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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. I like this... as a poem, offcourse i'm drunk at this moment, but you know what I mean hun *huggles Zen* It's straightforward and without fuzz.. yes, I like it and Im sure I'll like it tomorrow still.
  2. *Appy cheers and blows her paperflutethingy* Congrats to all!
  3. Be around Don't back away The words You don't need to say Show it Feel it Live it The rest will go it's way
  4. Trigun! offcourse! thank you so much
  5. For me the supernatural ability would be to fit in this Era.. i don't understand how anybody else does it. But since that's probably not what was meant I'm going to have to go for Flying and Telepathy, the ability to be truly free in movement and to be truly capable of relaying my thoughts and feelings.. ~as a side note, I Like these questionthingies! Just wanted to say.. ~
  6. It is indeed the third stanza (so that's what they're called) that i'm not happy with, thankies for all comments how about: But ever my feet wander forward into the future I recognise A glimpse of time Tomorrow will always be yesterday
  7. Yes, absolutely beautiful.. you describe almost every inch of finding true love here, something I was so lucky to encounter, and I'm sure that you will find yours one day hun *huggles* ---------------- It’s not a fleeting moment or experience that’s passed It’s friendship, trust and honesty… ..emotions built to last. ---------------- I simply love the last line here, it's a poem on it's own almost
  8. Ah i can only agree with Parmenion here, MORE! Lovely little piece this, made me smile big time thinking of how often I felt like that, coping with the hectics of todays life... wonderful
  9. I feel like reading lyrics from gothicmetal bands here.. and that definitly is a compliment comming from me. Very nice work! Keep them comming
  10. My feet wander forwards My head wanders backwards Back into time Reminiscing Days gone past never to be lived again closing my eyes pictures in the dark Joy and Sorrow Sweetness and Pain it's all here to be examined to be explained to be cherished here, in my head But my feet wander forward Ever to the future A glimpse of time Tomorrow will always be Yesterday [01 september 2003, Levekusen]
  11. Just for my two cents We bought "28 days later" on DVD before ever seeing it, and i think it was a good buy.. the beginning freaks one out yes, then it slows down again a bit but in the end you get maybe more action then one would like (I say the eye scene). Still, if talking about zombie movies, I can only say "Resident Evil".. why is it always the best chick that... oh wait, no spoilers As for Evangelion, I think I only saw "end of Evangelion" and it was.. well, weird. Especially if you don't know anything about the series, but then again, we watched it on one of our "anime and smoking pot" evenings... turned out fun anyways Further on the subject anime, I saw only a few episodes of Cowbow Bebop and find it entertaining, but i can't really form an opinion yet.. close call with Vash de Stampede.. what's the series called again? *smacks her head a bit* And the one serie I want to recommend is "Serial Experiments Lain". Beautiful artwork and intrigueing story, if somewhat slow and confusing at times...but definitly worth sitting through 13 episodes! I won't go into talking about LotR.. I just won't. One question I have in general, does Anyone here know the movie "Nowhere"?
  12. *Appy's eyes open wide while accepting the lil scribble with the big ACCEPTED on it and starts grinning wildly* Thank you! Thank you! *looks a bit embarrased not knowing what else to say and stutters another small thank you while bowing herself towards the door* oh, uhm, and you are right, you people are great! *still a bit confused by the lizards appearance, Appy runs out of the office beaming and bumps into solivagus and his armchair* *Hug back* thank you! OOC: Appy is actually derived from Apaltra.. somehow my nick got turned into a nick of itself
  13. Simpel and honest, very nicely done.. usually i don't like repeated (whatsiscalled) 4 lines (lol) but here it makes it that much stronger.
  14. Just for now (still have to read the rest lol) but i adore the second poem! it's bringing images to my mind, a thing that doesn't happen often with me when reading poetry.. very fine work my friend. The first is kinda hilarious btw.. is that just me?
  15. Verify my existence for i am helpless without a referrence to the real world outside my head thoughts clouded images shrouded one question remains forever Who am I? [27 augustus 2003, Leverkusen] ----- ~on a lighter note.. the girl stood before me in line for traintickets~ Ode to the girl in front of me Hair flowing like currants of air made visible by smoke I want to touch feel the curls playing on my hands enjoy the softness the silk experience of her hair But i am not allowed by the current society I can only stare and dream We never met before... [26 augustus 2003, Leverkusen]
  16. have to agree with Annael here, being alone
  17. I like it! Very well worded this, I especially like the last lines.. time just dissapears when being together with someone you love yes *huggles Arwen* stay happy dear, i'd like to see more of this :woot:
  18. I like this too Funny how thoughts tend to visualise themselves at times... even though you weren't trying, well done I say. Never stop trying!
  19. ~ I made this a while ago, putting in words for a friend what I had come up with after some thourough philosophysing... ~ One of the key things binding all in life is pain. It is with birth, it is with growing, it is with learning to walk and learning to fall, it is with relationships, and learning to love and it is with death, for those that go, and those left behind. It is part of life, therefor the only logical action should be "Live it"
  20. I like this, most powerfull question, the "why?" Accidentally you have a stray question mark here
  21. yay! someone knows it And yeah i agree, that line IS in the way.. might change it to something else.. thanks for the idea
  22. *Appy cheers* A wollipop! yay! Thanks parm for your kind words *twirls the wollipop and huggles the bald one* "A poem is there as much as to be interpreted by the reader, as to be written by the writer" IMO But one day i might explain it.. if one asks nice *grin*
  23. Gathered they stand My frolicky friends A smile upon each face Making my day Images of woods Sun playing above Birds singing together For eachothers love Sitting here looking At my frolicky friends A smile upon my face And a reminiscing Of the Magic Roundabout [24 augustus 2003, Leverkusen] ~It's a beautiful day today, felt i had to share it.. don't you just LOVE the Magic Roundabout (VERY old tv-series about.. yesyes, a Magical Roundabout.. wish they would show that again).. Here's a picture of my frolicky friends, that inspired this, with many thanks to Sorciere for hosting it *hugs* Aren't they cute? ~
  24. Capturing story.. leaves me wondering which is the good side, if there ever was any.. nice work hun
  25. I remember your name, but i doubt we know eachother lol.. probably saw you posting on UBB anyways, welcom back from a stranger
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