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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Mighty Pen Madlibs


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Wyvern struts into the Cabaret Room waving a new Mighty Pen madlib sheet in one claw while holding a pitcher of Bruteweiser in the other. The overgrown lizard sets the sheet down on a Cabaret counter along with some plastic cups for folks who want a drink, then begins guzzling the booze straight from the pitcher in a typical greedy manner...


Here's a new Mighty Pen Madlib for folks to sink their teeth into. This one seems like it could be pretty promising, here's hoping it turns out good! For those who've never participated before but would like to, instructions for Mghty Pen Madlibs can be found in the first post on the first page of this thread.


1) Name of Female Pennite

2) An Object

3) Verb, ending in “ing”

4) Adverb

5) Noun

6) Adjective

7) A Number

8) Name of Male Pennite

9) Adverb

10) Adjective

11) Type of Laugh

12) Adjective

13) Adverb

14) Plural Noun

15) Part of Body

16) Adverb

17) A Color

18) Verb, Past Tense

19) Plural Noun

20) Verb

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1) Name of Female Pennite - Mynx

2) An Object - stick

3) Verb, ending in “ing” - mooning

4) Adverb - impressively

5) Noun - saucer

6) Adjective - bloody

7) A Number - 1.23*10^-9

8) Name of Male Pennite - Wyvern

9) Adverb - wolfishly

10) Adjective - surprising

11) Type of Laugh - evil laughter

12) Adjective - slow

13) Adverb - greedily

14) Plural Noun - glasses

15) Part of Body - ear

16) Adverb - long

17) A Color - teal

18) Verb, Past Tense - trekked

19) Plural Noun - scissors

20) Verb - launch

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1) Name of Female Pennite - Salinye

2) An Object - a pumpkin

3) Verb, ending in “ing” - scrounging

4) Adverb - weepily

5) Noun - tree

6) Adjective - shiny!

7) A Number - 23

8) Name of Male Pennite - Mardrax

9) Adverb - silently

10) Adjective - loud

11) Type of Laugh - giggle

12) Adjective - orange

13) Adverb - manically

14) Plural Noun - speakers

15) Part of Body - kneecap

16) Adverb - pointy

17) A Color - orange

18) Verb, Past Tense - laughed

19) Plural Noun - brushes

20) Verb - fly

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1) Name of Female Pennite - Appy

2) An Object - umbrella

3) Verb, ending in “ing” - raining

4) Adverb - torrentially

5) Noun - sea

6) Adjective - wet

7) A Number - pi

8) Name of Male Pennite - Peredhil

9) Adverb - illustratively

10) Adjective - keen

11) Type of Laugh - snigger

12) Adjective - maniacal

13) Adverb - haughtily

14) Plural Noun - sports trophies

15) Part of Body - ischial bone

16) Adverb - skippily

17) A Color - red

18) Verb, Past Tense - jumped

19) Plural Noun - banananas

20) Verb - cook

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As promised ;-)


1) Name of Female Pennite - Tzimfemme

2) An Object - a boat

3) Verb, ending in “ing” - burning

4) Adverb - extremely

5) Noun - plant

6) Adjective - dead

7) A Number - three hundred and twenty seven

8) Name of Male Pennite - Lord Panther

9) Adverb - clockwise

10) Adjective - smelly

11) Type of Laugh - giggle

12) Adjective - heavy

13) Adverb - beautifully

14) Plural Noun - skeletons

15) Part of Body - toenail

16) Adverb - quickly

17) A Color - pink

18) Verb, Past Tense - worked

19) Plural Noun - desks

20) Verb - shatter

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1) Name of Female Pennite - Tralla

2) An Object - oscillating beanie cap propeller

3) Verb, ending in “ing” - osculating

4) Adverb - stingily

5) Noun - paradigm

6) Adjective - stonking

7) A Number - .00031

8) Name of Male Pennite - Jechum

9) Adverb - transparently

10) Adjective - minuscule

11) Type of Laugh - maniacal

12) Adjective - baby blue

13) Adverb - wearily

14) Plural Noun - tails

15) Part of Body - eyes

16) Adverb - highly

17) A Color - puce

18) Verb, Past Tense - defenestrated

19) Plural Noun - men

20) Verb - fighting

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1) Name of Female Pennite- Degorram

2) An Object - squeaky duck

3) Verb, ending in “ing”- stalking

4) Adverb- haltingly

5) Noun - bell

6) Adjective - sultry

7) A Number - 42

8) Name of Male Pennite Wyvern >.<

9) Adverb quickly

10) Adjective red

11) Type of Laugh evil

12) Adjective wicked

13) Adverb sneakily

14) Plural Noun leaves

15) Part of Body 0_0 hand

16) Adverb darkly

17) A Color blue

18) Verb, Past Tense jumped

19) Plural Noun twins

20) Verb giggle

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1) Name of Female Pennite: Kikuyu

