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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

White as snow...


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Ok... so this is, perhaps, a bit sad. But that's expected of me. And I felt bad about not having written anything lately.


White as snow...


I knew a man, a time ago,

whose tale I think you ought to know.

His heart was pure, as white as snow,

yet in the end, he sank too low

beneath his load. You ought to know...

he was a healer, white as snow.


He bore too many other's loads,

and lost himself within their needs.

He travelled with them down their roads...

I fear I know where that path leads.


I knew a man in days long past,

whose giving heart was unsurpassed.

He gave it all, until at last

he'd nothing left. And so they cast

their burdens, with weight unsurpassed

upon the man, until at last


he snapped, and shattered under such

a load, for all have limits. Yet,

he sacrificed his all. Too much

was given up without regret.


I knew a man a time ago...

his heart was pure, as white as snow.

Edited by Alaeha
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This was a touch of class Alaeha. An exceptional work and a captivating read. I think you worked the repetition of "white as snow" very well. It got across to the reader just how noble and good this man was simply via this well placed repetition.


I thought it had a great message about not to expect too much of others - I didn't find it in the least sad. Congrats!




(took the liberty of correcting a mispelled word. A mere speck in a good response, but since I have the power... ;) -P'.

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I did't think of any fairy tale in specific, but the visualisation strongly reminds me of fairy tale visualisation of virtues and the such. It would make a great tale about giving and, exaclty like Parmenion pointed out, to not to expect too much from others.

It is inspiring :)

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