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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ayshela

  1. meh.. it sneaked up and got you. only goes to show you're as human as the rest of us. i've spent my nights like that too, and it always looks and feels a little silly by the light of day, but at the time and in the dark of night it's overwhelming. no need for either apologies or embarassment, IMO. *hugs*
  2. now *there's* something i can follow... Tattered - my sympathy and understanding.. you have a knack for writing what i feel but either can't find words for, or wouldn't dare to say. Peredhil - illuminating as ever, thank you. a definite, concrete series of small things, small steps, graspable how-to's.. even *i* can follow that. thank you.
  3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..... *deep breath* precisely. i wish i'd said it half so well. thank you, Yui.
  4. *hugs* oh... i suspect that those of us who breathe deeply of the atmosphere here might have a small hint. glad to see you back, hope you can stay! *hugs*
  5. *snort* well, i guess we can all tell your opinion of *us* eh? ;>
  6. comfortably, or safely, invisible. very true.
  7. mmm i swear i answered this one too.. must be a post-eating gremlin about The Pen... despite the fact that i've become more self-conscious as the years have dragged on.. (well, and maybe depending on whether i've had to deal with the kids' dad or not, and whether he's managed to sap my fledgling confidence or enrage me into rebellion..) i was a born nudist, and for most of my life my sole creed has been "clothes are evil and shoes are eviler". i think i would probably take a firm hold on the position that if you don't like the view you're more than welcome to look elsewhere, ditch my clothes and hit the water.
  8. i swear i responded to this one... strange.. i didn't find the flow of this odd at all, actually. It does, though, rather remind me of the saying "be nice to your children, they'll choose your nursing home." i liked it. Zool - wonderful! my heartiest congratulations! *hugs*
  9. bar the last line of "Hide from Sleep" you could have taken the thoughts from my head. Self hate - mmm. don't know what to tell you, here. i can but sit and read and nod gently.. but no, self-hate is not the same as self-pity. Self-hate is based for too much in anger to be at all closely related to pity. *hugs*
  10. good for you, and glad to hear it! and glad to see you find your voice. welcome!
  11. i liked the original concept, but i like the revision even better. i don't think "ugly" fits the original concept, though it is very true-to-life. it simply doesn't follow "empty" or "nothing" as well. must be time to shut up, i've stared at this screen for five minutes. meh. i liked it. i guess that's really all i had to say.
  12. a very Happy Birthday!! *begins passing out cake and ice cream*
  13. ACK ACK ACK!! noooooooooo.. no more Tasslehoff??? it can't be!!! *sigh* well, i hope you know i wish you the best, and you'll be in my thoughts between now and when you can pop back in here again. **huge hugs**
  14. It's troubled sleep's birthday today! A very merry fifteenth to you, dear. May life and your muse be kind to you. **happy birthday hugs**
  15. a nice lesson in taking, too. but i fear that those who truly need to hear it, would not understand it.
  16. i saw myself and was displeased i saw far off what i wished to be through the vastness of the space between through the multitude of tiny steps through all the times i lose my way and fall i still see you hand outstretched to help me back on my way your encouragement that it will work out okay your unswerving belief that i AM okay and that i can be better i still see you showing me what can be done showing me the paths from which to choose and which will lead me far astray showing me how to be me i still see you thank you
  17. HAH! Vincent if you EVER figure out how to keep stupid crap from happening, i'll keep you... you'll be my pocket-Pennite forever!!! (insert evil laughter here) *G* umm. oddly enough, i was seriously contemplating posing this question last week. i would choose... of abilities designed specifically to be of help to others, healing would definitely be my first choice. of abilities more specifically to *my* benefit (though i'd hope i could hang on to someone or something and take them with me).. teleportation, most definitely! As someone who puts on an average 100K miles a year, i could stand to be able to teleport!!
  18. yay!!!!! congratulations and hugs to all!
  19. an excellent point, well made.
  20. What then is happiness? and can it be taught?
  21. Ah, gods, can it have been that long since i stood and watched mine walk away for their first days?? First days now are.. the first day in Middle School, the first day in High School, the first day of Running Start class.. and yes, i still hold my breath as they go off and hope all goes well for them.
  22. Appy - i like both of these. if you figure out how to figure out the answer, please let me know??
  23. "where the socks march in unison" i love it!! is that where all the renegade socks go, when they escape from the laundry?
  24. Sometimes, honest expressions of pain and confusion are less than elegant. One honest word/phrase, an expression geared to grab someone's attention and make them notice the rejection of their demands, does not IMO negate a heartfelt searching piece. i like this.
  25. mmm. i'd have to answer this two different ways.. purely physically - snakes (don't ask) otherwise - being helpless, which has always led to terror and/or pain
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