2) An Object: rock

3) Verb, ending in “ing” : sitting

4) Adverb : quickly

5) Noun " cloud

6) Adjective : fat

7) A Number : seven

8) Name of Male Pennite : Peredhil

9) Adverb : slyly

10) Adjective : kind

11) Type of Laugh : chuckle

12) Adjective : perturbed

13) Adverb : gruffly

14) Plural Noun : hats

15) Part of Body : ear

16) Adverb : bluntly

17) A Color " teal

18) Verb, Past Tense : rolled

19) Plural Noun : girrafes

20) Verb : fly

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1) Name of Female Pennite: Tanuchan

2) An Object: A stuffed toy

3) Verb, ending in “ing”: Crying

4) Adverb: Annoyingly

5) Noun: Mirror

6) Adjective: Ugly

7) A Number: 42

8) Name of Male Pennite: Wyvern

9) Adverb: Hesitantly

10) Adjective: Cruel

11) Type of Laugh: Bray

12) Adjective: Frustrated

13) Adverb: Violently

14) Plural Noun: Knives

15) Part of Body: Throat

16) Adverb: Blatently

17) A Color: Red

18) Verb, Past Tense: Crashed

19) Plural Noun: Sicophants

20) Verb: Break

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Since this has been opened for a little more than a week, I think it's high time that the latest madlib be closed and that the results be posted! :-) For this madlib, I used a very sweet post from Degorram in small_scale_mindgames' "Unexpected Barbeque" thread, which I'm a fan of for obvious reasons. ^_-


The original post reads as follows:


Degorram took the bottle and looked at it for a long time, twitching visibly. Slowly she put it on the ground, and, closing her eyes, gave it a hefty turn.


It rotated once or twice before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Wyvern.


Wyvern laughed nervously, a slightly hysteric high-pitched giggle. "W-well, I guesssss I'm pretty p-popular tonight..."


Degorram turned her head stiffly and stared at Wyvern, feeling her own cheeks flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Wyvern on the cheek as quickly as she could and then turned away, face crimson, eyes closed.


She would answer no questions. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to smile.

After stealing some words and replacing them with fill-in-the-blanks, a new madlib was formed:


[Name of Female Pennite] took the [Object] and looked at it for a long time, [Verb ending in “ing”] visibly. [Adverb] she put it on the [Noun], and, closing her eyes, gave it a [Adjective] turn.


It rotated [Number] times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of [Name of Male Pennite].


[same Male Pennite] laughed [Adverb], a slightly hysteric [Adjective] [Type of Laugh]. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty [Adjective] tonight..."


[same Female Pennite] turned her head [Adverb] and stared at [same Male Pennite], feeling her own [Plural Noun] flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed [same Male Pennite] on the [Part of Body] as [Adverb] as she could and then turned away, face , eyes [Verb, Past Tense].


She would answer no [Plural Noun]. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to [Verb].



And finally, the results of the madlib after being randomly filled in by various pennites:



Tanuchan’s Version:


Mynx took the stick and looked at it for a long time, mooning visibly. Impressively she put it on the saucer, and, closing her eyes, gave it a bloody turn.


It rotated 1.23*10^-9 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Wyvern.


Wyvern laughed wolfishly, a slightly hysteric surprising evil laugh. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty ssslow tonight..."


Mynx turned her head greedily and stared at Wyvern, feeling her own glasses flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Wyvern on the ear as long as she could and then turned away, face teal, eyes trekked.


She would answer no scissors. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to launch.



Appy’s Version:


Salinye took the pumpkin and looked at it for a long time, scrounging visibly. Weepily she put it on the tree, and, closing her eyes, gave it a shiny(!) turn.


It rotated 23 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Mardrax.


Mardrax laughed silently, a slightly hysteric loud giggle. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty orange tonight..."


Salinye turned her head manically and stared at Mardrax, feeling her own speakers flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Mardrax on the kneecap as pointily as she could and then turned away, face orange, eyes laughing.


She would answer no brushes. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to fly.



Mardrax’s Version:


Appy took the umbrella and looked at it for a long time, raining visibly. Torrentially she put it on the sea, and, closing her eyes, gave it a wet turn.


It rotated pi times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Peredhil.


Peredhil laughed illustratively, a slightly hysteric keen snigger. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty maniacal tonight..."


Appy turned her head haughtily and stared at Peredhil, feeling her own sports trophies flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Peredhil on the ischial bone as skippily as she could and then turned away, face red, eyes jumping.


She would answer no “banananas.” She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to cook.



Venefyxatu’s Version:


Tzimfemme took the boat and looked at it for a long time, burning visibly. Extremely she put it on the plant, and, closing her eyes, gave it a dead turn.


