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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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black is my favorite color

would you like to know why

you see it seems, as i have been told

black is the last thing you see when you die

the brain cells get adjusted then and even if you were good

you dont see white or purple or red

like you thought you should

i think i want to be dead

you maybe see red when you slit your wrists

or purple when you fall on your head

but all those dont matter because you see black when your dead.

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Well, it's logical that you'd "see" black, because black is the absence of light and color. With your eyes not registering anything, it would seem to me that such would constitute an absence of color. Thus it would be black. Though I see what you mean... The question, then, is whether you cease or continue to exist when you die.

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depends on which way you're looking at it...


From the point of view of photons, black is the absence of color, and white the mixture.


From the point of view of paint, black is the combination of color (since it absorbs all wavelengths and reflects none) and white is the absence (since it reflects the wavelengths coming in).


Isn't it neat when everyone is equally right but saying something different?


I like the poem Arwen, it made me think. :)





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Hmm, rather morbid.


I like the rhythm to it. Kind of jolting cuz its not consistent. I'm impressed with how you could use such simple words to talk about such a serious issue.


And I can sympathize with you on your feelings.


Nice work...a thought-provoking piece. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

hi! you showed me this in mirc, I already told you then, but I'll say it again:


good poem, I like it caus it's simple and direct and it's really you :D *hug*


and you see black, caus you can't see anything at all, the absence of colours will result in black (it's the same as with your computer screen :woot: )

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