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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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"Goodbye, I'll miss you"


A moment is forever when you've been rent straight through the heart

A minute is eternity when you and your love are far apart

How can I survive this pain when she has gone away

The kiss we shared so long ago - could it have been monday?

A burning heat released from bonds, we shared a secret song

A song that still burns in my mind, even 'ere she's gone

A lovely land my fingers caressed, the lines of her precious face

And of the honey upon her lips I gently took a taste

Her eyes, bejeweled and spark'ling bright, were filled with love and joy

The moment hung through eternity, brashly proud yet coy

The precious seconds we spent together still run through my mind

And still I close my eyes and sigh, remembering our lives entwined

But now she's gone and I am torn, my better half removed

Remembering the moment when my fears were all disproved

And so I wait through dusky day, the departed sun a dream

The cutting pain is everywhere now, I release a silent scream

A day is a darkened void when all you do is mourn

But a week stretches to infinity when you're torn.

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Powerful and well written, I enjoyed reading this, Falcon. :)


"The moment hung through eternity, brashly proud yet coy" That has to be my favorite line of the poem, (though the rest were excellent as well!) there's just something compelling about the wording.


Excellent job, Falcon.

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  • 1 year later...

Very powerful and very moving; I agree with all the others in saying that this is an excellent poem worthy of every bit of praise it has recieved.


A comment on the structure:

- I like how the first two lines metrically start with a

1 syllable-2 syllable-1 syllable-3 syllable/1 syllable-2 syllable-1 syllable-4 syllable


That subtly gives the poem a sense of building, unconscious except to the trained eye, and puts the reader into a rythm of sorts very early on, always helpful when reading a poem.


The internal rhyme in line 3 is very clever, "How can I survive," I like how you neatly fit that little tidbit into the larger poem. It accomplishes its task effortlessly, and the word choice doesn't feel at all strained.

Edited by HappyBuddha
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