It rotated three hundred and twenty times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Lord Panther.


Lord Panther laughed clockwise, a slightly hysteric smelly giggle. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty heavy tonight..."


Tzimfemme turned her head beautifully and stared at Lord Panther, feeling her own skeletons flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Lord Panther on the toenail as quickly as she could and then turned away, face pink, eyes worked.


She would answer no desks. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to shatter.



Peredhil’s Version:


Tralla took the oscillating beanie cap propeller and looked at it for a long time, osculating visibly. Stingily she put it on the paradigm, and, closing her eyes, gave it a stonking turn.


It rotated .00031 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Jechum.


Jechum laughed transparently, a slightly hysteric miniscule maniacal laugh. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty baby blue tonight..."


Tralla turned her head wearily and stared at Jechum, feeling her own tails flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Jechum on the eyes as highly as she could and then turned away, face puce, eyes defenestrated.


She would answer no men. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to fight.



Patrick’s Version:


Wrenwind took the Mighty Pen and looked at it for a long time, yelling visibly. Haltingly she put it on the internet, and, closing her eyes, gave it a quick turn.


It rotated Pi²/6 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Ozymandias.


Ozymandias laughed shortly, a slightly hysteric nihilistic piercing laugh. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty queer tonight..."


Wrenwind turned her head longingly and stared at Ozymandias, feeling her own keyboards flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Ozymandias on the little toe as clearly as she could and then turned away, face very pink, eyes seen.


She would answer no fields. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to chat.



Kikuyu’s Version:


Degorram took the squeaky duck and looked at it for a long time, stalking visibly. Haltingly she put it on the bell, and, closing her eyes, gave it a sultry turn.


It rotated 42 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Wyvern >.<.


Wyvern laughed quickly, a slightly hysteric red evil laugh. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty wicked tonight..."


Degorram turned her head sneakily and stared at Wyvern, feeling her own leaves flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Wyvern on the 0_0 … hand as darkly as she could and then turned away, face blue, eyes jumped.


She would answer no twins. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to giggle.



Degorram’s Version:


Kikuyu took the rock and looked at it for a long time, sitting visibly. Quickly she put it on the cloud, and, closing her eyes, gave it a fat turn.


It rotated seven times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Peredhil.


Peredhil laughed slyly, a slightly hysteric kind chuckle. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty perturbed tonight..."


Kikuyu turned her head gruffly and stared at Peredhil, feeling her own hats flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Peredhil on the ear as bluntly as she could and then turned away, face teal, eyes rolling.


She would answer no giraffes. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to fly.



Mynx’s Version:


Tanuchan took the stuffed toy and looked at it for a long time, crying visibly. Annoyingly she put it on the mirror, and, closing her eyes, gave it an ugly turn.


It rotated 42 times before it began to slow down and finally inch to a stop.


And of course. It landed in front of Wyvern.


Wyvern laughed hesitantly, a slightly hysteric cruel bray. "W-well, I guess I'm pretty frustrated tonight..."


Tanuchan turned her head violently and stared at Wyvern, feeling her own knives flare. Might as well get it over with... she thought hotly. Leaning over she kissed Wyvern on the throat as blatantly as she could and then turned away, face red, eyes crashed.


She would answer no sicophants. She was too afraid that talking would disrupt the extremely difficult job of trying not to break.



Thanks to everyone who participated, and to Degorram for the inspiration. :D

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Glad you all enjoyed it. :-) Just as a reminder - anyone is welcome to host their own madlib here, using whatever Pen passage they choose! The explanation of the process at the end of this madlib should give anyone who wants to give it a whirl a good idea of how to go about making one. Here are a few additional recommendations from yours truly should you choose to host your own Mighty Pen madlib:


1) The passage you choose should be prose, since altered poetry rarely ever results in anything funny and can also be pretty awkward.


2) Pen character RP passages often make for the best madlibs. I've found that semi-romantic threads involving a male and a female pennite work particularly well.


3) When removing words and filling the blank spaces with terms, don't shy away from specificity. For example, the passage "He picked up the Flame spell parchment" could be altered to "He picked up the [Noun] parchment," but it could also be altered to "He picked up the [Type of Spell] parchment." Adding greater specificity usually results in funnier responses, as it gives participants more of a hint in how to be creative.


4) Longer passages with well-placed word removals work better than shorter passages with tons of word removals. The passage should be at least one fairly lengthy paragraph long.


