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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Fat Girl


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Fat girl


There is comfort in this layer of fat

It hides the curves that make men stare

A warmth that lets women be her friend

No longer do they point ,whisper and glare

Not many know that under it all is beauty

Nor do they care



She is a fat girl



Outward beauty is a mark of success in our society

Where those who don't measure up are cast aside

A prison where looks matter more than deeds

Slowly over time beauty blissfully hides

Queitly She joins the outcasts

Takes her place and peacefully abides



Comfortably invisible

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Modern day thinking with the advent of advertising basically tells us what is popular and appealing and what sometimes very blatantly "is not".


The worst thing about this that I see every day even very close to home, in the office at work or lazily discussed openly in a pub is visage. How people look. Our societies drill into us from a very early age ridiculous notions of "perfection", "vanity" etc..


This is resultant of capitalistic companies worlwide promoting their products designed to appeal to people who want to be in with the "norm" or that which will make them a "cut above" the rest. The moeny spent on advertising would be far better invested in some decent education for even the older members of the community to not be so fickle and pass remarkable judging a person before they even open their mouth!! If you think about it - its quite insane and shallow.


I feel very strongly about this topic and I think that you captured it perfectly Wren (sorry to go spamming all over you thread).



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Peredhil, having had one reply to this eaten, tries again.


This is a really timely poem. As Parmenion pointed out, the media pushes the image of hyper-skinny through the use of models. Models whose body-type is extremely rare and unattainable by normal people. Also, don't discount the power of a computer to remove any little imperfections.

I have to admit, I enjoy looking at a woman who is a bit more substancial than the current models - If, at 15 meters, I can't tell if it is an adolescent teenaged boy, girl, or grown woman, she's not quite my type.


I've long had a rough hypothesis about beauty. It's more of a tendency than anything else, and even as I write, I can think of exceptions.


Beauty tends to be defined as something only the rich can afford. Looking back through history...

When most women were still working the fields, tanned, calloused, always hungry, beauty was pale, smooth, and what would be considered plump. (Reuben's paintings anyone?) The look that took time and money to maintain.


When women moved indoors, secretarial to the present computer jobs, beauty became slender, muscularly fit, with a deep even tan. The plump pale woman was now not beautiful, but a cubicle worker.


Just a thought, inspired by your excellent poem.

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"A warmth that lets women be her friend".


Why does this bother me so? In my minds eye there is beauty but it more than just the wrapping. I could see some shallow male walking past without noticing but women see other women as either threatening or non-threatening. Am I reading this right? How sad life can be when this world is inhabited with people like this. I like it WrenWind because it effected me.

I will leave you with a line from "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray.



"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,

And waste its sweetness on the desert air. "

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Regel - not universally, but sufficiently so, yes. In my younger years (pre-kids and mid-life-crap, so to speak) not one woman in ten would honestly sit and *talk* with me, most simply talked *at* me with one eye on their husbands or boyfriends to make sure i didn't get "too close" or that they didn't notice me. My own firm attachment elsewhere was meaningless.


Sometimes, it's worth the price to become non-threatening, especially as you become much less of a target in the process.

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If the measure of a good piece of literature is the amount of discussion it sets off then consider this a strong piece WrenWind.


"Sometimes, it's worth the price to become non-threatening, especially as you become much less of a target in the process."


I did understand the sentiment Ayshela. How often do we stereotype people on body type and other visual clues without ever getting to know the person? I was a rather plump lad in my youth and as a young male all it ever got me was persecution and ridicule. I shed the body type as a young adolescent and things got a whole lot better for me, but I never shed the mindset.

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I've been thinking a lot about this poem and the discussion that it has stirred and it had made me realise that I was able to write this now because I am in the process of (this sounds corny ) finding myself again. Too many years I have been everything to everyone,obliviously hiding in my little world no sence of self . slowly over the course of the past two years i have realised that there was still a person in behind the reflection in the mirror.One that loved lif and people. A woman,not just a Mom and wife but a sensual beautiful woman. The confindence is slower to com but I feel more an more the person left behind so many years ago. Joining this little community and writing again has help me along the way.


Thank you all for your comments and support.

Edited by WrenWind
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That might as well be their motto!


I personally understand the poem. I have had so many females NOT take the time to get to know me, produce prejudices about me, or automatically assume me stuck up without ever having had a conversation with me. :0(


That's not a fun position to be in. I'm not sure why so many girls are so petty, but the most important thing to remember is not ALL girls are that way. Also, it really comes down to the word I'm using, "girls" Usually when girls grow up into women, I think most of them leave that sort of thing behind. I also think it stems from their own insecurities.


In many ways, the girls that act like that are the product of the same society that created the "fat girl" mentioned in the poem. The positive side to all of this is that we can all improve ourselves and change the trend one person at a time.


I commend you, Wrenwind, because you are a beautiful person.


~Salinye :butterfly:

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Awesome poem Wren, sorry I hadn't gotten around to reading it until now. But excellent job.


And besides, you know I'll always consider you one of the most beautiful women I've ever met.


I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to get to know you, cuz there's times I'd be a little lost without you there to talk to.


Thanks for bringing this poem to us, and thank you for being you.

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Wow that brother of mine he does tend to go for a while doesnt he? Although he does make excellent points some of the time! I like this poem but i didnt get the first stanza(a line in this stanza) i mean all girls like to be looked at whether there skinny or fat i mean seriously we wouldnt be girls if we didnt love the attention,right? But still excellent poem! *hugs*

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