite color has recently changed. As anybody who had asked me before knows, my favorite colors were in this order. 1. Black 2. white. 3. Orange 4. Pink


however, recent thoughts and such that have arisine and further developed both sides of my personality would suggest that i am only particularly fond of black and white. Perhaps that is because thoe are the rwo colors, shades actually, that imitate cold logic. documents and such are black and white, and they are generically neutral, but not as much as grey. They are opposite to each other, I guess, white most often symbolising life and light and happiness and the start of a new day. Black symbolising death, shadows, hatred, emptiness, the coming of night. One color for both f my worlds, I guess.


(I think I'm developing some really early arthritis... my hand hurts and i've barely typed anything...)

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