More suggestions available in Almost Dragonic Brand Criminally Insane Lib Guides™, 99 geld a piece. I love participating in these as much as I love hosting them, so I'm hoping someone else will take the initiative for the next one. ^_-

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And another Madlib to help stretch and flex those creative muscles. This time one even Wyvern can participate in. :)


1. [male pennite]

2. [female pennite]

3. [adjective]

4. [another female pennite]

5. [adjective]

6. [item of clothing]

7. [adverb]

8. [almost dragonic product]

9. [adjective]

10. [creature]

11. [adjective]

12. [body part]

13. [yet another female pennite]

14. [sickness]

15. [event]

16. [shape]

17. [speed]

18. [feeling]

19. [body part]

20. [game]

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1. [male pennite] - Venefyxatu

2. [female pennite] - Ayshela

3. [adjective] - stratospheric

4. [another female pennite] - Tralla

5. [adjective] - morose

6. [item of clothing] - mites

7. [adverb] - clamorously

8. [almost dragonic product] - Almost Dragonic LemonoAid ™

9. [adjective] - sneaky

10. [creature] - giant kraken

11. [adjective] - insane

12. [body part] - earlobe

13. [yet another female pennite] - Tzimfemme

14. [sickness] - plague

15. [event] - NaNoWriMo

16. [shape] - toroid

17. [speed] - 19.99 light-years/second

18. [feeling] - elation

19. [body part] - tongue

20. [game] - cricket


PS. Please let me know if something needs fixing, not thinking completely straight tonight :P

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1. [male pennite] -- Wyvern

2. [female pennite] -- Kikuyu

3. [adjective] -- cramped

4. [another female pennite] -- Degorram

5. [adjective] -- dark

6. [item of clothing] -- cloak

7. [adverb] -- sinisterly

8. [almost dragonic product] -- Almost Dragonic Brand Vampiric Batting Ball™

9. [adjective] -- wildly

10. [creature] -- spawn

11. [adjective] -- eerily

12. [body part] -- tail

13. [yet another female pennite] -- troubled sleep

14. [sickness] -- african sleeping sickness

15. [event] -- birthday

16. [shape] -- ball

17. [speed] -- mach 1

18. [feeling] -- a bad

19. [body part] -- wing

20. [game] -- twister


>:D Hahahaha....

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1. [male pennite] Orlan

2. [female pennite] Wrenwind

3. [adjective] bold

4. [another female pennite] Ayshela

5. [adjective] royal blue

6. [item of clothing] corset

7. [adverb] dynamically

8. [almost dragonic product] Almost Dragonic Hair Remover™ (only 2 Geld if you order now!)

9. [adjective] bashful

10. [creature] jabberwocky

11. [adjective] orange

12. [body part] nostrils.

13. [yet another female pennite] Beautiful Nightmare

14. [sickness] cooties

15. [event] Annual Pen Fundraiser

16. [shape] round

17. [speed] approaching the speed of light

18. [feeling] gruntled

19. [body part] toe

20. [game] War on Terror: the boardgame

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Wyvern claps his claws together, then grins at Patrick and begins scribbling away. The overgrown lizard shields his choices from a curious Pen public by raising a wing over the response sheet.


1. Patham

2. Tzimfemme

3. overt

4. Rydia

5. Wyvern-approved

6. transparent pink nightgown

7. nonchalantly

8. Almost Dragonic Brand Dirty Vile Disc™

9. recyclable

10. news rat

11. drop dead sexy

12. rear end

13. CheerMynx

14. nymphomania

15. 68th Annual Chocolate Mud Wrestling Competition

16. heart-shaped

17. track-and-field decathlon fast

18. exhiliration

19. chest

20. Pass the Bruteweiser Bottle

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1. [male pennite]Falcon2001

2. [female pennite]Annael

3. [adjective]unruly

4. [another female pennite]blondemoon

5. [adjective]farfetched

6. [item of clothing]cravat

7. [adverb]adverbially

8. [almost dragonic product]Wyvern's ego

9. [adjective]hoarse

10. [creature]sheep

11. [adjective]tiny

12. [body part]brain

13. [yet another female pennite]dragonqueen

14. [sickness]polio

15. [event]Saint Nicholas Eve

16. [shape]rhombus

17. [speed]35 mph

18. [feeling]consternation

19. [body part]toe

20. [game]Parcheesi

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1. [male pennite]Cryptomancer

2. [female pennite]Harmonious_echos

3. [adjective]Slim

4. [another female pennite]Kikuyu

5. [adjective]Shiny

6. [item of clothing]Slippers

7. [adverb]gracefully

8. [almost dragonic product]Dark Creature Snake Oil

9. [adjective]dirty

10. [creature]Purple People Eater

11. [adjective]keen

12. [body part]Wrist

13. [yet another female pennite]Dagorram

14. [sickness]Black Plague

15. [event]Birthday Party

16. [shape]Octogon

17. [speed]369.5 MPH

18. [feeling]joy

19. [body part]nose

20. [game]Egyptian Rats

Edited by Harmony
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